(Archive) Advertising District / Frontier Oasis

  • JKay%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Like I said, I've started the re-design of this park with a updated workbench. It's a 150x150, 20% complete (2 days off work helped me get this far so soon). The following screens are of the park entrance and "Frontier Station", which houses dual-monorails for peep transport. Enjoy!...

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    Please watch for updates! ;)
  • -coasterdude556-%s's Photo
    Much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much Better!!! No more shit scenery!
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    Um. Wow. I knew you had talent. That's alot better than before but still a few odd things. Those paths are a bit odd I think for the theme. Makes it look too cluttered. Try the basic Tarmac.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I must say the Toon's scenery is top-notch and I'm really into this park because of it....don't mean to bump, but really would like a few more comments before I continue....thanks! ;)
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    Time for me to step in.....

    Very, very good. Though 2 things bothers me in the first screen.

    Use 1 type of awning, not 2.

    And make sure the path in the building conncets to the main path outside of the building.

    In the second screen, remember how not a lot of people like when other people make egyptian thingys hold up 1/4 blocks? Well, at the bottom of the screen, I see one. Take it out.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Time for me to step in.....

    You won't get respect for your comments if you don't put them respectfully.

    Use 1 type of awning, not 2.

    He'll answer your beck and call, fo' sho'.

    In the second screen, remember how not a lot of people like when other people make egyptian thingys hold up 1/4 blocks? Well, at the bottom of the screen, I see one. Take it out.

    You speak for the whole community? Er, ok. Maybe you give SUGGESTIONS based on what you think, not ORDERS based on fabricated opinions?


    I like the foliage and the colours are great. Shame the entrances are showing, but apart from that it looks nice.
  • JKay%s's Photo

    Shame the entrances are showing, but apart from that it looks nice.

    Mantis, just so I'm clear...you mean the entrance bldg at the very top of my first screen next to Roma's Pizza, right?....
    and u suggest I build my own bldg around it?
  • guljam%s's Photo
    Total color is neat and building square is very black heavy
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Mantis, just so I'm clear...you mean the entrance bldg at the very top of my first screen next to Roma's Pizza, right?....
    and u suggest I build my own bldg around it?

    Yeah, cos they look like gingerbread houses :-/
  • JKay%s's Photo
    UPDATE: I've completed the "Amazon Grove" section featuring B&M corkscrew "Python"....here a two screens.

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    Posted Image

    Enjoy! ;)
  • Walt Disney%s's Photo
    Its freakin perfect!
  • guljam%s's Photo
    OH, you archtecture is very detail.. and it looks colorful town ;)
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    In the first of the "new screens" the whole thing seems a bit cluttered. I think it's the fact that there is so much track in such a small area. It looks good and the atmosphere is unique so don't change it unless you want to ilimminate the "cluttered" look.

    7/10 too cluttered. The other screens get an 8.5/10 because they're nice, realistic, detailed and not to cluttered.

  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    You still have some kinks to work out.. but I can see you becoming really big here if this progression rate keeps up.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    At the top of the buildings on the latest screen i think you have overdone it a bit too much with the fences on the top of the roofs maybe if you varied them a bit more.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I really like the new screens, but they really aren't that realistic. The colours and mix of textures are fantastic.

    The only things i'd change are the path type (maybe to the lighter dirt?) and the land under the paths (something different - maybe red martian land?).
  • Rage%s's Photo
    This kinda a dumb question JKay, but where did you get the ticket booth window things from? They're just want ive been looking for.
  • super rich%s's Photo

    This kinda a dumb question JKay, but where did you get the ticket booth window things from? They're just want ive been looking for.

    What ticket booth things?
  • posix%s's Photo
    MachChunk, please die immediately you fucking prick.

    JKay, you are incredible. I believe no one has been as productive as you lately and neither can I remember anyone who improves as quickly as you do. I too believe that you're very talented. Now it's just a question of time until you release a park. So the only advice I'll give you is exactly that. Release a solo as soon as possible.
  • jon%s's Photo
    Well said Posix. Scare him with your machete (Worst joke ever).

    Wow. You have improved incredibaly since those first screens full of custom scenery. Well done. The architecture is very well done.


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