(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
Meretrix Offline
I love the last two screens though I wish you hadn't used coaster track for the Tomorrowland supports. Space Mtn.......not crazy about it. Maybe it's the wooden colored fences next to the white. Don't know......great work though, you'll be done with this before I even get out of the SE with Phantasia. -
super rich Offline
Now this is what you call good work. Your ideas are brilliant and when you put them into plan they look great i love the entrance to the land of fire i have no idea why but its cool.
PBJ Offline
I´m not a Disney fan (no coment plz)! but if i see those screens i must say WOW this is nice!
the light´s are a great idea to made theme of Coastertracks.
i can´t wait for more!
Jellybones Offline
I like them all...especially, the entrance to Fire Mountain. I'm pretty amped to see what you're doing with this concept. -
aero21 Offline
Disneyland Utopia Update
Fire Mountain is set to erupt at Disneyland Utopia. A long fabled attraction in the world of Disney, it finally makes it's debut at a Disney park. Located in the north west quadrent of the park, this giant erupting mountain looms over the castle causeing tremors to be felt throughout the park. The science agency "DGI- Disney Geological Institute" have had an ongoing study regarding this mountain for quite some time. After years of research and planning, they are ready to share thier discovery with you. Boarding a specially designed passenger train, we begin our ascent into the mountain. Past rock formations and still hot pools of magma, we are told that this particular form of transportation is special to this mountain. The track has built in re-routs, meaning if something were to go wrong, the vehicle would actually change it's course to a safer passage. You can understand that touring a active volcano sometimes includes necessary changes in direction. What you are about to experiance is the ultimate change in direction, welcome to Fire Mountain! -
Corkscrewed Offline
It looks ugly right now, but I'm really intrigued on how you're pulling this off! -
rK_ Offline
i would like to know more about what you did with the mine train, looks like it just leaps off its tracks into nowhere, very nice work so far though -
deanosrs Offline
That train's going back from where it came no?
As for the lava... those waterfalls will look bad in game because they flow too quickly but I guess there's not much you could have done about that... the coloured swamp tile might have looked good instead of the water though. -
Disney Freak Offline
Take out the trees and put some dead trees instead! I don't think trees grow too well on a heated mountain! -
IndyJones Offline
This is the first time I've seen this topic. Can't believe I missed out on this!
Anyways, I really like it. Space Mtn. looks really good and probably the best way I've seen the roof done. Also I really like the Fire Mtn. shoots. I'm really interested in that pic you showed. Does the train fall backwards down the track? I want to see all the track merges too.
Indy -
Jellybones Offline
Might I suggest building tracks on the other side of the lavaflow as well, so that the tracks appear to be washed (or burned) out.
Anyway, it's a really neat idea for Fire Mountain, one I wasn't expecting, though I suspect it was 'borrowed' from the real next Disney mountain. -
aero21 Offline
there is a little bit of that. This picture is a shot from early in design. much of the sceanery is going in as we speak. I know about the red water effect not being as convinceing as lava, but it's all i got. there are many burnt trees now installed, and it looks great.Might I suggest building tracks on the other side of the lavaflow as well, so that the tracks appear to be washed (or burned) out.
Does the train fall backwards down the track? I want to see all the track merges too.
i will say there are a few merges in this ride. half of the ride is forwards, the rest is bacwards.it's very wicked!
There were a few concepts going around for Fire Mountain, many of which dealt with early versions of the vekoma flyer, but were scraped by disney because of cost. -
Tech Artist Offline
Wow i love the idea for Fire Mountain. This is one part of this i can't wait to see. Nice Job! -
rctmanplaysrct Offline
A small thing to consider:
On the enterance to fire mountain, put the path down first and then hack the closed half of the door onto it. It'll look better.
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