(Archive) Advertising District / NASCAR Experience
16-January 04
RCTNW Offline
RCTNW Designs is proud to announce the plans for it's latest mega park, NASCAR Experience.
I'm always looking to find new challenges with each park. Klamath Lake provided a unique challenge with the elevations changes to work with. NASCAR Experience will bring it's own challenges as I step into "Racing" coasters for the first time. In keeping with the NASCAR theme, all coasters will either be racing or dueling. Another area that I plan to venture in will be ride hacks. Although there will only be a few (and I'm sure not new), this will be a first for me.
The following SS is of the entrance plaza near the parking lot. From the parking lot, the peeps enter the main entrance path from under the water fountain.
NASCAR Experience.
Experience the thrill of NASCAR
rctnw -
RCTNW Offline
The construction crews are busy at work and the first of 4 planned hotels is nearly complete.
Mike Robbins Offline
RCTNW is the best hotel maker I've seen in RCT2. But I think those balconies are too wide. Maybe thin them down to one tile wide will make it look neater and not as bulky. -
FindingNemo Offline
Call apon Dingo 65's friend Drum Ultima! His Mullet is Alive! that is if anybody knows him.Discount park tickets go to anyone with a mullet.
cBass Offline
Looking good, James!
The entrance has such great atmosphere. And the hotels just get better and better. Very nice detail. -
shameless Offline
amazing work, thats one of the best hotels i have ever seen, and i like the parking area alot -
MightyMouse Offline
The first screen, more or less, doesn't quite score par with me. However, the hotel is really cool. The whole road deal, with the fountain thing off to the shoulder looks good. The brown and white roof combonation looks nice too.
Just try not to over do the palm trees. In my opinion, they begin to look tacky if you have to many.
Other than that, it looks good, not amazing but good. -
sloB Offline
To be honest, I don't see how this is being considered so highly.
As for the first screen, Its a parking lot and a few long buildings. Nothing special. It may have a Nascar atmosphere, but it's not really appealing. Also, I would be extrememly surprised if you could carry this theme throughout an entire park.
The hotel in the second screen is pretty good, I guess... It just looks boring to me. Way too much roof, IMO. -
deanosrs Offline
The hotel isn't that great. There's huge canvases of roofs that don't look brilliant and there's a distinct lack of plants, or well... just general detail on any of the balconies. I think the hotel you entered for the nept was miles better than this.
The first screen is classic nw... I guess I wouldn't want you to build any other way -
-coasterdude556- Offline
This isn't the greatest stuff you've ever built... I Agree with deano 100% The only reason you are getting such high remarks on your hotel is because of your reputation as an excellent parkmaker... I'm not saying it's bad, just... not good. Too much roof and too few plants (Like deano said! -
Ride6 Offline
The first screen lacks anything apealing except the atmosphere (kinda like Mike Robbins work) The secound screen shows more of you genius in hotel buiding. Just be careful as this hotel looks eerily similar to the one in KLAP... Just warning you...
ride6 -
rctfreak2000 Offline
I've been waiting forever to see screens, and I must say, I'm very happy with what is done.
While some don't share your style for parkmaking, I for one love your originality. I also think that a NASCAR park could prove to have so many options for building, and I can't wait to see what you do.
Screen 1 - Great idea with the overhang that the guests have to go through to get into the park. I hope the parking lot doesn't become too large though, because that could somewhat ruin the effect currently there.
Screen 2 - Very realistic. I love it, and I wanna know what the rates are, lol! The balconies are large, but guests probably won't complain one bit!
Keep it up, and I can't wait to see more.
-Freak -
RCTNW Offline
Mike Robbins - Thanks Mike. As these are more "Suites" than regular hotel rooms, the wider balconies fit the concept.
MightyMouse011 - The first screenshot doesn't really do it justice and this is only part of the entrance plaza. As for the trees, I understand what your saying and I'll keep that in mind.
slob - I have a number of ideas for the NASCAR Theme and I should have no problems holding it through out the map. As for the too much roof, I added a few more rooms over the entrance area of the hotel which relly breaks it up even more.
deanosrs - Thanks Deano. I was going to add the plants later as I'm concerned about the sprite limit but I went and added a few plants to the balconies. As for the NEPT entry, this is just one of 4 hotels and this is not the main resort. The main reosrt IMO will be better than the NEPT entry. I hope to have a SS of it tomorrow night
ride 6 - Actually I think it has more of a Paradise Bay feel to it. It actually fits a small aspect of NASCAR. Think grandstands and you'll know what I mean.
Freak - Thanks. Like I said, the first SS is only part of the entrance plaza and although it's done, I will be holding off on showing the rest for awhile. As for the room rates, I have a suite reserved for you at the main resort, on the house!
Thanks to everyone else for the feedback.
Here's a SS of the same hotel with the changes in place.
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