RCT Discussion / Cant figure Trainer out
- 23-January 04
coasterfreak316 Offline
Can someone help me i dont know how to use this hack....what i want to do is make a inverted roller coaster and have the stations merge how can i do this? -
coasterfreak316 Offline
Like what i want is 2 stations, then the two stations merge to 1 by a s curve then at the end of the ride the 1 track splits into 2 tracks to go into 2 stations -
coasterfreak316 Offline
Sorry for Posting TWICE in a row but i found a picture of kinda what i want you can see it here: -
natelox Offline
It is impossible to make a train go from one of two stations onto one track, then go back to one of two stations. That picture that you showed is entierly possible (even though it was edited using Photoshop or MS Paint), but it is impossible with stations. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
It can be done, sort of... You might be able to pull it off with Beast with a little effort. You just set one coaster a 4th of a tile higher than the other (as long as the station is at the base of a height block, it should run fine, but this whole thing is a theory, so dont hold me to it if your game fucks up.) The only problem with this is that it's extremely glitchy. I wouldn't want to fuck with something as complicated as that with the Beast, though... So to answer the initial question, no, you can't do the hack, but you can make it look like you did, and that is all that matters. -
coasterfreak316 Offline
OK i have another problem now, Im trying to merge the track I did it, then i put the entrance/Exit in and i go to test and it says incomplete circuit, Can someone help me? -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Powered launch, downward launch, upward launch... Anything that can run without being on a complete circuit will do. -
coasterfreak316 Offline
AHHHHHHHHHHHH a new problem i have the track merge and all that the train goes up it goes to go onto the new track and it goes rite through it then it blows up, if anone were on it thede be dead it like im evil or something lol how do i fix this??
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