General Chat / Favorite Animal

  • cg?%s's Photo
    My favorite animal is undoubtedly...

    The piggy!

    ...other favorites include...


    Tiggies (big, pretty, stripey kitties!)

    Batties (flying kitties, sort of)

    Platypussies (really fucked up kitties)

    Penguinies (not really kitties, but still cute - especially the big, fat talking one from Batman Reutrns!)

    ...yeah... but even with all those pretty kitties... the piggy is still best. I also love this wierd 'Scary teddy' stuffed animal thingy I got at Hot Topic today, which is supposedly from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas, but I don't remember it.

    I also got a Frankenweenie toy (still the best thing Tim Burton's ever done) and yet another five-dollar Projekt budget compilation. Get them all, for they all kick ass.

    Halloween's comming up - wouldn't want to be without a little goth, would you?
  • Hyperion%s's Photo
    Mine are:

    Goats because they are so easy to seduce....wait......nevermind....
    Bobanoe's because they screw the heck out of each other...
    Hyena's because they screew the heck out of each other...

    other then that I'd have to say a purple monkey dishwasher...

  • Tony%s's Photo
    I like horses because they have big shlongs :et:
  • Turtleman%s's Photo

    I like horses because they have big shlongs  :et:

  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    I reckon the Ring Tailed Lemur is so kooky. They're awesome lookin', non-agressive animals - so laid back, just like me!
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    Penguins! Even though their massive body weights prevent them from flying...

    YES! Penguins are awesome. Especially because if you hug them, they'll probably pop out of your arms! YAAAAAAY!

    I also like piggies. Specifically, kicking squealing Gucci little piggies.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    Dolphins - they are the only other living thing besides humans that enjoy sex.
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    yes, penguins do rule
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
  • Hyperion%s's Photo
    Wow and your way not cool because you're an unoriginal tool... Ahe he...

  • Andrew%s's Photo
    Barn Swallows

    have you ever seen a bunch of those flying around

    fucking crazy

    i hate cats
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo

    Dolphins - they are the only other living thing besides humans that enjoy sex.


    "lovebirds" (actual name) also enjoy recreational sex.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    Lovebirds too?¿?
    Wow, the things I don't know - Hyperion: YOU SUCK
  • FindingNemo%s's Photo
    Posted Image I'd have to say either they Grey Wolf or the Kodiak Bear.
  • cg?%s's Photo

    i hate cats.

    Well, that is understandable considering you completely suck ass. Cats would never like somebody so lame as to dislike them, which I am sure is why you dislike them. Just because they love me, and I'm cool, and they hate you, and your not cool, isn't any reason to hate a species now is it?


    It is reason to hate the pathetic little piece of shit known as you.

    Oh, yes -

    At Busch Gardens yesterday I passed by the Meerykitty exhibit, and I think I stayed there for at least an hour. They are so cute! They are these little kitty-ratty thingies, who live underground, except for nighttime, when they come out to play.

    To protect themselves, however, two meerykitties are always on the 'lookout' - in other words, being fed by tourists who do not read the 'Do not feed' signs and grooming themselves (as any real kitty would).

    Of course, the way in which they groom themselves and where they groom themselves is quite, well, strange. At times, it looks like their sucking upon their own dick! In fact, they just might be doing exactly that!

    For all of these reasons and more, the meerykitty is now of my favorite animals!

    I wonder if there are any other kitties out there for me to discover. Anything with 'cat' in its name, has to be completely kick ass, as far as animals go.
  • jon%s's Photo
    I'm less exotic and my favourite animal has to be any kind ofdomesticated rodent.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    cg? - you sound like my friend, who is not only obsessed with cats, but is obsessed with japanese school girls and tara out of buffy too.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Mantis - Would this friend of yours be gay or female?
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Neither...hence the obsession with japanese schoolgirls...
  • Adix%s's Photo
    PENGUINS... there's so much asskicking in such a little tuxedo-ed body...



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