(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
JKay Offline
I put the screen on this page for ya aero....
This park is beginning to really grab my attention....the amount of detail in this screen is incredible, and nothing is over-done IMO....the detail on that bldg in the lower left looks espcially nice.....the coasters look to be of high quality too....Im a huge fan of your Wormwood park, and I really cant wait to see this park when completed.....you're such an organized parkmaker it makes me jealous.....nice job aero...keep those updates comin'.... -
Phatage Offline
This screen is a good one, reminds me of pics I've seen of shaft of terror or something like that. I like the supports on the lift and the covering before the holding brake. I think it would be better if you made that straight piece of track a brake instead of leaving it as is. Everything else seems pretty good, but you should zero the clearances and make sure that the path connects on the building in the lower left. -
mantis Offline
I haven't been able to see this screen, even though i've checked the thread several times over the last dayIs there a problem with the host?
Tech Artist Offline
If you can't see it by tomarrow then ask Aero if he will email the screen (since it is his) to you or if he ain't on then PM me your Email address and I'd be glad to send it to you since I'll be on most of the day tomarrow.I haven't been able to see this screen, even though i've checked the thread several times over the last day
Is there a problem with the host?
Edit: I just noticed my post count is all 2's. -
mantis Offline
Ah ha! I'm still getting used to this firewall I have, and that's what was blocking it.
It looks very involved and I like that - reminds me a bit of Coal Harbour. I really like the grey path winding round the drop. Great job. -
Vidgms Offline
I didn't get to see the earlier pics, but from the pics on the last two pages are amazing. The archy is awesome. This park will be a definate must for anyone. -
aero21 Offline
many of the arlier pics are still available on my parkmakers page under the parks in construction section at the bottom. there are about 10 pics there of various parts of the park. -
aero21 Offline
Well, it's that time again for another update on Disneyland Utopia. All things are coming along nicely and even though I have had less time to work on the park, i still find that construction is moving forward. The back of the park is the main focus right now, with the Fantasyland Railway being the newest instalation. It's a nice welcomeing station which also houses the turntable for the trains hopyard. Fire Mountain is also getting some touch ups which really clean up the area. On to the pics:
here is the Fantasyland Railway station:
A atmosphere shot around Fire Mountain -
deanosrs Offline
I like it all, apart from the arches used on top of the building in the 2nd shot (they don't look attached to the building) and the colorable rock wall. The central building in the first screen is awesome. Looking forward to this... -
Ride6 Offline
It's so damn beautiful. I have nothing I can really say.
---This is going to be a spotlight---
Unless it ends up against a Mala park, it's garenteed.
ride6 -
JKay Offline
1st screen: Perfection!!....loving the garden work and intricate achitecture.
2nd screen: Very interesting, minus the random barrels and wagon wheel thing....those glass wall combinations are brilliant.... -
Tech Artist Offline
1st screen: I am liking the Railway station. The rest looks kinda crowded but it could be the angle of which the screen was taking that is making it seem crowded.
2nd screen: The atmosphere you got going is very nice, the only thing I don't like is those gold archs on the building with 2 TT flames.
Keep up the good work! -
Leighx Offline
The custom walls and roofs in the first screen wouldnt normally go well with anything but you have made them fit in in really welll.
In the second screen its all good apart from one thing..... where you have all clumps of plants, IMO i think it looks to clutterd and digusting.
But apart from that it is all good.
Steve Offline
I'm liking it for the most part.
Looks a little messy in some places. But thats alright.
I'm enjoying the little details you got there.
Like the red and green lights for the train and such.
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