General Chat / Favorite Animal

  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    what's your favorite animal and why?

    My favorite is a ball python. It is so beautiful and is in no way agressive and they make good pets. :)
  • MickMaximus%s's Photo
    Donkey Monkeys are my favorite.

    No but really the Water Bear is kick ass
  • Panoramical%s's Photo

    A Speckled eared hunchbacked Alpine hippopottamus.
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    giraffes r crazy
  • Rage%s's Photo
    Im gonna be less exotic and go for the fruit bat. I dont know why. Ive always been fascinated by them.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Praying Mantis. So sinister, graceful, lethal. Brilliant image.
    Manta Rays. Association.

    Others: Basking Sharks, Gulper Eels, Tree Frogs, Angler Fish. Mainly aquatic animals.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    Donkey Monkeys are my favorite.

    No but really the Water Bear is kick ass

    sweet! :D
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    The Mole - Just look at one, there blind and have funny claws.
    The Duckfoot Platypus - It had to be said, Butter inspired me for liking this album, the first time I saw it, I laughef so much. They are a mix of animal and just look so cool.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    The Duckfoot Platypus - It had to be said, Butter inspired me for liking this album, the first time I saw it, I laughef so much. They are a mix of animal and just look so cool. gotta be on something?!
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    i like cats
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    Urm, if they count, Dragons, I just think they are amazing creatures (if they existed).

    If not, Pussies and Beavers are cool.

    Well it was going to be said sooner or later.
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    i'd have to say that cats rule.
  • Aviator%s's Photo
    Snipes :lol:
  • Junior%s's Photo
    a moose
  • Critic%s's Photo
    I love hummingbirds, the damn tiny things.

  • Butterfinger%s's Photo

    The Duckfoot Platypus - It had to be said, Butter inspired me for liking this album, the first time I saw it, I laughef so much. They are a mix of animal and just look so cool.


    I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    Posted Image
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    I was wondering where you were...
  • JiMeMo%s's Photo
    Penguins! Even though their massive body weights prevent them from flying...
  • Steve%s's Photo
    definately chipmunks... :D
  • Turtleman%s's Photo

    Turtleman 8)


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