(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Cloudy Peaks
13-November 03
Geoff Offline
[font="tahoma"]yuck...I don't like the brown flat roofs. For some odd reason those flat roofs remind me of Meretrix's Phantasia *scratched head*[/font] -
RaoulXpres Offline
Well there not the same, his are black and a completely different scenery pieces actually.
It's obvious It's infuencled by Meretrix's style, but I think I was able add a twist...I hope -
Geoff Offline
[font="Tahoma"]I just don't like the flat roofs, especially with that brown color. The back of the buildings also look like boxes.[/font] -
Geoff Offline
[font="Tahoma"]Sorry to give you blunt criticsm about the architecture. I like your concept and just keep on going, cause hey at least your building a park, and you're actually progressing quickly. Sorry for being mean, I don't mean to.[/font]
Meretrix Offline
Interesting Main Street. I will be following the progress of this park very closely. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Um... you don't want to do that. I can't say why, but trust me.Or even a "Disney Dark Park", perhaps?
Anyway, the castle does look a lot better. The scheme is a lot grander and it's a great improvement. I like how it sparkles with magic. I'd make the center tower taller, though, just so that the castle, if seen from the front, would look more like a cone volcano shape rather than a shield volcano shape.
The newest screens aren't working, though. They look like dull hometown street, not romanticized Disney. -
Corkscrew Offline
This park is looking really good, RaoulXpres. Butt the last screen doesn't looks really Disney to me. I would try to use less brown, use other types of roofes than the flat ones and putt more details in them (like a little tower or something like that).
Butt anyway, the park is looking currently pretty nice, keep it up -
artist Offline
The buildings seem boring they need more and dragon fly how many times do you wanna post?
~nemesis chris~ -
RaoulXpres Offline
ok Big Update.
Main Street has been renamed Dwarf Village. You can imagine who has opened shop here...
Also, the Liberty Ferry has been lowered into the Rivers of America. It will be the primary transportation to Tom Sawyer's Island.
Loads of work has been done in Tomorrowland. Space mountain has been constructed and enclosed. Also, Plans to contruct Carousell of Progress have been put on hold while a new project has been announced. Introducing Innoventions, Disney's look at the technology of the future. Tomorrow land is still far from complete.
In Liberty Square, The Haunted Mansion has been completed.
Fire Away :-) -
Steve Offline
i will say this...
its really good!
space mountain is really cool, just like the real thing, and innovations looks really cool too. haunted mansion looks just like WDW's Mansion as well. i dont like main street though...work on that some more...
Meretrix Offline
I'll make this quick (so that i don't burn dinner).
1. I don't like Dwarf Village, the name, the buildings, the atmosphere. Make the village look more like a village and less like a strip mall.
2. Space Mtn. I like it. nice texture. I'd love to see the interior (just curious). What kind of coaster is it?
3. Innoventions, interesting building, could use a little more work. Is the yellow thing a Mickey head? If yes, then make it more pronounced, or something.
4. The boat....a little small, but doable. Maybe spruce up the colors or something.
5. Haunted Mansion. Very nice. Maybe shrink the ride building or hide it more with trees.
There ya go. Gotta go eat now -
JiMeMo Offline
The yellow thing in the Innoventions pictures is a lightbulb.
I dont really like the mansion. I think it's too white for a haunted mansion. It also needs dirst around the graveyard and such. -
RaoulXpres Offline
About Dwarf Village(Main Street), yes the name sucks, I'll be the first to admit it. Suggestions welcome but I couldn't think of anything worthy, i guess i had creative block.
And yeah Meretrix, i see your point about it looking like a strip mall. Maybe now that I can see my park coming together I can start it from scratch. I'll see what I can do.
That thing on Innoventions is a lightbulb. Preferable, I'd make a custom scenery object, but i don't just wanna turn to that for everything I make. I think its cooler to make it out of other items, so I'll be working on that.
Jimeo - "It also needs dirst around the graveyard and such" ....Im not sure that that means. And I think it looks too white b/c shrinking down the picture looses a lot of detail and because the ride building is big and white. I'll work on it.
Thanks for all the suggestions, there helping me out A LOT -
Meretrix Offline
How 'bout for Dwarf Village.....Hi, Ho Lane! (it sounds stupid, but give it a second to kick in) -
Corkscrewed Offline
LMAO! That's funny. Really.
And your Space Mountain, albeit very similar to Meretrix's, is still very, very good. -
RaoulXpres Offline
Updated Ferry Pic first off
Also, Goofy's Barnstormer has been constructed and themed. -
Tech Artist Offline
Not at all. It looks a bit more like the real one.LMAO! That's funny. Really.
And your Space Mountain, albeit very similar to Meretrix's, is still very, very good.
1. Nice boat. I really like how you did the paddle wheel.
2.Hmmm.... needs some more detail IMO.
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