(Archive) Advertising District / ||:Project Triton X:||

  • Bender902%s's Photo
    This parked was unnamed back in the year 2003, but now that we are living in the year 2004 its got a project name and a new topic. But not only that, its also got new pics that I feel are much better than i showed you last year. These pictures are from and industrial/ toxic area of the park.

    Take a look:
    Newest Pictures

    Comment are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Happy New Year!

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Hmm looks a lil on the bland side. Chnage the land to rock and put more dead foliage around. Looks good other wise.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    The slides dont look very toxicish. They just look random and out of place. Add some more factories or grey buildings, and make all your slides black with the inside green. Shows potential though.
  • Drew%s's Photo
    Ummm... The park looks bad to be honest.

    In the first screen, the colors look bad together. That green and gold don't mix well. The toxic goo doesn't help it out much either. Also, elevate the station platform! So, liven it up a bit, and maybe throw in different colors, such as backs, grays, and perhaps a yellow? Maybe even some red? I don't know. Experiment. Oh, one more thing, add some differentland styles to your mountain. It's boring with it just being grass. Maybe even add a small building to the side of it, or into the mountain, and have the out-of-place toxic slids come out from it.

    In the second screen, the same thing applies with the colors and the land textures, no grass! I think you should redo the buildings in this picture. They look boring and are too small. Make them larger and add some color into them too. Replace the golf track with something else. They look out of place along with the slides.

    Just my $0.02.
  • The Iron Dragon%s's Photo
    Looking okay, so far.

    1. I would change some of the land to rock, that would look better, IMO.

    2. Green Goo in that water? Get rid of that! It dosen't look good there. Remove it from each lake.

    3. Beside that mountain in screen 1 you could add a bulidng somewhere, it would make it look a little bit better.

    Keep Working on it!

    ~TID :)
  • Bender902%s's Photo
    Your missing the point of the the gree goo. The lake is surrounded by factories and there is polluted. The green goo is the pollution. I like it...so it will stay. But thanks for the comments and keep 'em coming. As for the buildings, I am planning on adding a few more but thats it. The rest of this section has a lot of architecture. This place is more out of the way and has less buildings.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    It's interesting. I like how you used that small mountain, I haven't seen enough of that kind of thing lately. The theme is starting to work in that last screen. I think if it's supposed to be overgrown (which it looks like it is) than you'll need some big leafy trees in there and more bushes. I like themes that are unique and easy to identify. This is a pretty good start but keep working on it, I'm not quite sure what it is yet.

    Also, be careful about overusing jagged edges. It's okay if some tiles actually line up. In fact, I find it enhances the effect if you have some tiles line up and some jagged edges rather than jagged edges everywhere. I'm referring mostly to the grassy tiles in the last screen.

    Your buildings are really too old fashioned I think. Now that we have RCT2, the standards for architecture have gone up considerably. Some people will just ignore a park if it has simpler architecture like this. To really make RCT1 work you need to find a way to add more detail. Station buildings is one idea. Other coaster pieces are good too. Look at some of the H2H2 parks to get some ideas for improving the detail in your buildings.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Looks ok i like the slide but i suggest that you get rid of the bubbling goo in the water, it just dont look right.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    Looks ok i like the slide but i suggest that you get rid of the bubbling goo in the water, it just dont look right.

    Bender already explained the goo. It represents pollution.
  • Bender902%s's Photo
    Thanks for the replies everyone, especially Coaster Ed. I learn something new everytime I read your responses. I'll try out some of your ideas and I'll get back to you all wiht a screen either tonite or tomorrow. Even more comments would be great!


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