(Archive) Advertising District / Frontier Oasis
18-January 04
Phatage Offline
I think that the fact that nobody either noticed this or knew what what was wrong with it either shows how people don't read other's posts and just look for screens or lack of knowledge. If you're going to label a coaster with a manufacturer name, please make sure that that manufacturer actually makes those coasters.UPDATE: I've completed the "Amazon Grove" section featuring B&M corkscrew "Python"
About the screens, I like the contrasts between the areas, and they are coming off to me as a realistic park that is themed, not a bunch of un-refined theming that is put together and called a park. I like the path size differences, and I think that single wide path in the "B&M" corkscrew screen is perfect, as well as the cozy atmosphere created by the coaster/architecture interaction. The last screen is only just 3 buildings that are pretty much exactly the same excet for their layouts, and I'm really not sure why buildings would be created just for queue to go through; I would make them themed at least or something, right now it just looks like an excuse to make architecture. The color of the monorails is a bit unpleasing to its surroundings, but if you like it ignore everything I said. -
JKay Offline
Thanks for all the responses...
ride6 - You make a good point about too much track in one screen, but don't think I'll change it. I kinda figured someone would say its too cluttered, which it probably is, but thats my style.
Jacko Shanty - Agreed, there are kinks
Rage - You must be talking about the first screen. The ticket booths are not single objects but made with mainly with 1/4 tile scenery.
Posix - Thanks for the encouragement...thats very gratifying coming from a parkmaker. This park will definitely be my first solo release.
Phatage - You make some really good points. As far as my theme being "un-refined", that is true in this section of the park. I consider this park as a "developing-my-style" park, which essentially means I'm theming as I go and may mean the result has "un-refined" themes simply because I'm focusing on my building skills & use of 1/4 tile stuff. About the B&M statement, you're right, it doesn't really look like a B&M and I probably should've considered that before labelling it one. I actually looked at pics of several B&M coasters last night and now have a better idea of what one should look like. I really appreciate the critical insights you have on my screens, its exactly what I need to improve. -
JKay Offline
I've been a RCT maniac recently...I think it's starting to affect my sleep....anywho, here are two screens of "Illusionator", a Ghost train that takes riders thru the mysterious "Land of Illusions". Enjoy!
Ok..so I had to completely re-do this section due to trapper errors with 8cars...so here is the updated versionEdited by JKay, 27 January 2004 - 10:08 PM.
Phatage Offline
I really enjoyed those screens. There's no obvious theme to them, a little futuristic here mixed with a more traditional thing there, and I think it looks very pleasing to the eye, in such that you don't really need to label a theme to it; in essence you're making your own theme and being totally original, not having to copy off of something else. I think the name for this section allows trememdous leway in that you don't have to stick to just one thing, and makes things more exciting. The mix of markonix and toon scenery are blended well together in screens that say that they are just meant to look good and don't need a theme. Again, those monorail colors are a little out of sinc with the rest of the screen, so that's probably my only suggestion. Keep this up. -
JKay Offline
I was thinking the same thing, therefore the name of this area / ride may changein essence you're making your own theme and being totally original, not having to copy off of something else. I think the name for this section allows trememdous leway in that you don't have to stick to just one thing, and makes things more exciting. The mix of markonix and toon scenery are blended well together in screens that say that they are just meant to look good and don't need a theme.
mantis Offline
I love ghost trains, and with the added glass options in rct2 that one looks really cool! I love seeing the windows being used for what they're meant to be used for, if that makes sense.
Great scheme too - nice work! -
JKay Offline
Alright, here's a new screen of a river boats ride that is currently un-named. I thinks its got an Aztec, central America jungle feel to it...again, the theme just kinda came as I built...let me know your thoughts... -
guljam Offline
I love this screen!
consept almost jungle and waterfall that looks great!
keep in your park consept
kkk -
JKay Offline
If a mod reads this, could you change the topic subject to "150x150, 1st solo"....thanks -
MightyMouse Offline
Hmmm. I'm torn between the last screen.
I absolutly love the landscaping, and the liquid coaster looks very promicing. Also, the buildings and the liquid coaster flow perfectly, in my opinion. Your attempt at "jungle archatecture" is very well executed too. Very good screenshot.
I hate to give critisism to suck a good 'shot' but I'm gonna anyways. Unfortunatly, the brown dominates the screen. Might I suggest some...()jungle green? Anyways, you tree selection is a bit crazy, but I guess thats a good thing for "jungle theming."
Good job so far. I'm looking foward to another screen(and I don't even like rct2!) -
Janus Offline
I really like it, because it seems you are just having fun with the game. I've tried to build like that, but I always end up limiting myself and falling into a more subtle and serious style.
There are a few things I think don't like about the screen, but I won't post them because it's mostly personal preferences.
Keep up fun the fun! -
JKay Offline
UPDATE: Finally, I created a ride with a REFINED theme and more importantly, it will be the main attraction in my park.
Ride Name: Island of Tenoch: Tlaloc's Temple
Ride Stats: 9.59 - 4.11 - 2.37
Ride Length: 10 min 14 sec
Ride Type: River Boats Ride
Ride Desc: This ride begins with a slow meander in & out of majestic Mt. Tlaloc where riders experience the beautiful Aztec landscape and inside the mountain are exposed to the sacred enclosure where human victims were sacrificed to fertilize water-rocks & apease Tlaloc, the rain diety. As riders near Tlaloc's Temple at the top of the mountain, they then brace themselves for an incredible 88ft drop in their river boat to the surrounding waters below, only to be taken to the top again for a another 88ft plunge. Prepare yourself and be ready to get wet, its gonna be an exciting adventure as you experience the Island of Tenoch.
Theme Desc: TLALOC, the rain deity, belonged to another most memorable and universal cult of ancient Mexico. The name may be Aztec, but the idea of a storm god especially identified with mountaintop shrines and life-giving rain was certainly as old as Teotihuacan. The primary temple of this major deity was located atop Mt. Tlaloc, where human victims were sacrificed to fertilize water-rocks within the sacred enclosure. In Tenochtitlan another Tlaloc temple shared the platform atop the dual Main Pyramid, a symbolic mountain.
Track layout is obviously complete, but theme construction is only 35% complete. Here are some previews of this attraction: -
cBass Offline
That 3rd screen really draws me in. 3 of my favorite things: arches, waterfalls, and height.
Nice. -
super rich Offline
All of these screens are looking good but the last screen with the stairs does not look to appealing. -
mantis Offline
This park is firmly in my 'looking forward to' list. That temple looks great, and I really like the arch over the waterfalls (and I love big water rides like this).
Great work. (and good job on the colours too!) -
deanosrs Offline
Very nice, those three screens. A few architectural errors in the 2nd.. the pots on top of the arches, the exposed thin wall of the arch just above and in the background... but apart from that, you're improving incredibly quickly. Just keep it going
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