(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia
27-October 03
jon Offline
Disneyland Mid-America. One of aero'solder parks, look for it on the runnerup's section
Now on to the screen. They're very nice screens aero, Fantasyland is the best Fantasyland I've seen In the game.Well done, it's a great park -
Steve Offline
im really liking the amazing detail in this park, tis great. but one thing that bothers me, is the endless custom scenery. its just so much it almost doesnt even look like RCT2...but dont get me wrong, its still lovely...
oh and and some gold to tomorrowland, thats always looks good.
aero21 Offline
i just wanted to post a nice overall pic of the park to date. enjoy! ** it's bigger than allowed, so click the link.
Disneyland Utopia at 35% done -
Walt Disney Offline
y does everyone these days wanna do a Disney Park? Its 1 of the hardest things to do, (ex: it needs alot of good scenery, hot a$$ rides and just the right colors... don't forget landscapes) -
mantis Offline
You're forgetting this park was started 3 months ago. And has all of those things you mentioned. In bucketloads.y does everyone these days wanna do a Disney Park? Its 1 of the hardest things to do, (ex: it needs alot of good scenery, hot a$$ rides and just the right colors... don't forget landscapes)
Walt Disney Offline
I wasn't here 3 months agoYou're forgetting this park was started 3 months ago. And has all of those things you mentioned. In bucketloads.
so i didn't know and plus i didn't look at the first page (so i feel pretty dumb)
Tech Artist Offline
1. It is a popular theme that everyone wants to try and most of them end up failing at or being abandoned excpet a few( I.E. The really good ones: Meretrix, Aero21,Kumba, The good ones: Me, Mad Dawg, and that rctu one Did i forget anyone?))y does everyone these days wanna do a Disney Park? Its 1 of the hardest things to do, (ex: it needs alot of good scenery, hot a$$ rides and just the right colors... don't forget landscapes)
2. Disney parks are fun to do.(least i think they are) -
Walt Disney Offline
see everyone fails so whats the point? it going to be a bad park.......... but i wonder about this park (will it be mind blowing or a crappy dumb park)
ioafreak Offline
what are you going to put on the rest of that island with the Tiki Temple on it?
also, was that pic of the whole park the update for the week? -
Corkscrewed Offline
Whoa, Aero. You switched the traditional layout around! You sly devil you! (Disneyland mirrored) -
Jacko Shanty Offline
^Because he's a pedophile.
It's actually an RCTI group project, not just Kumba's.I.E. The really good ones: Meretrix, Aero21,Kumba,
Good work Aero.. it's amazing how all these Disney parks have different styles but still seem to pull out an accurate atmosphere. I'm glad you're still working on this park, because it look amazing. There are some parts where I think you should change the tarmac under the path to match the color of the path.. but I think that's it. Good work. -
aero21 Offline
A couple of ideas are being kicked around right now. it's difficult because that back part of the island is visable in both Frontierland and Adventureland. The favorite concept right now is an Indiana Jones ride based on the Temple of Doom.what are you going to put on the rest of that island with the Tiki Temple on it?
also, was that pic of the whole park the update for the week?
As for updates, i might put a few up close pics up this weekend, Space Mountain is very close to completion and i might show it off.see everyone fails so whats the point? it going to be a bad park .......... but i wonder about this park (will it be mind blowing or a crappy dumb park)
I would sugest you go get a few of my LL disney parks like DMA and California Adventure. Just so you know, i don't do Disney wrong. -
CoasterBOY Offline
Cork y do u have a child in your Icon thingy? wierd
That's not a regular child, disney! That's the boy that was able to crawl into a stuffed animals...vending..grabber...thingy.
So this is the simple explanation of his avatar. -
natelox Offline
No-one makes a Disney park like Areo. This looks incredible. Everyday I open up Disneyland Mid-America and I find something new that I like about it. It's the perfect disney park, and this one looks to be just as good. Keep up the good work.
For future reference, please don't post the zoomed out view, we need some surpises when we open the park -
aero21 Offline
For future reference, please don't post the zoomed out view, we need some surpises when we open the park
Don't worry, i searched the picture and realized there isn't anything that will spoil this park. Honestly, you will have to see it in motion to undersatnd. Also, many of the details that made DMA a great park are the small ones, not easily seen in a zoomed out picture.
This park is slightly mirrored version of Disneyland, except for the back area which will contain Fire Mountain. Also, the lands completely surround the Waters of America. -
Ride6 Offline
This is great stuff. Please give us at least one other screen (zoomed in this time) for the week. After the next NE Awards Natelox will have to look out, I'm betting Aero21's gonna tie him for 4 spotlights! (Cinscape East, Wormwood, Disneyland Mid-America, and This). DMA needs to be voted as a spotlight next award. It's by far the best RCT/LL Disney park (in the disney style, I like Nates two better overall though) and the 2nd best overall (behind DTA).
Meretrix and Aero are Co-holders of the "Disney God" title. I had to say that. I'm not even going to attempt a disney park for a very long time, if ever since I am not capable of building a park quite like that.
ride6 -
aero21 Offline
Walt's Disneyland Utopia
I'm going to keep this short, because pictures speak louder than words. Tomorrowland is getting the most work right now. Space Mountain has been completed and the load station and que are under construction. Biggest news is that Fire Mountain and the area surrounding it are starting to take shape. Fantasyland has one more side to go, with a small adventure ride takeing the remaining spot, and another resturant will finish the area. Frontierland's front section which will house "Wagon Train thrue Natures Wonderland". Best way to explain that is to say it's similar to the original attraction that opened in Disneyland and was eventually was replaced by BTM.
Space Mountain
Tomorrowland finally got it's entrance
The outdoor theater for Fantasmic, which sits at the waters edge. Also, you will see the patio eating area that provides well paying customers a view of the show complete with dinner or desert.
Finally a sneak peak; the entrance to the land of fire... Fire Mountain!
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