(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
aero21 Offline
Walt's Disneyland Utopia
Construction is going slow, but steady. I get to work on this thing maybe once every other day which is less time than i would like. The west side of the park encompasing Tomorrowland and Fire Mountain is what is getting the most attention. Fire Mountains track is done, and it won't let me build any more (damn Access Violations!) but i like it and it's more than i thought I could do. Tomorrowland is looking good, although i have made a few color changes, and most likely will continue to do so. A new attraction has taken it's place in Tomorrowland - "TRON 4.D" a 4D theater attraction useing 3-D and other secial effects that will plunge you into the world of Tron. Expect the Monsters Inc ride to get placement next.
Fire Mountain with the "Hot House Bar & Grill" to the side.
Entrance to Space Mountain got a few color adjustments, which I like a little better. It could still change though.
enjoy the small update! -
cBass Offline
The screens all look nice, but I have to say that the "Hot House Bar & Grill" -- with the booths, the steps to the entrance, the torches, etc. -- is the best looking eatery I've seen in the game. -
Tech Artist Offline
Still looking good. I still think Tommarow land could use some color other than the abundent black and white.
The Hot House Bar & Grill is a delight. I wonder what it would be like to eat there....I look forward to more screens.
Scarface Offline
Not too keen on the first screen, ride looks very bland...
second screen is fantastic -
aero21 Offline
thats because you are only seeing a small part of itNot too keen on the first screen, ride looks very bland...
Tommarow land could use some color other than the abundent black and white
there is a lot of B & W, but it is used as a base color. The main colors are teal, gold, red, and dark purple. -
mantis Offline
Well, when I saw them when they were working (earlier) I liked them. The grill was nice (although it would have been nice to have something to offset the symmetry a bit..like, maybe a barrel, or just a weed lol) and the coaster sounds great. I can imagine how frustrating Error Trappers would be with rct2, because of the horrendous loading times.
I really like the Tomorrowland colour scheme. Good job. -
aero21 Offline
screens are hosted by Homestead.com, and it goes down evry so often. They will be back up soon.
Fire Mountain has been a struggle, with all the forwards/backwards stuff. In fact i can't even get more than one train on there becasue of the "launch" mode you have to use. But it looks good as is, almost like a crumbling mountain threatening to destroy Fantasyland. Tomorrowland also is looking good, some neat variations in architecture...and some fun rides as well. -
tyandor Offline
Tried launched block-mode?Fire Mountain has been a struggle, with all the forwards/backwards stuff. In fact i can't even get more than one train on there becasue of the "launch" mode you have to use.
aero21 Offline
sorry for the lack of updates, they will be a lot less here on out. The park is still progressing and is about 60% done. I took a few shots to keep you interested.
It's a Small World
Monsters Inc. Factory Tour
enjoy -
Tech Artist Offline
1st screen: I think Small World needs more color like aqua, pink, white, a good green, and so forth.
2nd screen: Looks good, but the Monsters Inc. buildings seems a little blocky. Also i am not sure about those track pieces.
I look forward to more screens! -
tyandor Offline
Too much traffic... (at least that's what I get to see if I do copy-paste)I cant see the pictures
aero21 Offline
pictures are on a new server, should work now.
As far as comments go; Monsters Inc is a square building...it is a factory afterall. There may be a few stryctural changes when the area is completed. Small World is based off the original design which was a white building with gold accents. I didn't want to put too much color in it because of the amount of color in Fantasyland that serves as an entrance area. -
Panic Offline
It's very good, but it looks a bit crowded. I'd say on the first screen the paths really crowd things up in front of the building. Maybe take out the curly part of the queue and instead take it back past that fountain and down those stairs in the way front, instead of having a normal path there.
I'm also troubled by the coaster track in the second screen; it seems to steal everything away from the buildings and get in the way. Plus it doesn't fit best with those color buildings. Maybe if you want to frame the building like that you could make a single coaster track arch from the left of the building (the front in the screen) to the right. -
aero21 Offline
the coaster track in the second pic is a pyramid, it almost makes a centerpiece to the area. again, it is not permanent mainly because the buildings are ever changeing in that section. -
Ride6 Offline
I'm liking this better than "Reel Adventures" anywho. The track pyramid doesn't bug me a bit, but then again I play both games (RCT2 more hevily though). The themed idea's are pretty good but nothing mind-blowing. I don't mind the blocky-ness of the buildings either. The main thing bugging me right now is the Q-line for Its a Small World. There is way too much path there... It's really intruding on the atmosphere of the ride. You could either A) cover the line up with some carefully and tastefully done architecture orremove some of it and fill the empty squares with gardens and shrubs.
ride6 -
Corkscrewed Offline
Small World facade is too holey. Make it one long building, and then put intricate detail on the facade. The building itself needs to be longer. -
aero21 Offline
it will be longer. It's just a facade right now. the ride will be installed later. The path outside is a bit excessive, but it still fits in with the surrounding. I will look into some architecture to liven it up a bit.
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