(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Cloudy Peaks

  • Highball%s's Photo
    ^ I agree. :yup: Are you themeing Fantasyland differently than the established Disney parks? Because in those parks, Fantasyland is supposed to look like a medieval carnival (I think). Your Fantasyland has WAY too much pink, and not enough browns like the real ones.

    But if you are themeing the area differently, good work. Except the pink.

    Ok, n00bish rant is over.

  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    There are two different Fantasyland styles. The first and original one is the medieval carnaval currently found at Magic Kingdom and Tokyo Disneyland. The second is a village theme found at Disneyland (from redo) and Disneyland Paris. I for one quite like the way Fantasyland is currently going. One of the advantages of the village theme is that each little microland can be themed to match the time period the specific attraction take splace in while all going together.
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    Okay well first...

    About fantasy land, I was going for something different. I know what the current style is but was going for a more quaint, colorful mood. Almost "Candyland" if you will, that's the best I can describe it. Hopefully I can pull it off.

    Second, I need opinions. Should I attempt to do a small hotel/resort for this map? It wouldn't be anythgin spectacular, but I do have a section for it. I'm thinking of either doing the Disney Cloudy Peaks Resort or themeing it something totally different. Maybe even just a victorian style or modern style.

    Should I do it? Can it hurt to try?
    I know It probobly wont be as good as other hotels I've seen on NE, but I kinda wanan try.

    What do you all think?
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    I think you could try to do a hotel.

    Maybe since the name of the park is "Cloudy Peaks", you could do a hotel themed sort of like a castle in the sky or.... just air in general? lol I don't know, just a suggestion.
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    Well the park is nearing completion. There won't be anymore updates until I release the park. (as if there weren't enough screens...i know..haha)

    Hopefully, it will be about a weeks time until I can proudly present Walt Disney's Cloudy Peaks Resort and Theme Park. Hopefully, I wont be bombarded with work, though I doubt it.

    Thanks for all the support.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I'm looking forward to this park :) Don't rush the end, and make sure to include everything and miss nothing :D
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Wow this park went quick. Can't wait for the release. :D
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    Looking good, Tommorowland is nice, I am looking forward to seeing the space mountain building as in the screens you only get a little teaser of it. The theater is good but not really my liking.

    Tommorowland looks good, well done.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    You're DONE? How long did it take you?

    And because I'm too lazy to look through this thread...how big is the park again?
  • Steve%s's Photo
    wow...this is a disney park, and it took almost less than a month...

  • John%s's Photo
    Disney park in less than a month? Uhhh... ummm... I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :yup:
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    He must work quick. How big is the park?
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    The park is rather small, I actually don't even remember teh actual number. I'm home from school for the weekend so I don't even have the file to check, but I will release all that info with the park.

    I'm HOPING to be done in a week. I worked A LOT on this park, I was overly excited it being my first released project. I understand I shouldn't rush, and I won't.

    Can you blame me for wanting to release it ASAP?
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    Can you blame me for wanting to release it ASAP?

    Nope. :D
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    OK, i have a BIG problem with this park, If I can't fix it, Im not sure wha tI'm going to do.

    In the corner of my park, I have some underground paths. I guess in SE, it generated a peep entry point on the path, but its just a path, thers no park entrance. Well now That I am in the actual game time, peeps are stuck right outside the ground there where the entry point was. I think they built up, because when they ar ein teh screen (even underground) I can barely do anythign the game moves so slow, even scrolling. I have no idea how to fix this without brining it back into SE and loosing all the rides (and half the hacks)

    Ive tried the following:
    changing guest entry point in 8cars
    closing park
    removing path

    Noen seem to work, and since they actually not IN the park, it still says 0 guests. VERY FRUSTRATING

    Any suggestions? How can I fix this?

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  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I had this problem. Only way I know how to fix it is bring it back to the SE which I know you don't wanna do. Good luck on fixing this.
  • aero21%s's Photo
    try removing the path blocks on either side of the entry point but leave everything else. That should allow the peeps to make a distinction on where they are going.
  • Highball%s's Photo
    Just a thought: Mark where your ride stations are by changing the land terrain to a different type than it already is (I suggest the colored grid-like terrain). Then save each individual track design. Load the landscape in the SE and fix what is needed. Then load the game back up, and place the stations from your saved rides over the grid-lined land, and your rides are right back where they were.
    Hope it works.

  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    Thanks for all the help....Wound up sucking it all in and fixing the error in SE.

    Even so, I'm basically done with this park. Just gunna test it with a few people and hopefully it's release will soon follow.

    BTW, its a 100x100 park
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    BTW, its a 100x100 park

    Didn't you say you were entering this as a spotlight or somthing? If so you cant't cause i think the minimum size is 120x120. Glad to hear you fixed the problem.


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