Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour

This topic hosts comments for 68 parks(View Parks)
  • Dixi%s's Photo
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    rctfreak2000, on Oct 12 2003, 01:01 PM, said:

    VooDoo, on Oct 12 2003, 04:59 PM, said:

    OMFG  :0

    Anybody planning to enter the rapids competition, give up now.

    Oh and BTW, I asked Iris about posting pics, he said you cant for the qualifying section, but he's not sure about the actual main part yet.

    Nah, I'll just finish mine.

    Stop being arrogant. *slaps Voodoo*

    Forgeting someone ? :lol:

    btw Universal Cancun is on Hold Again. I'm gona enter all of the contests if i need to, even the hotel one. i hate them but i had a cool idel so im gona start up right after i finish my last small island in Tiumba.
  • John%s's Photo
    Bwhahahhahaaaa... aaa... or something to that effect...

    My hotel is lookin' snazzy... for those that care. Or are afraid. Eight days people... eight days...

    Self-Confidence: I will win.
    Arrogance: No one stands a chance against me because I am the best ever. (i.e. Kumba's attitude ;))
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    It's fucking idea, not idel.

    That isn't even a spelling error, it's just stupid on your behalf.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    VooDoo, on Oct 12 2003, 08:13 PM, said:


    *slaps Voodoo again*

    *kicks Kumba*
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    If the hotel's are judged on detail, I will win. No questions asked. I'm loving this competition... I've definitely done my best stuff ever by a long way on the hotel.
  • BigFoot%s's Photo
    I'm gonna chuckle if none of ya'll win.

  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    *kicks Deanosrs*
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    *avoids kick, laughs evily, does more on hotel*

    I would post my logo here but I definitely do not want to get d/q'ed.
  • John%s's Photo

    deanosrs, on Oct 12 2003, 03:37 PM, said:

    If the hotel's are judged on detail, I will win. No questions asked.

    Me aswell, me aswell. ;) Think of my Atlantis Reborn detail (or "randomnity" if that's a word...), only better.

    But we both know two people cannot win. :p

    ^^^ It's all in good fun, my friend... :yup:
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    mmm.... Indeed two people cannot win. Next week will be interesting....
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    *Sets off some C4*

    *brushes hands*

    *says: ha.*
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    so...anyone can send you a park even if they didn't say anything...
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    No! You must brag and shout at other people.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    deanosrs, on Oct 12 2003, 08:58 PM, said:

    No! You must brag and shout at other people.

    WHY WON'T YOU DIE!??!?!?
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ I was talking to Metal.

    And if you're pissed off on that...

    Ah well. I'll get over it.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    No, I'm complaining about the crappy C4 that mantis sold me.

    Damn you mantis.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Ah. The delights of the birmingham black market....

    Anyway, I must sleep. There is a week of intense hotel building to come....
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo

    This is where I am going to have to use some tactics. I'm no longer going to enter the first's the first competition, interest will be high and everyone will be eager to enter meaning lots of entrys, I'd be better off waiting until the middle end of the comps when the interest is low.

    Also, a hotel plays heavily into the hands of RCT2 players so I'm not going to fare well against them either. Ok, so which weeks to enter? Which weeks to enter...?

    *Oh Shit, did I just say that out loud?*
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    *ties up and gags freak*

    *repeatadly beats him across the face with a wet towel*

    *sends him for a ride on voodoo's rapids ride*


    Oops, I think I took things a bit too far. :(


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