H2H1 / H2H Playoffs Round 1!
15-September 02
iris Offline
Finally, H2H is back, and its playoff time. This is round 1 of a best of three playoff series, so every week counts. We have some big guns participating this week, the top dog from each team, along with an incredible partner. Team Solar brings its first and second picks to the table, the recently retired NeViS and the often underrated Elrocko against Victory's 1st & 3rd picks, Fatha' Grinch & x-sector. Two completely different themes being played against each other here, and some really great coasters as well.
Team Solar Presents
Cherokee Valley
Park by NeViS & Elrocko
1.Sacrifice--"Vertical Launch Coaster (Nevis)
2.Fire Bird--Vekoma Flying Dutchman (Nevis)
3.The Aventura: Mayhem Temple--Virginia Reel (Elrocko)
4.Arenador--S&S Double Towers (Elrocko)
Cherokee Valley
Team Victory Presents
Park by Fatha' & x-sector
1.Quasar--B&M Inverted Coaster (Fatha')
2.Ignition--Hacked Shuttle Coaster
Ganymede -
TXCoasterGuy1 Offline
wow cherokee valley was awesome!!! ganymede was good, CV was just too awesome. ignition was cool though, so was nevis' coaster. but CV had a better "feel" to it. -
cg? Offline
Solar's park was just, uh, blah. Nothing about it, with the truly notable exception of Sacrifice's launch, was even remotely pleasing. The entire thing is just Elrocko's style taken a tad bit too far; there's just so much yellow a human being can take! And where's your landscaping? What trees and gardens you have are just plain sparse, and ugly.
I would say something about the architecture too, but then I might sound, uh, contradictory. Really, randomness being repetitive just doesn't roll off the tounge properly.
Anyways, Victory's was the exact opposite. The architecture was exciting, but still, um, "nice", the landscaping was lush, beautiful, and hopelessly splendid, and the coasters plain and simply, kicked *ss.
Ganymede receives my vote with Four out of Five, while Cherokee Valley recieves a measily Two and Three Fourths out of Five, not that anybody really cares. -
PyroPenguin Offline
Both were awesome, but my vote went to Cherokee Valley for the great architecture, theming, and use of space. Alot of attractions crammed into one small map, I didnt even see the reel until my third look at the map, but it doesnt appear cramped at all. Fire Bird was a awesome flyer with a very nice flow to it, and everything else fit very nicely. The coasters in Ganymede were excellent as well, but the architecture didnt do much for me and that was, in the end, the deciding factor. The landscaping though was much stronger in Ganymede than Cherokee with a well done lush look. Great job both teams. -
Tediz Offline
Both were very nice. Both had awesome coasters, but I didn't really like the theming in Ganymede, so I give the edge to Cherokee Valley. -
chapelz Offline
you are a hypocrit remeber thisThe entire thing is just Elrocko's style taken a tad bit too far; there's just so much yellow a human being can take!
Anyways CV got my vote just for Sacrifice and the real -
The Drizzle Offline
I voted for Ganymede...CV mighta gotten my vote if it weren't for the overload of archetecture.
BioHaZard(the little flame guy is my new dude since the blink guy is gone...iris bring back
cg? Offline
you are a hypocrit remeber this...
That's orange! And more importantly, it's multiple shades of orange, yellow orange, and the background in a burnt auburn, sort of orange brown color. In RCT there is only one shade of yellow for the buildings, and two for the rides.
My image contains color variation, despite it all being orange, Elrocko's architecture, does not.
Simple. -
Hyperion Offline
Wow! Both of the parks are great. Sacrifice had a great launch! The architecture was way overdone. I loved both the coasters in Ganymede, and the architecture seemed to flow better... so my vote goes to Ganymede -
Prince Offline
Elrocko and Nevis...ungodly, one question though, how would people board sacrifice?
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
Toon Offline
That was close. The launch of Sacrifice just about sealed the deal, but overall I found the architecture a little too busy in CV for my personal tastes. So my vote goes to Ganymede. I think this one's gonna be close though. -
GigaForce Offline
Wow this is gonna be close but do to the amazing use of space and architecture, the coolest hacked coaster ive seen in a while, and a very nice compact virgina reel...my vote goes to Cherokee Valley -
Foltzanator Offline
I went with CV on this one. Just because of the launch on the coaster. Both parks were amazing. -
bokti Offline
Although I DESPISE those fuckin Luge Hybrid LIM Shuttle(IRIS gave me that name, mind you) coasters, I'm going with Ganymede. It seemed more innovative on some level. That and I don't like the Aztec/Mexican theme mix. Good job though, to both Solar and Victory.
Now Grinch, leave me alone about voting for Victory. -
x-sector Offline
well I voted for my team but if I wasn't on it i would have voted for NEvis and elrocko as I a big fan of elrockos archiecture and I love nevis's coasters especially the vertical lauched coaster (the one in LX is ten times better but that doesn't matter) I think both parks are amazing and that this will be close -
mantis Offline
Suck Suck Suck.I love nevis's coasters especially the vertical lauched coaster (the one in LX is ten times better but that doesn't matter)
Well, I voted for Ganymede because. -
Micool Offline
Wow, me too.
Suck Suck Suck.I love nevis's coasters especially the vertical lauched coaster (the one in LX is ten times better but that doesn't matter)
Well, I voted for Ganymede because.
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