(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
Leighx Offline
i dont like the ship to much?. but adventure land looks interesting??
and the skull is werid and i dont like it. but the park is coming along good. -
Steve Offline
i luv it! its very disneyish imo...the only thing that dosent look all that disney-ish is the building next to the Adventurland gates...looks weird... -
Janus Offline
The "Pirates" screen has so much atmosphere, it feels like I'm a peep watching all that beatiful theming.
The other two screens, especially the "Adventure Land" one is too unfinished.
How large is the park and how many percent of it is done? -
Kumba Offline
I have never seen a park with this much custom scenery, its looking great, that skul with the waterfall is amazing, keep it up. -
Valp Offline
It does have a little bit of the Disney atmosphere, but I think wider paths would help develop the Disney style even more.
In the first screen, the straw roofs in the middle of the brown pirate roofs are... not very pretty. I see the look you're going for, but I don't think the two contrast very well.
I say keep the scenery; it's nice.
For some reason, this park looks like it was being contsructed 25 years ago instead of today... I don't know why, but not many know why or how I think...
Keep it up! -
gir Offline
Well, I must say I'm not a fan of the first two screens but I really need to see more of the paddleboat! It looks brilliant. -
aero21 Offline
The only picture that has a complete set is the first one. The building to the right of the falls is the entrance to the Pirates que. I have actually redone the roofs, i agree the straw with the shingles was too off. There is a lot of custom sceanery, which i am useing for accents. Much of the buildings main construction is standard issue.
The paths switch from 2 wide to 3 wide in different areas, this is mostly to accomodate different styles of buildings. The first building at the entrance to Adventureland is the Adventureland Bazaar, similar to the one at the exit of Jungle Cruise at Disneyland. The park is about 20% done, it's still in the editor mode. Once i set most of the pieces i will move on to phase 2 which will be the rides and hacks. The park is looking very Disney, and i expect it to stay that way. It's the little accent touches that are really going to make this park shine. -
aero21 Offline
Update: 11-19-2003
Well, another week has passed and a little more work has been done. Adventureland has recieved the bulk of the work, with it's Pirates ride and now The Jungle Expidition ride starting construction. With construction moving along I have made a few adjustments to the overall map. I have always felt Disney had wasted a lot of space with the Waters of America. I have looked at some old concept drawrings of Disneyland and noted there was a much better use of land, mind you i am not useing that exact layout, but i am incororating the lands with the water area to make a more cohesive layout. Adventureland takes up all of the right side of the river and most of the top as well. Walt originally had planned a connection between the waters and Adventureland, even today the water still flows between the two. With that in mind the Jungle Expidition's water is connected to the main water area, which has added a great deal to the overall themeing. I aim to start Fantasyland next, which i am going to do outside of the scenario editor. I really want to start on some of the rides, and it also allows me to decide space for the different attractions. That's about it for now, enjoy the updated pics.
Here is a shot of the exit area for Pirates:
The boat dock for the Jungle Expidtion is starting to take shape:
Finally a pic of Main Street with a section of the HUb in there as well:
Enjoy! -
Roberto Roboparks Offline
I like the screens a lot, especially the one of the main street.
I do ask you to be careful with the pirate ships. It's the 2nd already and you shouldn't put in too much because of their size. -
Janus Offline
Actually, it's the same ship but from another angle.
It looks good, I like that very detailed architecture in the main street picture. That metal path in the jungle expedition screen looks a bit odd though. -
mantis Offline
Ooh I like I like. The jungle expedition looks very jungly, and that main street area reminds me of the lovely midways you used to do in LL.
Again - is that pirate ship from Monkey Island? If it isn't, it sure looks like those ones lol. -
aero21 Offline
thanks for the replys so far. Mantis, thanks for the compliments refering to my old LL parks. I think this park will have a lot of the qualitys of my old parks. I must say i am really debateing putting a Indiana Jones ride in. I have so much planned, and i don't know if it would fit the "traditional" Disney park i have planned. I need suggestions on if i should do one or not.
PS- i think the pirate ship is from Tropico 2. -
Tech Artist Offline
Who made that pirate ship(the piece of scenery)?PS- i think the pirate ship is from Tropico 2.
Jacko Shanty Offline
::sucks teeth::
Maaaan.. sheeeeit!
This is some of the best work I've seen! I love the skull, and the waterfall.. never thought someone would get so detailed and complex with only waterfalls and the skull. On the last three screens - they look very good.. I haven't been to Disney land in soooo long, so I can't really remember a pirate/cabin themed section, other than the POC ride.. but I could be wrong. The last screen especially looks very Disney-fied.
The only thing I dislike are those yellow steel fences surrounding the first waterfall out of the skull's mouth.. they look out of place. Re-color or replace them or something.
Other than that, looks great. -
aero21 Offline
The only thing I dislike are those yellow steel fences surrounding the first waterfall out of the skull's mouth.. they look out of place. Re-color or replace them or something.
done.I don't knowexactly who made the pirate ship piece, i got it off a site linked on rct depot.
This park is not the actual Disneyland, it is a park based off early conceptualized drawings and rumored attractions. There are also some ideas pulled from the actual Disneyland but implemented in a different fashion. -
Neon Coaster Offline
The Pirate ship was made by Ilqmk...designer at the depot. Actually its from Tropico 2.....Ilqmk did the conversion. Same with the skull head. -
Tech Artist Offline
The skull head to? Huh i thought they were WW objects.The Pirate ship was made by Ilqmk...designer at the depot. Actually its from Tropico 2.....Ilqmk did the conversion. Same with the skull head.
Anyways... Nice parks so far. Looks Aero and Disney all the way.
No suggustions at the moment.::sucks teeth::
Maaaan.. sheeeeit!
Marshy Offline
DO you laugh at EVERYTHING???The skull head to? Huh i thought they were WW objects.
Anyways... Nice parks so far. Looks Aero and Disney all the way.
No suggustions at the moment.::sucks teeth::
Maaaan.. sheeeeit!
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