General Chat / Marching Band!1
20-October 03
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
How many people here do marching band?
My band, Kings High School, was grand chamion at a competition last weekend. We got an 86.5, which compared to our score at St. Louis the week before (71.2), is incredible.
Yayy. -
Doc Offline
Why does that not surprise me?I hate band fags.
CGM, I'm guessing that this is an American thing because we don't really do that here in the UK. Actually, come to think of it, we have boy scouts and girl guides who do marching band - but they're gay.
I think the concept is cool, but the sound itself just isn't my thing. -
`sfkstyle Offline
wow. idiot.I hate band fags.
I'm in band.
We've gotten 1's for all of our competitions so far(3 of them).
the state competition is this saturday... -
v1perz Offline
Im in a band.
Were terrible. We went from a 91 one year to a 63(yup 63!) the next cuz of our faget band director.
He is really really gay and needs to learn how to speak the english language. -
Steel Falcon Offline
I'm in band. I play F Horn, B flat horn during marching season.
We've gone to both of our only competitions this year and got all 1's at both, but at the second we got best in class for drum major, danceline, majorettes, and band (we lost color guard because we don't have one and drum line because one of the other bands in our class has a phenomenal drum line). So yeah, we were pretty happy.
But the season's winding down... I have an "All-Star Marching Band" thing coming up, and after next summer I plan on trying out for Spirit of JSU Drum Corps (DCI). I love marching band.
-Steel Falcon- -
Westy Offline
Yup, I'm in marching band. Our competitive season is over however.
I play tenor sax.
-Westy -
kiddish Offline's so cute how people can get so worked up over something that's not even on the radar here. I never thought much of marching bands, mostly because my school's symphonic band has an old marching band instructor from texas to lead us (he's a prick, and his accent drives me insane)
Anyway, Drumline the movie gained me some respect in terms of marching - loved it. -
Steel Falcon Offline
Nice to see you too, PymGuy.What the hell are you still doing here?
I thought you flew the coop back over to FluxD...
-Steel Falcon-
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