(Archive) Advertising District / Frontier Oasis

  • rK_%s's Photo
    the multiple use of that palm tree looks od, dont forget to chnage the land under your paths, the color looks very good but i think a few balconies will give it more demension, looks excellent
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Looks okay.

    Too much blue and white, it's getting ghastly. Try not to overuse the same trees over and over, and over and over.

    Put dirt, gravel etc. under your pathways, especially those stairs.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    The screens are looking good... but I too think one more colour to your 2-colour schemes would look better... Have you experienced the sprite limit yet?
    Keep it up, cos it´s going the right way...
    I´m glad you like the logo!

  • JKay%s's Photo
    ^ Is funny that Six Frags mentioned the sprite limit....cause I am VERY worried about running into that problem with this park...anyway construction continues...

    UPDATE: I've started work on the hyper-twister coaster Earthworm. Its a long coaster (over 5 mins) and has 14 seconds of airtime as it weaves in & out of the surrounding landscape. Here are two previews. These screens do not show much of the coaster because I want to keep the coaster layout in secrecy....

    Frontier Eatery with Earthworm in the foreground.
    Posted Image

    Earthworm entrance sign
    Posted Image

    Please kindly comment & critique....peace-out JK :peace:
  • rK_%s's Photo
    that sign looks kick ass man, very nice, the colors are excellent, i would suggest changing that dark brick path, doesnt look right.
  • Oneofakind0490%s's Photo
    I really like this park. The sign looks good I just dont like the white poles. Hopefully you wont hit the sprite limit and you can finish it.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Yeah, the sign is cool - but why do you have all of those wooden poles on it? The brown building looks a little cartoony.. with the rounded windows and the color scheme is pretty awkward. Try building some lattices or shutters on the outside of those windows.. and also remember - Toon's decorative fences can do wonders with architecture. B)
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    Its a long coaster (over 5 mins)...

    May I ask, at what speed does it hit the brakes at the end?
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    yeh the sign is good, nice TT work.
    and yeh as jacko shanty says i think u should get rid of the white poles on it though.
    quite abit of white in the first screen. but okay

  • JKay%s's Photo
    UPDATE: Construction has slowed a bit due to a concurrent project I've been working on, but here are two new screens.

    Earthworm layout has been finalized, theming is still in progress. Here is a preview (kinda boring IMO, but...):
    Posted Image

    Frontier Days, a western themed area is in the beginning stages. Here is the entrance area. This area will feature a wooden coaster and at least 3 flat rides.
    Posted Image

    Be sure to stay tuned for more updates. :)
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Nice little atmosphere you have going in that second screen. The bright blue doesn't fit very well though. I would substitute it for some faded red, forest green, and yellow.. and maybe throw some black in there too. The roof fence things are a little overdone.. add some rooves on there or some different scenery. I like the landscape, though.
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    The blue has to go...
    About the coaster color: suggesting you make the track completly grey (silver). I think the entrance path with the coaster passing by is a bit strange. I also think the blackwooden landtype kills the atmosphere.
  • Critic%s's Photo

    The blue has to go...

    On the contrary, the blue adds a nice contrast to the otherwise monotonous shade of brown that's used there.
  • Panic%s's Photo
    You and tyandor should be a Park Wars team, JKay. Both of your styles are instantly captivating and nicely detailed.
  • guljam%s's Photo
    hm.. archtecture color is so normal.kkkkkkkkkkk
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    The Earthworm sign is kick ass man. The Frontier Days area looks great too. The archetecture, landscaping, and flowers really pack a western punch. Nice. I admit that the archetecture in Frontier Days could us some decks on the front but it really looks so good the way it is I wouldn't bother.


  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    I´m loving absolutely all of it. It´s not a realistic park, it´s more like one that tries to stretch rct2 into the limits you want to stretch it to. The sign is amazing, and the way that the coaster pops out of the ground is beautiful. I´d like to suggest to work on your pure landscaping. Those black wooden walls are hideous, you should actually (almost, in SWA the black + rock faced land spaces do work mixed in) never use anything else than regular rock faces for landscaping. On that same screen the queu and paths don´t seem to work for me either. It´s funny how this take of parkmaking is so damn interesting in screens. It´s never actually perfect, colors are thrown around like mad, but the end result is atleast eye-pleasing, and very interesting. I´d wish you´d show a bit less of the park, and just let people comment on the screens before racing to the next one. That´s up to you tho. I don´t know if the end result will look much like a park, since the contrasts made in the screens are jaw-dropping. So is the amount of screens your popping out. Good luck with the rest of the park, and don´t change to much, because the things people are pointing out are part of the flair, and that´s what makes this park so special.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    Keep the blue, i think it works really well, but it also looks like you forgot the colour on the left of the screen, and its been neglected, although that could just be the angle its taken.

    The entrance of earthworm looks a little strange, after that huge sign, great archy and atmosphere, its like you fotgot about theentrance. I'd suggest making a bigger deal with the entrace, it looks really out the way.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I think that is one of the best western sections i have ever seen, if the whole thing is like that. The only problem is that you are building on such a small scale, it must take ages to build. Keep the blue, it adds a nice touch, and it would be boring without it.

    I like the Earthworm sign, am i right in thinking that those wooden poles are suppoesd to be lights? I'd keep them , they are a good idea. I'd suggest changing the colours on Earthworm though, all grey is a little boring.
  • CoasterBOY%s's Photo
    This park is AWESOME! :0 :0
    I really love the looks of everything. You combine stunning architecture with beautiful landscaping, this park will kick butt, keep it up!!


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