Pro Tour 1 / Pro Tour Standings
17-December 03
Kumba Offline
Round 1
1. Imperial Riyadha Resort by John
2. Ritz-Carlton South Beach by RWAdams
3. Hacienda Resort Mexico by deanosrs
4. Port Royal Bay Hotel & Resort by Outlaw
5. The Everglades Majest by Micool
6. Pacific Island Grand Hotel by RCTNW
Round 2
1. Neptune Odyssea by VooDoo
2. Madakumbu Rapids by Kumba
3. Genetically Mutated Trout Ride by Gymkid Dude
4. Fort Uity Mining Corp by darkfire
5. Gibaldi Point by rctfreak2000
6. El Ague de Roman by Ice Dragon
Round 3
1. Dragon Inferno by Six Frags
2. X-Sector (X Gon' Give It To Ya) by Kumba
3. Ryanb122 World by Coasterkidmwm
Round 4
1. Indiana Jones and the Fortress of Peril by ride6
2. Quest for the Lost Legend by Kumba
Round 5
1. Del Espantoso Jungle Expedition by sloB
2. Fall of the Little Green Men by Micool
3. The Journey of Nefertari by Marshy
4. DoomLords Kingdom by TerrorTech
5. Pharaoh's Wrath by steve41
Round 6
1. Journey Through Mikrat Springs by nemesis chris
2. The Curse of the Temple Idol by Bender902
3. Silver Streak by RWAdams
4. Purple Power by thorpedo2589
5. Umbongo Congo by Dantheman
6. Spanish Village Tour by rctfan1556
7. The Lost Valley of Fernas by leighx
8. Pirate by A14504
Round 7
1. The Zodiac by Kumba
2. Odysseus by MightyMouse011
3. Bullberg Village by Dantheman
4. Wannahackalugie by A414504
Round 8
1. The Legend of Illibia by Alienated
2. First Knight by RWAdams
3. Urban Sprawl by Jacko Shanty
4. #77571 by MightyMouse011
4. Trebuchet by Coasterkidmwm
Round 9
1. Hazard by gir
2. Temple of Raa by steve41
Round 10
1. Unfriendly Invador by Phatage
1. Infestation at Outpost 23 by cBass
2. Zyova Revenge by deanosrs
3. Alien vs. Predator by Loopy
4. Astro Zombies by MightyMouse011
5. Amazoonia Year 5000 by leighx
6. The Johnson's Manor by PenguinBOB
Round 11
1. Julius Ceaser by RWAdams
2. The Rock by AustinPowers
3. 2050 AD by darkfire
4. Return of the King by deanosrs
5. Project T3 by MightyMouse011
6. 633 Squadron by spiderman
7. Dreamcatcher by ECC
Round 12
1. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Crusade by Gymkid Dude
2. Pac-Man Fever by penguinBOB
3. Falcon by darkfire
4. Finding Nemo by Jacko Shanty
5. Grand Theft Auto by deanosrs
6. Project SkyScraper by MightyMouse011
7. Extreme G by Coasterkidmwm
Most Entrys:
1. Mighty Mouse - 5
2. Kumba - 4
3. RWadams - 4
4. deanosrs - 4
5. Coasterkidmwm - 3
6. darkfire - 3
7. Micool - 2
8. A14504 - 2
9. steve - 2
10. leighx - 2
11. Dantheman - 2
12. Gymkid Dude - 2
13. Jacko Shanty - 2
14. Penguin_BOB - 2
First place:
John, VooDoo, Six Fragz, ride6, sloB, nemesis chris, Kumba, Alienated, gir. Phatage, cBass, RWadams, Gymkid Dude.
Second place:
RWadams (2x) Kumba (3x) Micool, Bender902, MightyMouse011, Steve41, deanosrs, Austin Powers, Penguin_BOB.
Third place:
darkfire (2x), deanosrs, Gymkid Dude, Coasterkidmwm, Marshy, RWAdams, Dantheman, Jacko Shanty, Loopy.
Club Stats - Data by deanosrs
X - 3
Masters - 2
Innovation - 2
SDI - 2
Ultimate - 2
Masters - 12
X - 10
Innovation - 7
Ultimate - 3
SDI - 2
% Success:
SDI - 100%
Ultimate - 33%
X - 30%
Innovation - 29%
Masters - 17% -
AustinPowers Offline
^ dont feel bad.....he mutilates one of his own club members names all the time
Suppertropper = Supertrooper have entirely too much time on your hands....
interesting stats there tho on the winners winning first time out....except you of course -
rctfreak2000 Offline
You're an idiot Kumba. If you read the thread correctly, iris admitted to posting the wrong entry. Kong: The Waterfall Escape wasn't created nor submitted by me.
I created Gibaldi Point, something that was overlooked by a lot of people when I posted the link.
If you guys like, I'll repost the entry, but its up to you. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
Do it right the first time and we won't have any more problems.
But really, sorry. I'm just a little irritated tonight and the slightest thing is pissing me off.Edited by rctfreak2000, 17 December 2003 - 11:14 PM.
Toon Offline
The first time entry stat is the most surprising to me! I know there may be a little disappointment at the participation level by some of the better known non-parkmakers around the site, but looking at this list I must say I'm rather impressed by the overall quality of these entries and the fact that this contest has introduced us all to an up and coming group of parkmakers who til now were not necessarily highly thought of. The talent pool at NE has grown dramatically through this and I for one have noticed that a lot of the names on the ProTour qualifiers are also the same people that seem to be dominating the Ad District. Congrats to all of you, and I'm glad we at least haven't had a forfeit week yet. -
Steve Offline
this is a good idea Kumba, nice job posting it! and i agree with TT, glad to see no rounds had to be forfeit, cuz that wouldn't be much fun...
and hey! i got second place once, and i sent in 2 entries...whoa, cool...
keep us updated Kumba -
KaiBueno Offline
Nice thing though, and this might be petty, but...
Generally in contests when there is a tie for 1st, the listing would be (for Round 10):
1 Phatage
1 cBass
3 deanosrs
You might want to re-seed from deanosrs on down...or ignore this.
Kai -
MightyMouse Offline
Not that its important or anything of the sort, but I think I had three entrys not two..... -
ECC Offline
You know, you can link directly to iris's post.
Click on report this post and it says topic title. Next to that it says 'The NE Pro Tour.' Right click, then copy shortcut. -
deanosrs Offline
I just had a thought... what about club stats? There's some quite interesting stuff going on like:
X - 3
Masters - 2
Innovation - 2
SDI - 2
Ultimate - 1
No club/none of the above - 2
Masters - 12
X - 10
Innovation - 7
Ultimate - 3
SDI - 2
No club/none of the above - 21
% Success:
SDI - 100%
Ultimate - 33%
X - 30%
Innovation - 29%
Masters - 17%
No club/none of the above - 10.5%
% winners in a club - 83%
% entries from club members - 62%
*edited for "the clubless"...
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