(Archive) Advertising District / Minnesota's Great Adventure

  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    I've started a new park with RCT1 called "Minnesotta's Great Adventure". Currently there is only one ride called "Turbine" (i've named it after the Indoor Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop of Six Flags Belgium. I've been there sunday and omg, what a launch that Turbine has :X) , a fishhook coaster that goes forwards and backwards and makes a full circuit. Anyway, tell me what you think about it and what i can improve :bandit:

  • artist%s's Photo
    Looks good mate i like the coaster alot but i think the archy should have more colour in them mabye a red or turquise.

    Keep it up.

    ~nemesis chris~
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Yay Minnesota. And it better be the Minnesota I'm thinking of.


    It looks nice. A nice realistic feel to it. The tree selection is ok..I'd be a little more on the coniferous side for Minnesota...but anyways. The archy looks ok, everything looks ok. Its a nice step in the right direction, I'd say, when people starting making Minnesota theme parks.

    Yay, it snowed today!
  • Hyperion%s's Photo
    Yes, did snow today, yet not enough for snowboarding (maybe tomorrow).

    It is realistic. I think the tree selection is fine, sort of like a pine forest. It isn't overdone which I like as well....

  • Elmnopman%s's Photo
    Eh, its just a spelling error, let him off the hook about it. looks nice. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
  • guljam%s's Photo
    Coaster design is Amazing but not enough theme
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    Cbass, it's like Elmnopman said a little mistake of mine. Butt thanks for noticing that ;) Could a mod or admin please change the name in "Minnesota's Great Adventure"?

    Thanks for the suggestions and comments everyone ;)
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Screen doesn't work for me. I get this strange error message. :'(
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo

    Screen doesn't work for me. I get this strange error message.  :'(

    Now you should be able to see them again :)
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    Minnesota Cannonball

    Coaster number 2 has been builded. This time a classical, not really special Out-And-Back woodie called "The Minnesota Cannonball". Tell me what you think about this one :bandit:

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Reminds me of the Chariot of Lost Souls. Nice. I like the pagoda style station cover on that building too. I'm not too keen on the gently sloping custom supports, but maybe that's just cos i'm used to seeing the steep ones.

    Nice and traditional, though :)
  • rctmanplaysrct%s's Photo
    You know that I'm a fan of all of your work. You truly are my second favorite park maker...behind TT.
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    @mantis : First i did'nt placed those gently sloping supports butt i've desided to putt them there cause the track beneath that hill makes the supports of the hill disappear. So i've donne it to prevent that it would look like the hill was floating in the air ;)

    @rctmanplaysrct : *proud* :D

    Thanks for the replys guys!
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo

    New coaster placed in the park. This time a Vekoma Rollerskater for the little ones with a small figure-eight layout ;)

  • rctmanplaysrct%s's Photo
    The only bad thing about this park is that its RCT1. Otherwise, it is the most perfect thing EVER!!!
  • Alienated%s's Photo

    The only bad thing about this park is that its RCT1.


    It looks great so far. The architecture is fantastic, aswell as the rides. You've set a nice atmosphere, i wouldn't change a thing.

    Good job, keep us posted.

  • Corkscrew%s's Photo

    New update ;) A S&S Power Swat has arrived at the park nearby the Turbine rollercoaster.

  • rctmanplaysrct%s's Photo

    Same as before.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    That looks really scary! Could you hack those diagonal bits to join on to the central structure, or aren't they meant to?

    Either way I don't like the ride cos i'd be too scared to go on it :p

    Nice work!
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo

    Could you hack those diagonal bits to join on to the central structure, or aren't they meant to?

    Normally they're meant to, yes. I'll try to do something about that, thanks for the advice, Mantis ;)


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