(Archive) Advertising District / Frontier Oasis

  • Roberto Roboparks%s's Photo
    Looks ok.

    You should put a fence in the left upper corner, between the path and the coaster tunnel. Peeps could fall down in to that gap, you know?
  • jon%s's Photo
    It's OK. It lacks the detail and depth of the other areas in the park but that coaster looks good. But as said in the above post, put a fence next to that hole.

    Is there anyone who has not worked on this park yet? lol
  • JKay%s's Photo

    Posted Image

    Looks good Panic.

    Other than a few missing details (i.e. benches, lamps, fences, litter bins..) this doesn't look too bad. I especially like the barrel roll over the path. Lack of 1/4 tile within the architecture bugs me a little too, but I know the workbench for this park sucks.... :)

    Loopy, plz PM'me if you read this....
  • postit%s's Photo
    Lower the water level over there on the left. It's driving me crazy. Also change the grass land type over there to something else...
  • Infernoman%s's Photo
    Maybe try to do something with the big mound of dirt over on the right
  • disneylandian192%s's Photo
    I hate those circle windows. otyher then that this park is golden!
    Edit:(JKays I mean)
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    I'm not agreeing with those white fences actually.... but I love how the coaster windws it's way amongst those buildings....
  • Hexiage%s's Photo
    the screen is ok. the coaster is good, bute the houses...i don't like the colours and the architecture!


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