(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
aero21 Offline
I feel that because i let the idea leek I Might as well give you the final announcement, so get ready, details are here! Introduceing-
10-26-2003 (AP)
Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia:
Ladies and Gentelman, I welcome you here today and I am proud to present the latest project from the Walt Disney Company. I must preface this anouncement with a recent artical I read refering to our company's founder Walt Disney. Walt has been called this generations last true Utopian thinker, and I must agree. No one in the last century has contributed more to the enjoyment of mankind than Mr. Disney. With that in mind we as Disney Imagineers have decided to produce the ultimate centerpiece to honor our long lost friend. Toaday we announce "Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia". This park will take many of the ideas that were passed down through the generations, The classic atmosphere, the unmatched service, and the greatest attractions this generation has ever seen. This park will honor Walt's vision and dedication to his craft. As Imagineers, our vision and dedication will not fail. This one is for Walt! I know many of you are wondering what is in store, I am not at liberty to reveal all our secreats; but there are some things we can discuss. Here is a list of areas and a few of the planned attractions that are in final concept phases as we speak.
Main Street USA:
This was a simple choice for us as Imagineers. Walt often said this was "his" home, he even made it his home while the original park was being built. Here you will find all of those old time shops and resturants that are part of history. The smell of freshly made candy, horseless buggies ferrying people up and down the street, and the sounds of music fill the air. Here you will find friends and experiances of all types, you knever know who you will run into. I know of a Big Blue house at the end of one street where laughter and danceing is an everyday occurance. But beware of dark allys and side streets as there are those that are not always so friendly. There are rumors of a dark mansion set on a hill with a terrible curse, perhaps you can break the spell.
- Haunted Mansion _e ticket
-Playhouse Disney
-Horseless Buggies
-Disneyland Railroad
The wild west is notorius for it's breathtakeing visuals but also it's raw danger. the frontier set in motion many events that made america what it is today. The gold rush was monumental in this respect. Walt often pictured Frontierland as a buseling outpost to the wilderness that was the West, and that is what our vision will encompase. Fort Thunder will be your outpost to the adventures of the wild west. Wagon trains are heading west and you jave a ticket waiting for you here.
-Wagon Train through Nature's Wilderness
-Woody's Roundup Ranch
-Fort Thunder
Thunder Valley Railroad_e ticket
Walt's vision of Fantasyland was that of tall castles and small details. This was to be the place in Disneyland where real life was to be completely forgotten. Classic stories are to come to life and the adventures shared with everyone, young and old.
-Nemo's Journey_e ticket
-Adventure's of Winnie the Pooh
-Dwarf's Diamond Mines
-Ichabod's Escape
-P.T Flea's
Headhunters, jungle's, pirates, and Genie's (genie's?) that's right. One of our largest undertakeings to date. This is Adventureland, and it's not a joke. Exploration awaits, and who knows; you may see something you have never seen before (or ,maybe ever again). There is evil here, but only for those who go looking for it.
-Pirates of Isle de Muerta_ e ticket
-Jungle River Transports
-Aladdin and the Sands of Time
(possible Indie ride, still waiting on budget)
This is just a taste of what is in store, 2004!
aero -
artist Offline
wow the logo looks exellent and the screens look wicked too but im not really that kean on the brick paths still and the mickey face is kinda like tilted acres.
But looks wicked so far keep it up.
~nemesis chris~ -
I> I< Offline
Man since Tilted Acres came out there's been an explosion of Disney parks, and that's a good thing. Personally I like the brick paths you're using, and the archy looks nice too. The only thing I would suggest is that you choose different colours for some of the flowers and trees, they're too bright and look fake.
Overall though, friggin awesome! -
Meretrix Offline
Very nice, though I'm not sure about the white trees that are in the hub. How on Earth did you manage to pick so much custom scenery? Do you even have ANY regular objects? I can't ever seem to pick as much as I'd like (I'm not very patient about sorting through it all) -
Timothy Cross Offline
I agree about the paths. They look horrible. However, the rest looks great! I love how you've mixed the disney style with your own. It looks Disney, but you can also tell it's an aero park too. Great work. Great architecture. Look'n' foward to this one.
-TC -
Micool Offline
Very nice, though I'm not sure about the white trees that are in the hub. How on Earth did you manage to pick so much custom scenery? Do you even have ANY regular objects? I can't ever seem to pick as much as I'd like (I'm not very patient about sorting through it all)
...I found that ironic, sorry meretrix
My favorite screen is the logo. Wow is that cool. -
aero21 Offline
I'm gonna say flat out that the custom paths are staying. It gives the area a better feel than any other path i had looked at. As far as custom sceanery goes, i'm useing about 60 percent custon and 40 percent standard. I am building most everything in the editor and that alows me to switch things here and there. I have noticed that it never actually gives me all the selections I have made, but i am getting what I need. The trees in the hub are still up for choice, i was just playing with ideas. The trees are going to be merged with another sceanery choice which will give them that "twilight" atmospher that you see at Disneyland. All of the above pictures really don't do justice to what is going on with the Main Street area. Just imagine Disneyland's main street at night and you will understand what i mean. I am glad everyone likes the logo, I put a lotr of thought into it, and it looks great on my desktop.
Steve Offline
omfg...that, is cool...well, i love it, i personally think the custom paths work well in this situation...and in your offical announcement, i didnt see any space or splash mountain...or did you leave them out on purpose for a surprise?looks great man! definatly one hell of a disney park so far!
sloB Offline
Wow this looks awesome, aero.
Very disney-ish while still your style.
And just becuase he has the mickey head in the front, doesn't mean he is copying DTA. -
Meretrix Offline
I wasn't condemning your use of custom scenery (like I have any right to talk about that).
I was just curious as to how much you are using because unless you've use the dat group maker to tag certain items as groups, I don't see how you could have so much under the ? tab.
That's all. By the way, I only saw you mention one of the Mtn.s . What do you have in store my friend? -
John Offline
k... either use Disneyland or Walt Disney in the title, not both... gets WAY too redundant having both. -
aero21 Offline
I don't know, it kind of rolls off the tounge. It also fits the theme of the park. please read the original announcemnt notice, Walt's name must stay included.k... either use Disneyland or Walt Disney in the title, not both... gets WAY too redundant having both.
That's all. By the way, I only saw you mention one of the Mtn.s . What do you have in store my friend
It would be a lie to say i don't have a few ideas in planning, but i will say they will not neccesarily be what you think. No one saw Gyser Mountain in Mid-America coming, and you may be surpirsed to find that another Imagineer concept ride that never saw the light of day may be makeing it's Disney Debut -
John Offline
Let me rephrase that then: the "Disney" part twice in a title is redundant, whether you want to realize it or not.I'd suggest maybe just "Walt's Disneyland Utopia"? It still has that "personal" touch without the redundant "Disney" in there twice. And I mean, everyone will still understand what you're talking about.
Coaster Ed Offline
Alright now I'm even getting annoyed by all the Disney parks in production right now. Wait a second *remembers Disney Mid-America* I suppose I can make an exception for you aero. -
Brent Offline
K, I'm sorry, but everyone who isn't making a Disney park, SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're getting all bitchy and acting like you're on a god damn period over the name of a ficticious fucking park.
Get. The fuck. Over. IT.
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