(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
Meretrix Offline
Tis gorgeous.
Seeing these Disney parks, almost makes me want to reinstall RCT2 on my comp.
I am looking forward to many screens upon it's release.
See you in the world of RCT3! -
Disney Freak Offline
I love your execution of WRE!
Now, I'm going to let the Disney buff in me come out. I have to say that a coaster on a family oriented attraction isn't something Disney would normally do. If you're aiming for realism, I'd suggest giving the coaster a second thought. It's your park tho, and the decision is up to you.I'm just making the suggestions here!
Richie Offline
I think the landscaping could do with some work in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th screen. I looks like its unfinished, maybe it is?
I like the look of the kiddie coaster, its cool the way it goes accross the waterfall. Whether or not disney would do it doesnt really matter. The disney parks around are all the same in a sense, but this is different. More interesting to me. -
Disney Freak Offline
Why does it not matter? It's part of a theme. This theme is a family oriented park. That's exactly what it should be. From the look of it, aero is aiming for realistic Disney so a small thing like a junior coaster is quite important imo. -
aero21 Offline
I am not sure why there would be a problem with a junior coaster, every Disney park has one. Disneyland has Gadget's Go-Coaster, WDW has Goofy's Barn Stormer both located in the "family" sections of the park. A "Family" oriented park should have something for everyone, a "Disney Family" oriented park should do the same, but be extremely themed from the perspective of a story. The landscape for WRE is still uncomplete, but will be finished shortly. I must make a few adjustments and then landscape accordingly. This park is definately going to be different from what you are seeing advertised right now by others, I have to say this is right up there with my other Disney park Mid-America. -
Highball Offline
Looks good. I think some of the areas surround the WRE need a little more themeing. Other than that awesome as always. -
iBrent Offline
How's the progress on this park coming along? And what about the third park you had going of your chain... forget the name. Cinescape I think?... -
Sparker9014 Offline
your usin the dinsey name in vane its a good park and all just dosnt seem like a disney place
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