(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
aero21 Offline
ask and you shall recieve.
12-28-2003, Disneyland Utopia Update:
Sorry for the lack of updates but the hollidays have been very busy for me. I have been able to add some things to the ppark, which will be shown here. First, Adventureland is now done and it looks great! Much better than my previous attempt in Mid-America. The entrance to the Tiki Temple ws the remaining element and it is now done (a pic is in this update). I took another look at the castle and made some slight changes (yeah, i made it taller) but only by a little bit. The rides in in Fantasyland are being constructed with 4 of them being completely done. So far; Nemo's Adventure, Neverland Escape, The Adventures of Jack Skellington, and The Mad Tea Party have been completed. Tommoroland has begun construction with the Star Tours attraction and Transport 2K4 in full construction mode. There isn't much more i can detail, except Fire Mountain will be next to start construction. On with the pics:
Here is a close shot of the entrance gates, notice the modified Mickey.
A picture of the Tiki Temple entrance, the ride takes place in the ancient temple on the island of adventure.
Star Tours and Tommoroland are in full construction mode. Transport 2K4 is seen in the foreground.
Fianlly, a shot of Fantasyland. The Mad Tea Party (notice the "painting the roses red" motife) and a bit of the Jack Skellington attraction que is shown.
Enjoy! -
Geoff Offline
The Jack Skellington attraction looks cool--maybe because I love Nightmare Before Christams, but that's a great idea. Fantasyland looks different than all the other fantasylands I've seen in other RCT Disney parks. I like it.
Tommorowland's 2k4 transport looks so neat, they had something like that in Disneyland but then took it down because it broke down to much.
Anyways great work. -
Panic Offline
The Mad Tea Party looks great. Nice pole covering.
I have a problem with the green-brown ground on the second picture. It just doesn't go very well with the buildings. Maybe try an all-green or all-brown. Working with the ground you have currently is like trying to paint on a multicolored canvas. -
Meretrix Offline
I think it's not bad. But Fantasyland looks a little discombobulated (sp?), like there are too many things going on? Maybe it's the screen taken out of context. Not sure. Tomorrowland looks like it's 1960's groovy self (which is a cool nostalgic thing). Tikki room looks groovy as well. Not crazy about the "detailed Mickey". He looks a little strange. -
Brent Offline
Ok, you die now. I'd expect that from Kumba, but not you.Tommoroland has begun construction with the Star Tours attraction and Transport 2K4 in full construction mode.
Tech Artist Offline
Looking great.
Some suggustions though,
1. Fantasy land as Meretrix said has too many things going on.
2.This may just be a personal prefrence but Tomarrowland while looking good could use some color.
3. Not to be mean but the new Mickey in the 1st screen for some reason scares the crap out of me. It looks like Mickey during halloween but not family oriented.
Other than that everything is looking great as usual. *Waits for more screens* -
Jellybones Offline
Fire Mountain! Kickass! About time someone did a Fire Mountain ride.
Oh yeah, screens are pretty, but Fantasyland is a bit frantic and messyish, and "Transport 2K4" is quite silly...is there anything wrong with "Wedway Peoplemover"? -
rctfreak2000 Offline
Aero, you honestly deserve way more credit in this community. The screens you've posted are absolutely amazing and each have a great atmosphere. You have the ability in both games to create some of the most amazing atmospheres that are unmatched by most. Great job on these four new screens.
The first screen is nice, but I'd try to rework Mickey a bit. It looks good, but it took me a second to find him in the screen. I'd try to at least make it stand out a bit more. Not sure how you could do that, but I'm sure you can think of something.
The second screen is great too. I'm extremely fond of how you handled the bridge for the train to cross that river. It's these small details that make me love your work. I think you capture the temple theme well too. I'm going to make an assumption here that you've yet to finish treeing on the side of the hill, so I won't complain about it just yet.
The third screen is amazing. It's nice to finally see someone but small details in the queue. Those are just as important as details in other places, yet I see them neglected all the time. I like the textures you've used for the walls, and the two pieces of robot scenery are perfect additions to the entire ambiance of the building.
The fourth and final screen is great too. The "painting the roses red" idea is perfect for the theme, but the real interesting thing for me is the Jack Skellington ride. There's something about it that really catches my eye and makes me say wow. The theming is perfect. It's dark, yet there is something about it that seems like a touch of light heartedness is in it too. I'm not sure how I got that from a building, but I did, so great job.
I love the screens, and I can't wait to download this as a future spotlight. -
Ride6 Offline
The detailed Mickey is odd and I'd have to see a closer view before I can say how great or horid it is.
The Tiki Temple enterence looks great, except is that hill there going to be treed or "enhanced" somehow? It could use it.
The Star Tours building is a bit blocky. Try adding some 1/4 tile overhangs, maybe that'd help. It's still great...
The Mad Tea Party screen looks a bit random but i'm sure you'll pull it togather.
This is the best Disney park since Tilted Acres and maybe the best ever when you finish it.
ride6 -
aero21 Offline
couple of things..... sorry about my hoster being down i didn't know they were going to be down this evening (should be up tomorrow)
-Fantasyland: I agree the pic makes it look hectic and messy, but i assure you it's not. It follows the traditional town pattern and what you are seeing is a shot sort of looking over the castles shoulder. I had to do that because it would have given away more than i wanted to show. You will get a better pic next update.
-The hill by Tiki Temple is far from finished. There might be an attraction or themeing going in there, so i have it open for now.
-The Mickey pattern is staying, purely becuase it's freaky looking.
-Tomorrowlandis being patterned after Disneyland 1993, when everything was very blocky and white. I want there to be this very stark almost generic space port type place. White, black, and grey will be very dominate colors here. I may throw in some metalic colors, but that is a big maybe.
thanks for the comments... back to work. -
aero21 Offline
Walt's Disneyland Utopia: UPDATE :
Thought i would let some more info out about the park as it stands right now.
Main Street: complete
Frontierland: 35% done
Adventureland: 70% done
Fantasyland: 65% done
Tomorrowland: 10% done
other areas in planning or just starting
overall: 47% done.
As you can see progress is slow, but still active. Tomorrowland is getting the most attention right now, it's a good change up from Fantasyland. The Fantasmic Theater has been completed on the waters of america's shore. It's a nice comfy open air theater. This will allow multiple showings in a more contained environment. You can even get seats at the Fantasmic Cafe for a great show and some good food. Tomorrowlands' Star Tours Space Port ride and gift shop/exit has been completed and most of the track for Transport 2K4 is also in place. Fire Mountain will be contained in it's own "area" and will be viewable from the main hub, overlooking Fantasyland (in similar fashion to Matterhorn - just more ominous). Enjoy the pics:
here is a less confuseing pic of Fantasyland looking back twards the castle and hub.
A picture of The Hangman's Saloon in Frontierland. This building also contains the waiting area for the steamboat resturant (actual name pending, i'm leaning twards: Steamboat Willie's )
The que house for Nemo's Adventure in Fantasyland
Finally a pic of the station for Transport 2K4
end transmission. -
Drew Offline
I was making a Rocket Rods type ride in Sorteche Grove, but, it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.
The park looks great though! -
Ride6 Offline
aaaaaahhhhh, comeon Areo you know tomarrowland would look better with just a little splash of blood (red that is).
The park looks great, even though tomarrowland is too bland. This may even top Tilted Arces if you keep it up. And this is RCT2 not WW right? That would mean you'll get a bigger viewing number which is always good.
Look'n great; perfect theming, realistic and so very DISNEY!!!!!
ride6 -
norancidfx241 Offline
i agree with tomorrowland needs color but for your restaurant i say go for steamboat willies that sound pimping, and its cool.
Nick -
aero21 Offline
First: I used the earlier Tomorrowland as a basis for what you are getting with Utopia. The early version used a lot of white and black. Don't worry though, because it's all a set up for some other things. The layout will be similar to DMA's tomorrowland with a few upgrades and a more sterile futeristic look. Some of the hacks will be missing, but replaced with upgraded stuff. By the way, yes this is all RCT2, no expansions!
Thanks for the comments so far.
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