(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
aero21 Offline
I hate Homestead! Oh well here are the pics from photobucket (lesser quality), and as a bonus two more pics.
enjoy! -
Hevydevy Offline
The station is my favorite pic so far. I love the colors, and all the plants. The buildings in the second pic look great, but I don't like the flowers, and shubbery. They just look too random, and the colors don't go well together IMO. Fire Mountain looks like great fun. It reminds me of Thunder Mountain on steroids. The castle looks great also. I can't wait to see the finished product. -
natelox Offline
Looks beautiful. The only screen I don't like is the one with the Mine Train coaster in it. The layout looks a little iffy, but the thing that really bothers me is the abnoxious red lava colour. Maybe turn that down a level. The rest are amazing! Any date on when this will be done? -
aero21 Offline
Sorry, I can't give an exact date (with two kids I'm lucky if I can even get important work done) But i will try and finish it by the end of the summer. I am takeing my time with this one, similar to what I had done for DMA. It most likely will be the last park i do in RCT2 (RCT3 will be in my hands about the time i finish this park). I agree about the "red" thing, I have been testing a few different colors and possibly some ways to make it look less intimidateing.
aero21 Offline
update 6-19
Pirates has been completed, and Frontierland awaits.
que for pirates
backside of Arabian section of Adventureland. -
rK_ Offline
in the 1st screen the use of the land is excellent, i like that alot, in the 2nd screen, im still not sure about the purple and it seems a little bare for an arabian theme.
excellent update. -
Tech Artist Offline
1st screen: Everything looks cool but I think there needs to be more than there is, it looks some what empty in the surrounding area above the pirates area.
2nd screen: The buildings need to be more interesting, they have potential but they look too common to me for some reason.
Look forward to more screens! -
aero21 Offline
remember, that arabian shot is from the back of the building. If you remeber i posted a shot of the front a while back, it's the double deck carousel. -
Jellybones Offline
Holy crap, that Arabian screen is really cool. The use of the purple and gold is a perfect compliment. Nice job aero. -
Tech Artist Offline
Ah ok. Well then that screen looks very nice.remember, that arabian shot is from the back of the building. If you remeber i posted a shot of the front a while back, it's the double deck carousel.
P.s. Why do the picks take so long to load on this page? -
Silenced Offline
Aero, use Chapel Direct for your uploading, it is a whole hell better than Photo Sucket.
The Arabian screen is very nice and quaint, and why are the pics loading so slow? Rctfag and I can't take it, lol. -
aero21 Offline
---Huge Update 8-22---
Well, with a llittle time off from work I have been able to put some more time into Utopia. The park as is sits at 85% done, and all major attractions installed. Themeing is all that awaits. I can provide a more up to date attraction list now that they are in.
Main Street
+Disneyland Railroad
+Haunted Mansion
+Playhouse Disney (show)
+Carnation Creamery (resturant)
+Walt's Firehouse (walkthrough attraction)
+Bullseye's Buckaroo Stable
+Western River Expidition
+Journey through Natures Wonderland
+Hoot n Holla: A western review (show)
+Steamboat Willie's (themed returant)
+Golden Spike Railroad Station (disneyland railroad station)
+Pirates of the Caribbean
+Alladin's Caravan
+Jungle Cruise
+Tiki Room
+Toads Wild Ride
+Jack's Nightmare
+Mad Tea Party
+Journey to Neverland
+Small World
+Nemo's Adventures
Fire Mountain
+Fire Mountain
+The Dig
+Journey to the Core
+Space Mountain
+Star Tours
+Tron 4.D
+Monorail Station
+Transport 2K4
+Monsters Inc Factory Tour
+Pizza Planet (resturant)
So you can see there are some interesting attractions encompasing old favorites, new attractions and stuff that could come in the future.
Pizza Planet
Journey to the Core- the defunct digging aparatus that is resposible for the "rip" in the core's shell.
"Core" gift shop on the left. deserted buildings that have been turned into shops and resturants, like this old church now houseing a fine crystal shop.
Toad Hall, home to Toad's Wild Ride.
Priority seating (by reservation only) at Fantasmic Cafe, includes a wonderfull view of Fantasmic and desert.
Entrance to Adventureland
oh, and please no posts about picture quality or different hosting sites. I am quite OK with what I have. -
Steve Offline
This is looking great, aero.
I like the Toad Hall and Pizza Planet looks awesome.
I'm just having issues with the landscaping. It could be better.
Very nice foliage though.
Keep it up, man. -
Ride6 Offline
I love this park. The Pizza Planet screen is duh bomb but everything else looks classy too. I really think that this is the best take on a Disney park because it isn't choked by cartoony custom (or WW or TT) screanery to the point where atmosphere nearly calapse's. Insted it chooses a happy medium, useing some custom objects carefully to enhance the apearence. lovely.
ride6 -
JKay Offline
Well, i dont know how I missed your update aero, so I'll comment now. I really have no complaints about those screens. Everything is just so well planned and perfectly executed that I'm still in awe. You fit scenery together in ways I would never think of!....absolutely amazing....can't wait for the release. -
Disney Freak Offline
I don't feel the Disney atmosphere.... I also think it's way too crowded at times.. Just my opinion. -
Leighx Offline
I am really getting into this park now,
i love the way you have used teh coaster track in the first screen, and the white and red adds jsut the right amount of colour. The other 2 screens are good aswell.My only problem are the custom flowers.
really good.
Valp Offline
+Hoot n Holla: A western review (show)
Don't you mean a western revue?
Anways, I love how everything looks- it's just perfect to me; something I could spend a while looking at. I especially love "the Core" gift shop screen- lovely foliage, detail, etc. I'm definitely looking forward to this. -
aero21 Offline
well, we are getting close to this park openeing. I have had a hard time working on it lately, but I have told myself to complete it before RCT3 gets here. If I don't it might never come out as I am addicted to the new games demo (which I am sure will lead to an addiction of the game itself.) My time lately has come into short supply, mainly due to unforseen events in my life. I was reccently laid off from my company and was forced to find a new proffesion. I am glad to anounce that with my impressive resume I found a new job and started training yesterday. Hopefully it works out as I hope it will. Anyways on to Utopia, with the self imposed deadline fast aproaching work has once again started on Frontierland. Western River Expidition is nearing completeion with only a few more show elements to be installed. A new adventure has been installed on the Frontier side of the central island themed around Tom Sawyer. Consturction will begin on "Journey through Natures Wonderland" after the completion of Western River Expidition. Here are a few pics on progress so far.
coaster on Tom Sawyer's island
final turnaround post drop past gysers on Western River
mid course screanery for Western River, top of the picture is the second "turning drop" in the ride, which contains 3 major drops in all.
first lift hill station on Western River.
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