General Chat / Weather

  • The Langolier%s's Photo
    Yeah here in crappy Peoria, was 64 Sunday morning and 30 around 2-3 hours later. Thats midwest weather for ya
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Its going to be in the 40s around NYC, pretty soon we will hit 51!!! Yay! At least we are going up ;).
  • Tyler%s's Photo
    I live in Oklahoma.

    I win.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    Yeah here in crappy Peoria, was 64 Sunday morning and 30 around 2-3 hours later.  Thats midwest weather for ya

  • NewEra%s's Photo
    Yup. Here up in Toledo it was 70 the other day. And the next day it was 25 and dropping quickly. Toledo is fucking crazy.

    I think it was a cold front or watever it was from Canada.
  • jon%s's Photo
    Us brits have had weird weather. We've had britains hottest and driest period on record from july to october. Ironically, this 'driest' period also contained britain's week for three years (weird). Now we've got loads of rain and next month we're going into a huge drought with water bans etc. all over the country. Thats the British weather for ya though.
  • Critic%s's Photo
    I went down to San Diego for a three-day trip for Thanksgiving, and it amazes me that people down there think it's incredibly cold at 51 degrees outside, whereas (myself being from Colorado) I feel cold at around 20-30 degrees outside. :lol:


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