(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Cloudy Peaks

  • Toon%s's Photo
    Very strange that people are having problems loading this park?!? There were no problems on my end and I was very pleasantly surprised how well this turned out! I particularly liked the Tiki Room area and the Indy ride, but there were lot's of other things that were enjoyable. I'm curious what order you built the areas in...as it seems to me some areas are MUCH better than others and was wondering if these were done last.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    I think it was a great park for a first. I want to do a park with you one day...but right after I finish mine xD
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Yay! I finally opened it. Kudos to you, sir, it was a fine park. It was very Disney-ish, or whatver the kids are saying these days. My only problem was that there wasn't enough rides. A Big Thunder here, or a Jungle Cruise there would have fit in nicely. But other than that, it was a fine Disney park. Nice job.
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    Wow, I just noticed that it was done.

    Anyways, the link to download the park is broken.

    Indeed it is.
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    Didn't know anyone cared about this park anymore, cool.

    Here it is:


    It's a zip file in there


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