(Archive) Advertising District / World of Warcraft

  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo
    Well guess it's time for me to actually show something.

    The park is based a lot on the warcraft series (rather famous games) and maybe a bit on the upcoming one. There will be four major cities and a few random places taken from the warcraft story. First screens will be off Stormwind, human capital.

    Some archy before the gates of Stormwind.

    A minicoaster, also before the gates.

    Archy after the gates.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Very good.

    My only comment would be that it needs more individuality - we've seen this before from foozy and kraken. It needs something... it just needs to show originality in using scenery in different ways, experimenting with more outrageous shapes etc. The mini coaster screen's foliage could do with some work as well imo, too disorganised for me.

    That said, it's great to see something more from you. I like this uber-detail stuff (this is, by the way, slightly too detailed for me but still great) and I think you're very talented. I think you just need to be a bit braver in what you create.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    that coaster looks familar ;) but yes, i love the detail in the screens. it looks like its detailed, but solid at the same time. and you need wider paths, the buildings seem to over power the 1x1 paths. other than that, its great, but what foozy/kraken/weeman park isnt great? :D
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    looks nice, good detail.
    though i cant really judge it to well cos i havnt played the games.

  • sloB%s's Photo
    I don't know about this personally.

    While there is tons of detail, and I must commend you for that, I feel like the screens are all somewhat messy. It looks like you've just thrown together a bunch of random walls and objects with no rhyme or reason. While on the other hand, someone like fooz has lots of detail but everything still looks very organized and appropriate (I'd say Kraken is somewhere in between you two).

    Either way it doesn't look bad , but I think it could be cleaned up a bit and look much better. Just my thoughts.
  • Fade2Grey%s's Photo
    First off, World of Warcraft -- nice choice =) You signed up for beta yet?

    For the screenshots you've showed, they look really nice, but not really like Stormwind usually appears in World of Warcraft screenshots. It should be more of a massive castle like city. I don't know if this image will show up, so if it doesn't the link is underneath. That's more how i think Stormwind should look like, i think Blizzard's graphics and your building style kinda clash... their graphics are quite simple and cartoony. Best of luck with the park though, definately a cool idea, and with your style i'm sure the orc/tauren areas will look amazing.


    (Extreme Blizzard Fanboi)
  • cBass%s's Photo
    Great idea, weeman. Warcraft and RCT have a similar look, especially the earlier versions of Warcraft.

    I like the minicoaster.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    [font="Arial"]Don't stain Warcraft with RCT.[/font]
  • mantis%s's Photo

    [font="Arial"]Don't stain Warcraft with RCT.[/font]

    Don't spam the Ad District. I'm fed up of having to clear up after you.

    The buildings are very detailed, and the colours work. Is there any way of stopping the coaster glitching through those base blocks, though?
  • John%s's Photo

    My only comment would be that it needs more individuality - we've seen this before from foozy and kraken.

    Following your own advice would help you out, too.

    I don't like it. Frankly, it is a weak attempt at the 'Foozy style', which is prevalent in all of your work. Thing is, you don't pull it off right. With this park, I can't pull out any specific theme, none of the textures work together harmoniously. Yet, with Foozy's work, there is a definite theme and place for all of the detail. This park has alot of unnecessary 'fluff' scenery that doesn't work with the basic scenery, and really drags everything else down the drain. The landscaping and foliage doesn't help either. It enhances the ugly, messy effect of the buildings. I think your Eldorado park looked much better, because the detail had a place and purpose, albeit it was still a 'Foozy whore'.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ thanks.

    I'll see what I can do. Although my style I think is more different from foozy than this.
  • John%s's Photo
    Not just Foozy, in general.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Well my initial advice was in respect to the foozy/kraken style. And anyway, you've only seen at best two screens of my new stuff, so stop being so pedantic and let's get back on topic. If you want to accuse me of whoring off someone's style (yours?) I'm on aim.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    Following your own advice would help you out, too.

    I don't like it. Frankly, it is a weak attempt at the 'Foozy style', which is prevalent in all of your work. Thing is, you don't pull it off right. With this park, I can't pull out any specific theme, none of the textures work together harmoniously. Yet, with Foozy's work, there is a definite theme and place for all of the detail. This park has alot of unnecessary 'fluff' scenery that doesn't work with the basic scenery, and really drags everything else down the drain. The landscaping and foliage doesn't help either. It enhances the ugly, messy effect of the buildings. I think your Eldorado park looked much better, because the detail had a place and purpose, albeit it was still a 'Foozy whore'.

    John, shut up.

    This guy isn't Foozy, and he has is own way of building. Get over the fact that he puts a lot of little details just like Foozy and yourself. Honestly John, I think Weeman is about the same level as yourself, if not above it. He's got his own style, so live with it. Your post was just a large flame and didn't have to be put in the manner in which you did.

    Weeman, you're screens are beautiful, and they have such a wonderful atmosphere! I think some of that scenery really adds to the feel, and the idea behind the park is perfect. Great job.
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo
    Screen one shows potential in the main building, and splitting pathway to the left, however the rest of the screen is randomish, and really makes no sense. I'm not a big fan of the screen overall.

    Screen 2 is horrible. Random scenery strewn across a hill shows no real vision in a park, and the coaster's design doesent strike me as great.

    Screen 3 is wonderful. This is a sensible building with great detail.
  • John%s's Photo

    John, shut up.

    This guy isn't Foozy, and he has is own way of building.  Get over the fact that he puts a lot of little details just like Foozy and yourself.  Honestly John, I think Weeman is about the same level as yourself, if not above it.  He's got his own style, so live with it.  Your post was just a large flame and didn't have to be put in the manner in which you did.

    You seem to have stumbled across my point - he isn't Foozy. Yet, with almost every one of the screenshots I've seen of his, it seems as though he is attempting to be, intentional or not. It isn't simply the fact that he places details everywhere, it's that they don't seem to serve any purpose, nor do they add to the atmosphere. My post served a purpose, and instead of sugar-coating things it was to the point. I criticized these screenshots and even complimented on his previous work, but I still cannot look at it and definitely say, "that's a Weeman park". I still see a whole bunch of Foozy and not alot of individuality.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    I don't think adding detail is a "style". That's a technique. Saying that someone's using detail, and is therefore copying someone else is as ridiculous to my eyes as saying someone copied another person by building a roller coaster in their park. However, I can see where John is coming from in that the use of detail is very similar to Foozy's in colour, use of TT quarter block scenery etc as I said in my first post.

    John - perhaps it's best at times not to "sugar coat" words but just put things in a slightly more tactful way. I mean, most of your post seemed to say what you didn't like but didn't attempt to say how it could be any better.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Wow guys, way to hijack the topic!
    I relize I over reacted a bit, but hey, I have every right too. Warcraft is an amazing and unique game, just like RCT, you don't see people trying to recreate RCT in Warcraft, no.
    I was just thinking let the games be seperate.
    Still what you have here looks nothing like the game.
    RCT isnt 'round' enough to try to recreate the Warcraft world I think.
    Save yourself alot of trouble and rename it or something creative, so you dont have people like me pissing on you.
    You still have quality RCT work here, so keep building.
  • guljam%s's Photo
    Archtecture details is very amazing job!
    I like this style... but I don't play WarCraft ;; ???

    nice screens
  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo
    K. I see where John and Deano are coming from. I'm gonna do my best not make it look like "Fooz rip off", but could you John explain or atleast point out where i had useless or messy "detail". Hehe! :) And slob, is it the building in the second or first screen where you dont like the walls suddenly changing into something totally different?

    Meanwhile i had some more time to work on it and thanks for the comments. They really were helpful to me.


    Those who say it doesnt look like warcraft, bear in mind, this is my version of it. Some of it i still try to recreate to represent blizzards vision of it. Like the castle will be in Stormwind and a few walls, rest i'll create by myself. Though ill try to keep the style of architecture similiar to the screns ive seen of WoW.


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