General Chat / Scenes from a Hat
23-January 04
Corkscrewed Offline
Okay, if you want Who's Line Is It Anyway? you know what this game is. Basically, I pull a slip of paper from a hat and read the scenes I want you to act out. You guys come up with as many funny lines as you can until I pull the next scene. So basically, everyday or so, I'll post a new "scene." You reply with as many funny examples as you can.
For example (pulling from my current AIM profile):
I say Things you shouldn't say at a Lord of the Rings Movie
Person A replies
(Stand in front of the entrance to the theater and scream) "YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!!!!"
Person B replies
(At the Battle of Pelennor Fields, shout out) "The Naboo battle was a LOT better than this!!!"
Person C replies
"Where the heck is Harry Potter???"
and so on until I come up with a new "scene" from the "hat."
- You can only post one example at a time.
- You cannot post two times in a row; if you have two good ones, you can only post one, then wait from someone else to post theirs before posting another one.
Get it? It could be a fun game. -
hpg Offline
Edit: Sorry, should've edited my other post. My bad...
Edit #2: Fuck, I gotta start reading the rules...
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