(Archive) Advertising District / Frontier Oasis

  • shameless%s's Photo
    this park is unbelievable, the way the rides and scenery go together is perfect and i really like your entrance. the only thing i dont like about it is that screen of "illusionater" in my opinion, there is too much blue/green, you should consider using a third color, like a brick color or tan or something, and using the blue and green to accentuate(sp) it.

    thats just my 2cents ;)
  • JKay%s's Photo
    deano - I've addressed the issue described in your comment. Thanks for pointing that out.

    I appreciate all the other comments so far. Here is another screen of Tlaloc's Temple with the ride station in the foreground. The ride is now 80% complete.

    Posted Image
  • JKay%s's Photo
    UPDATE: I've finished Island of Tenoch: Tlaloc's Temple, the main attraction in my park. I feel I'm due for a zoomed out view so here it is. Please comment if possible.

    Island of Tenoch: Tlaloc's Temple
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    Here is a sculpture / entrance sign at the front of the island:
    Posted Image

    This park is moving a bit slower than I thought.....Its at about 25%. The next section to be constructed will be the Royal Palm Hotel & Resort. Please look for future updates. :)
  • ECC%s's Photo
    Those stairs are cool. :birthday2:
  • BchillerR%s's Photo
    I really like those stairs in that last screen. It's something new, and makes the area more interesting to look at. In my opinion, the color you have picked works great with the theme your trying to accomplish, it really creates atmosphere.

    Your landscaping though looks a little dull. I think you should change the ground texture to something rather than dirty grass, I know it's a variation than to sticking with old boring grass... but in my opinion dirty grass is just as bad. I think you should change it to either sand or dirt, that way the landscaping sticks out a little more.

    The architecture you have made is hard to compliment on. It's something different I haven't really seen, so I can't really figure out what it is that I don't like about it, so I can't really give any of my thoughts on how to improve on it. Though, it's not bad... not bad at all.

    Over all, I like what you have done so far (in that last screen that is, I haven't really check out the other ones)... so keep working, and keep posting screens.

  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    You think you could make it a little wider?
  • RedBrain%s's Photo
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Brilliant use of the 1/4 tiles. Really good. I think I like the grass too - it contrasts with the reds/yellows more than dirt would.
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    I agree with Chiller on the grass, and I think you should experiment with the land types to see what you like best. The overall layout is great, and I also like how it has an actual major ride on the island as well. I also really like the path surrounding the island in the lake, its like you're leaving the real world and venturing off into fantasy, yet still it somehow doesn't look too fantasy to be unrealistic. The waterfalls on the left could be broken up a little, but that is definitely a great screen. Try not to show too much of the park though.

    The 2nd screen looks great as well. I'm sure it will look even better in the game with the water ride drops right behind it, which I assume are right there with the rapids in the water in the first screen. The only thing is though that you usedthe quarter tile blocks so well on the middle structure that the 2x2 towers in the back look a little out of place; I suggest that you put some interesting structures made out of the quarter tiles there or add them to the existing 2x2's to make it look more connected.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    DAMN! I would expeariment with the land colors a little, but Jesus! That island looks so F@^#ing detailed it's just wrong! The Red and Yellow team up better than I ever thought possable here.

    Some of the early screen were okay but those, shit.

  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    Wow. I haven't really followed the park up until now, but now I know why everyone in the topic thought it was so great.

    That's a great screen, honestly. Tlaloc's Temple looks downright awesome, the 1/4 tiling, as Mantis said, is great. Nice job.

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • JKay%s's Photo
    UPDATE: I'm nearing completion of the Royal Palm Hotel. It's a 200-room hotel with amenities such as penthouse suites, valet service and underground parking....here are some previews.

    Royal Palm Hotel
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    undergroud parking
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  • sloB%s's Photo
    It reminds me of that Hotel RWAdams released for the Pro Tour.
    Just a couple things.

    You say its a 200 room hotel, then where are the balconies?

    It seems like you've repeated the same section over and over again.
    I know you just want it to look organized, but I think you need some more veriation.

    The color scheme is a bit far out, but I'd say it fits with the park.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    it looks all cramped in and very busy. But me likes.

  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    ^^ Not all hotels have balconies.

    I think this is very good.. you've improved sooo much. I think your main problem is your colors. Most of your sections only have a two-color scheme. The hotel is blue/white.. the island temple is red/gold. Slap some more colors up in there. Mix it up.. I think the hotel might look good if you accent it with hints of yellow or light brown. I dunno.. experiment.

    This is a really good park - you show a lot of potential. 8-)
  • Kevin%s's Photo
    The screens I've seen from this park look wonderful!

    It really gives a refreshing taste in unique styles and shows more colors being used. The hotel looks a little..odd. Maybe its the blue. But I can' really think of a lot of colors that would go with its style. The actual layout of it all looks awesome though.
  • Disney Freak%s's Photo
    I love the temple!!! Amazing work! I like the look of the hotel but it does look a little cramped!
  • cBass%s's Photo
    I like the hotel, but I'm with Jacko: needs one more color.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Yep the hotel is looking nice and your skills are improving.
    Well done!
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Posted Image
    (big thanks to Six Frags for the park logo)

    Thanks for all the comments so far...here are my responses to some of your comments...

    slob - I thought about making balconies, but realized that I don't have the right 1/4 objects to pull it off.....but I agree that a hotel of this size should have balconies.

    Jacko / cbass - I will play with another color, I just want to minimize the cluttered look and think one more color might add to that.

    dragonfly - I agree that it is cramped / cluttered, but thats my style

    Here is one more screen of the pull-up valet & entrance area to the Royal Palm Hotel. The valet area is hard to see, but there is a driveway under the roofs where valet's pick-up your vehicle and guests can enter the hotel. IMO, I don't think its the best screen I've shown to date, but thought I'd put it up anyway....enjoy!

    Posted Image

    Construction may slow down a bit in the next few weeks for I've been spending most of my free time on a new music project....


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