H2H2 / Icons/Mean Green--Round 2
19-November 03
iris Offline
The Icons (1-0) Present...
Blood Island
- The Cannibals of Blood Island (Adventure Looping Mine Train)
- Heads Up! (Inverter)
Blood Island by The Icons
The Mean Green (0-1) Present...
Kauri Cliffs
- Cliff Diver (Adventure Vertical Looping Mine Train)
- Albatross (Stand-Up Inverted Coaster)
- Centauri Swing (Custom Flat)
- Tornado (Custom Flat)
Kauri Cliffs by The Mean Green -
sircursealot Offline
Ooh, I love them both. Probably an Ed vs. Butterfinger matchup. Both were really inspirational. Blood Island really inspired me to go lengths with coaster track scenery. There were lots of cool details to check out.
Kauri Cliffs had a really cool adventure ride and some pleasing architecture. A nice park to look at, but Blood Island gets my vote. -
Scarface Offline
Mean green your park was nice...but was no were near the standards of this icon park.
U may think im being biased but im not, to be honest i think miami should have won last round -
thorpedo Offline
Blood Island definetely had Ed. There's no other way that this could've looked this way. It was great. The ride was fantastic (but hard to follow), and the recreated ruins and stuff was nice. Great job.
Kauri Cliffs was different. The adventure ride was cooool. The standup inverted thing was aight...but the pink. Ack at the pink. And the virigina reels on the building with no supports and a sand roof color? ACK! That irks me REAL bad. Despite the cool rides and the amazing atmosphere on one side, the distasteful color scheme and horrid archy on the other side made me not vote for this.
Great parks, but go Icons! -
Tech Artist Offline
I'm gonna go with blood island. all though i need a new LL disk i can for now look at the park overviews and from the looks of it, Kauri Cliffs looks a little bland IMO while blood island looks a little more developed. So my vote is blood island.
Man i don't feel good right now. Stupid cold. -
Toon Offline
I'm in a bit of a conundrum at the moment. I didn't really love either of these parks. I'll have to take a look and get nitpicky, but right now I'm leaning towards Blood Island. My main problem with Blood Island was that the hacking really got messy and tough to sort out. I don't know what half the stuff is supposed to be which hurts the park imo. I also never got immersed with any atmopsphere with either park. Felt like I was on the outside looking in with both. Neither of these two captured me the way the last round did. -
gymkid dude Offline
meh...a double adventure mine train matchup.
Both had 'splosions. Both had near misses with other cars.
The icons was SOO much better. The albatros coaster was poorly layed out and poorly themed, and I liked the architecture so much better.
It's over.Icons win.
Physco Offline
I agree. Maybe it's just me, but the mean greens park looked rushed at the last minute.meh...a double adventure mine train matchup.
Both had 'splosions. Both had near misses with other cars.
The icons was SOO much better. The albatros coaster was poorly layed out and poorly themed, and I liked the architecture so much better.
It's over.Icons win.
natelox Offline
Well, I voted for the Mean Green's Park because I'm on the team, but had I not have been, my vote would definetly have been different.
Kauri Cliffs was quite dissapointing. It looks asthough there was absolutly no communictation between the parkmakers. Looks like they just did whatever they wanted to and had no desire to make the park have a uniform feel or look. The landscaping and layout were all poorly done. Very little effort was put into this park, and it is very obvious. The custom flatrides were horrid, where were the seats? Seats could easily have been done with the beast, but instead they opted for coaster track. It was really bad, and there is no doubt who will win H2h3.
Blood Island was much better, but not the greatest. The creativity is great in this park and the architecture is oustanding. Thats were the love ends. Assuming Coaster Ed had a part in this, it was definetly his weakest work to date (IMO). The whole park came off as messy. The actual ride was way too long, no ride should ever be over 6,000ft in length, and this as more than double that. (for the record, SA's suspended coaster in RoB was too long). The name of the park didn't help things either.
Please excuse the negativity of my comments, I do agree that people should focus more on what's right than what's wrong, but I feel most of you have already stated all the good things. -
CoasterWizard Offline
Well, I voted Blood Island. Both had really good adventure rides, but I chose Blood Island simply because it's adventure ride had alot more depth. Themeing was incredible, and although really slow at the end, it comes out on top. -
Evil WME Offline
the floating mine train edges the other park, but that´s probably due to the other park... Stand up invert and vertical track with mine trains *yuck*
and the Ed park had some cool stuff *loves the peeps... i still think that slow "coaster" was quite horrible tho.. and as i said before, the train FLOATS! way to keep the intensity down there but *yuck* again! -
Raven-SDI Offline
I gave the vote to blood island.
I love Ed's work, and though I knew youw ere doing this to begion with, it is very easy to spot your style.
It's like every square of this park is hacked in some sort of way just about.
§ -
Coaster Ed Offline
Well here goes. Every time I promise myself I'll just shutup and everytime I find that I cannot. This is going to be long-winded as usual so let me just say first that what I'm about to say undoubtedly means a lot more to me than it will to anyone else so if you're not particularly interested in my personal ideas about parkmaking than just don't bother to read this. Sometimes I just need to post things for my own benefit. Whether anyone actually reads them or not doesn't really matter to me.the floating mine train edges the other park, but that´s probably due to the other park... Stand up invert and vertical track with mine trains *yuck*
and the Ed park had some cool stuff *loves the peeps... i still think that slow "coaster" was quite horrible tho.. and as i said before, the train FLOATS! way to keep the intensity down there but *yuck* again!
It's hard not to jump in and answer people's comments because there are reasons why each decision is made. And everyone knows it was my work anyway. I'm not going to plead my case or anything cause I don't feel that I need to. The objections being raised are probably the same objections I would have. I'm happy with what I've done and I expected a lot of people to dislike it. I'm aware that the map is a cluttered mess (to put it lightly). That was actually my intention and I was afraid at first that I didn't even like it myself but now that it's done I really like it better than any of my other work. It was a stretch but that's the only way to grow really is to stretch yourself. I had my own personal vision to try something that I hadn't seen before and I really wanted to see. I had a lot of fun with it even though the hacking was a major pain in the ass. I never want to play it safe and do the normal thing ever so I understand when people are confused by my parks. I've just been thinking lately that too much emphasis is placed on the look of parks and coasters and not enough on the fun interactive aspect of them. So I asked Blitz-sama to describe his parkmaking philosophy to me (which he really tried though I admit I wasn't very receptive) and I looked at Mala's coasters for a little while and then I just let my intuition lead me. If you want a way to interpret the park, just watch the coaster. The whole thing is a story and the theming exists only to motivate the coaster. I love how the ride lasts for 6 minutes and I'm never bored for any of that time. I love the tempo changes as the train speeds up and slows down. I love how intricate the layout is especially at the end. And I love that I pulled it off with reasonable levels of excitement and intensity, which is always a struggle for me. I say why not throw out pathways altogether and really create a world? I say why not have a 12,000 foot long coaster? But hey, not everyone feels the same way I do and that's fine. We've all got our own little niches and I try to appreciate what other people are doing with the game even if it's totally different than what I want to do with it myself. I've suspected for a while that what people like about my parks is not the same thing I like about them and it was inevitable that I would eventually go too far in the opposite direction for people to follow along. I don't know if I've done that or not here, but consider this a warning that I'm going to keep doing what feels right to me even if it seems wrong to other people. That's just what I have to do.
The comment by WME though has really moved me to reply because frankly I don't know what you're talking about. There is a track merge so the boosters will work, but that's the only hack on the coaster. The intensity is not cheated in any way at all. There's no trackless hack at all. It's just a train on coaster track. I suppose the train does ride slightly higher on corkscrew track than minetrain track. I thought that looked slightly odd myself, but everyone has to make compromises. I wanted a loop and the only feasible way to do it was with boosters. I'm not going to critisize your interpretation. Everyone sees the game in their own way. But jeez man, I didn't design the game. It's not my fault that Chris Sawyer didn't see fit to include wheels on the trains. If that really concerns you I'd say you're worrying to much about hacking for the sake of hacking and not enough about the imaginative fun aspect of the game. The skill with which a hack is pulled off only matters when it detracts from the theme, fun, enjoyment, whatever. If it did for you then I guess there's nothing I can do about it. You're not wrong to think that, I just don't understand that way of thinking at all.
Oh and I hope at least some people tried it with the soundtrack. I was excited to find a piece of music that went a long with the coaster and I think it adds a lot of fun to the whole experience. I just want other people to see the park the way I see it and part of that is the music.
And please do keep telling me what you think. I may not agree with you, but I find your comments interesting anyway. As I said before, everyone sees the game in their own way and I'm curious sometimes what those other points of view are. -
posix Offline
I voted for Mean Green, because the icons park wasn't really a park for me. It had no entrance or anything. I missed something that would've indicated it as a park. And I also hate it when people cramp rides over and over. Probably done by Ed and.. someone, looks like AK, but he was on my team...
I'm sorry, but the park didn't do a thing for me.
The mean green's park wasn't really that good either, but still better, in my opinion. I didn't like the rides but the landscaping was genius and much better than on blood island. I also voted for mean green because I found it awfully unfair how miami lost against Atomkraftwerk (which means "nuclear power plant" in English by the way). Yeah.
Anyway, congrats Icons, I guess. -
Scarface Offline
[font="tahoma"] I also voted for mean green because I found it awfully unfair how miami lost against Atomkraftwerk
Anyway, congrats Icons, I guess.[/font] -
Coaster Ed Offline
I may not be able to make you like my parks, but I can certainly make you hate themIt's alright, you don't need to congratulate us. You liked Miami 2040 better and you like Kauri Cliffs better so obviously you're upset about the results. I can't blame you.
Anyway, I liked Kauri Cliffs a lot actually. I thought the landscaping was well done for the most part and the adventure ride was fun. The timed effects all worked well too. From the wide shot the architecture looked like it would be bad but I actually liked it when I saw it close up. It's simple, but the color really adds a lot to it. The standup inverter was a little too simple but I liked the idea there anyway. The flatrides weren't up to the high standards expected nowadays. This is why I leave that kind of thing to RRP and others who do it right. The space could have been used better than for some decent but not great flatrides. If anything, I think we're winning because Kauri Cliffs was quite simple and minimalist while my park bludgeoned people with huge (obscene? unneccesary? disgusting?) amounts of detail and theming. Who's to say what fair is in this competition really. You guys did a good job whoever you are. I tip my hat to you. -
Toon Offline
Ed, I totally understand where you were going with this park. The ideas are all great and it definitely pushes boundaries, but for me it pushed them past the point of enjoyability. I'm all for excessive hacking and the ride idea was phenomenal, but in my opinion, somewhere along the way the park lost track of its goal. There is lots to enjoy, but somehow the atmosphere just got lost in the clutter of coaster track and wires. I guess it goes back to what RCT is for each of us and for me it's art. This just lost it's artistic value somewhere along the way and become tough to look at.
That being said, this is the first thing you've done in the last year that didn't completely captivate me so you're safe as my favourite LL parkmaker. I null voted this round. -
mantis Offline
Miami was better last round, it's true, but at least I got my own little bit of revenge for the SoNY incident
Blood Island is enchanting. So is Kauri, but to a lesser extent -
Themeparkmaster Offline
The anonymity is pretty much non-existent now so there's no problem with me going into this, we've lost anyway.
Basically I feel I have been screwed by Butta'. The park you see is not the park I started for our H2H entry. Yes, believe it or not I worked on this park, not that you would no. I started this park about 3 weeks ago to initially be entered into the first round of finals. I then got totally bogged under with school work and various other commitments and I just didn't have time for RCT, as much as I wanted to continue working on the park I couldn't. I wasn't trying to find an excuse to pass it on because I genuinely had great ideas for the park and wanted to work on it, anyone that knows me well knows that I try very hard to keep to my word and get things done on time (Hi-Rollers entry made in under 2 weeks for example). So due to time constraints I had to pass the park on to Butta', who doesn't even visit NE much anymore (his own words) and would be best contacted by E-Mail (H2H3 captain material? Not really). I sent him the park and managed to catch him on AIM one time and explained to him what I had done and told him how I felt the park should pan out, with possibly a whole pink theme running through the park or at least half pink and a contrasting colour on the other side. I had built the entrance (the only thing still remaining), a floorless coaster and had started landscaping it, complete with building and station foundations. I also had a flat ride ready to sort out. I had intended on finishing all of this, which was basically 1/2 the map, and sending it off to Butta' but as I explained I just didn't have time. But Butta' got it with my work in progress so I explained how I thought we should go ahead with the park, I thought he understood and he even said he liked the first half of my coaster and when I suggested a water feature on the side of a building (a source to the small waterfall at the right of the entrance) he said he had thought the same thing. Well that building isn't even there anymore, so...
Basically he took the park, demolished everything I had done except the entrance and didn't get in contact with me about it again. We ended up with 2 weeks to work on it, as Fatha' brilliantly got Miami in for the first round some how, since I passed it on and I did say that if he got his part done before the deadline he could send it back to me later for me to sort my part out as I would be free soon. Well nothing of the sort happened and I end up downloading this park that I thought would be a real contender to Blood Island and finding out it is totally different to everything I had done.
I'm not calling the park bad because it has some nice timing and features but the architecture is sloppy, the ideas are poor really and the flowers hadn't even been watered. Not a finals winning formula. Now I'm not trying to sound big headed but I really think that the theme I had started, if pulled off correctly, across a whole park would have looked a lot better then this. But instead Butta' comes in and does his own thing.
That's not what H2H is about, it's about working as a team. I get the impression Butterfinger thinks I'm not good enough to work with and my ideas will never be as good as his so he goes in with no respect to what I had started and doesn't even tell me his utterly changing the face of the park. I was so pissed off I almost voted for the Icons. But I stayed loyal to the team because that was the right thing to do. Icons deserve this title though, especially in light of what has just happened to me. They really worked together brilliantly, perfectly organised and even though they may not have had the strongest roster they have ended up head and shoulders above every other team as far as turning out a good park every round goes. Congratulations.
Now I discussed this with iris and he said it's ok for me to post the link to what I had started. It's not much, but it's enough to earn the right to stay I think. I'm only posting this to show everyone that I really didn't have a hand in the out come of this park and wanted to show them what I had originally intended for Kauri Cliffs. So here it is...
*EDIT* Download's not working, could someone host it please?
I already know people are going to be wondering what the hell I am making a big deal over, as it's not like a lot was lost. But that's not the point, Butta' completely disrespected me and my work and I think fucked up our entry to be honest, I'm not looking forward to having him as my captain in H2H3. I've done more for that team already and the season hasn't even started (transferred MA for cg?).
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