Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
Tech Artist Offline
Wow amazing! The games were themed just as it was in the game.
Gymkid: This entry was awsome, it really reminded me of my 2nd fav. game ever, GTA Vice city. The mansion, the city, the wanted stars, forrile(sp?) ( though i never saw his car in the game but i guess it adds to the entry) ect. Nice job Gymkid and congrats on winning.
Deanosrs: Good job! This reminded me of GTA 3. I liked how it was themed but the coaster should have been a car with some effects like Gymkid.
Coasterkidmwm: I don't know wha the game was so i i'll comment by what the name was. I liked the dump theme, it looked all trashy and such just like a dump which is good.One question though, what is with the flames being all glitchy?
Penguinbob: I really liked that one cause it look so much like the original pacman(fun game.) I like it's realism and watching pac man go around the board. Nice work!
Darkfire: Nice creative entry. It really looked like a flight simulator and i liked to watch the jet fly around. Nice job!
Jacko: I never played finding nemo nor seen the movie ( i will soon though) I liked the scenery though but i can't really comment without playing them game or seeing the movie first. Nice job with the scenery though.
Mightymouse: Well i am not a fan of gta 1 or 2 but it looked like the 1st and 2nd one. Nice entry though.
Hmm an extra round you say?I like the sounds of that.
Jacko Shanty Offline
Hey.. yeah I know the brownish city doesn't go with the theme. But I REALLY didn't want to do another urban theme again. If I did it again people would start to think I couldn't build other stuff... so I just wanted to show off some generic architecture.Jacko - It's good, but it didn't really feel Nemo-ish. That means, the theming could have been more directed towards creating an experience and recreate scenes from the movie other than just looking pretty. I don't understand where that brown-coloured village came from, I didn't recognise it at all. Looked more like filler to me.
Maybe it's just in the game, which I by the way haven't played.
The coral reef was pretty good, but one thing that could have made it really neat was if you had made it lower, and then filled it up with water using zero clearance mode. Not sure if it would be possible though. Speaking of clearances, the park was a bit glitchy at some places.
I like the squishies.
And I did think about zeroing clearances, raising the water, etc. for the underwater part, but then the park would be colorless! And I was aiming for a very colorful entry.
As I said before, this was supposed to be in the movie category but was unfinished... I never actually played the Nemo game.. heh
Good luck to those advancing. I haven't checked this round's entries yet, but I will later and leave some feedback. :scarface:
Oh yeah.. and I think all of that glitchiness was because I forgot to restore clearances in the end. I was about 30 minutes away from completing the park, when I was forced to get off the computer.. so I had to wrap it up in about 5 minutes. A lot of things were left unfinished. -
CoasterkidMWM Offline
If by glitchy you mean't oddly colored, then that's because it's supposed to be that way. If by glitchy you mean't bad custom scenary choice, then, you got me. I didn't really notice it, but it could be bad custom scenary. The colored flames were some of the first objects out their when custom scenary came along. Thanks for actually looking at mine.Coasterkidmwm: I don't know wha the game was so i i'll comment by what the name was. I liked the dump theme, it looked all trashy and such just like a dump which is good.
One question though, what is with the flames being all glitchy?
Tech Artist Offline
For the hotel one can i base it off a ride already in excistence but still be original with it like i did in my disney park, for example my autopia or main street, and also make it a ride( i am gonna use the freefall towers for the ride)? I would do this in movie but for what i wanna do i can't really recreate it cause i don't really remember seeing the movie. -
Ride6 Offline
Gymkid dude- Your entry is slightly over-rated because the archetecture really wasn't quite of the quality that i expect of you (even though it's still better than anything i've built). The coaster was wonderful though and all the effects, although somewhat annoying (even though i used them) were used very well.
Pen.Bob- The Pac-man theme was perfect! I couldn't belive how great that looked. It could've used a couple more gousts (of course) but otherwise it was perfect in what it was supposed to do.
Deano- The consept was great and the city itself was very well done. The coaster didn't really fit though, even with the hacking being so well perfected. I've been wondering how to do a split for a while now... I think i figured it out from watching that ride. Don't be too down about it. You desirve to be in the tour but for me this just means that you can't make me look terrible! YAY!
ride6 -
deanosrs Offline
^ lol... the split actually came about accidently. I was just trying to reverse the direction of the train, but if some of the train doesn't get high enough to go onto the track you want it to, the half that is high enough goes on without it... -
Coaster Ed Offline
Yup, looks like you stumbled upon the train splitting hack accidentally. It's pretty easy to do once you see how it works. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Well after viewing P Bob's and Gymkid's entries, I can see exactly why I didn't place higher. My entry wasn't innovative/creative enough. It didn't have an objective or show any sign of "video game" qualities.
And I would have done it that way.. but I figured that innovative/creative ideas placed lower than beautiful or "pretty" entries after seeing how my Urban Sprawl entry placed. And that's why I decided to stray away from creativity with this entry. But it looks like THAT didn't work either! So actually... I'm quite confused.
Gymkid: This was amazing. I like how you used explosions to display the status of what happens throughout the car chase. There were definately some hacks in there that I never would have thought of. Your buildings could have been a little more detailed though..
P Bob: Wow! One of the most creative entries of tour - right up there with cBass. Surprisingly, there were very few hacks. I liked the ghosts and such.. but I agree there should have been some more. There really wasn't a good finale.. but there wasn't much you could do, I guess. I was expecting Pacman to win..
Good entries, looking forward to bonus round. -
laz0rz Offline
If you see the readme, you would see the expanation:Gymkid: This was amazing. I like how you used explosions to display the status of what happens throughout the car chase. There were definately some hacks in there that I never would have thought of. Your buildings could have been a little more detailed though..
Thr architecture was painstakingly recreated. Some may criticize the colors or blockiness of the architecture, and I must say that I took artistic license to make the buildings fit into RCT. So...if you think the buildings are too blocky (Ammunation in VC game is a plain box), please remember thats the way they come in the game, and they were spiced up in every way possible. Alternatively, if you don't think my buildings are accurate enough, please consider that I was limited by the game's limitations, and also the buildings would suck if they were exactly recreated.
Or if you did see it, maybe you didn't understand it.
He just tried to make the buildings as true to the game as possible, even if some of them were just big boxes or whatever. -
Tech Artist Offline
I thought i was gonna enter but i can't think of any ideas and every thing i try to build for this gets very ugly. So i'll just watch this progress and comment on the parks that are released like i have been doing.
Good luck to everyone entering this last and final round.
I'll annouce what i was gonna do after the final round. I don't want to be giving out ideas for this
EDIT: If i think of an idea i might enter but it is unlikely. -
mantis Offline
Here's what I liked about the LL parks:
Mightymouse - dude, you've done 5 brilliant entries, but I think the problem was they were all too small. If you'd kind of combined the effort put into 2 or 3 of them into one, you'd have come up with something excellent. This GTA one is great - especially with the ozone buildings and the great coaster pacing, and I really like the roads/flowers and touches like that. Great work.
Darkfire - I have no idea what that readme is going on about, but woah. Nice work, dude! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the pro tour.
Hooray for Micool too! -
AustinPowers Offline
Congrats least one club leader got in.....
This contest is/was great and one of the first I have ever attempted here...I will definitely try to enter some other contests but I did not have time to enter this one again....good luck to all you guys on that last spot! -
Coaster Ed Offline
You've been here awhile AP, so I knew who you are, but I didn't know what you could do as a parkmaker. You may not have won the round, but I for one was very impressed with your work. I hope you work on something else even though you didn't make it into the Pro Tour because I'd love to see what you could do with a whole park. That goes for you too deanosrs. -
mantis Offline
OK so after spending 2 decades d/ling the enormous files and then spending 3 opening the bloody things (stupid damn error trapper...I demand that people make no more scenery so I don't have to go through that each time) I finally got to look at the rct2 entries. They're nice!
Coasterkidmwm - cool landscape idea, but there wasn't much else to this really. A couple of nice inversions, but there could have been more done with the concept.
Jacko Shanty - great colours and theming ideas,, apart from that there wasn't much. Little touches like the EAC and Jellies were well done, but the buildings had none of the character of Ghost World (I voted for you and agree with you about the vote, btw). Plus the ratings/glitches were a let down.
Deano - Great buildings and really cool idea for the stall outs through the glass. Nice split timing, too. It's a real shame you're not in the tour. You've put a lot of effort in, but each time you've come out as a place to better entries. I think you decided to 'take' your 'break' at precisely the wrong time, and entered all the hardest contests. That's strategy for you, though.
Penguin Bob (Sinister Oz?) - can you post here yet? actually, if the answer's no, then you won't be able to tell me! Oh well. Anyway, great idea and cool scenery pieces (even if they did add another 5 minutes to the loading effort...). I thought the timing was great. I know it sounds like asking for more when there was enough anyway, but it would have been cool to see more ghosts
Gymkid - woah dude. I have no complaints about the architecture because it was fascinating in every way. And the layout was. And the explosions were. This is one of my favourites of the whole qualifying stage. Well done.
Looking forward to the 'special' round -
laz0rz Offline
Well, he's reading this thread, so no doubt he'll be able to post.Penguin Bob (Sinister Oz?) - can you post here yet? actually, if the answer's no, then you won't be able to tell me! Oh well.
And yes, he's Sinister Oz or whatever. -
Splash-0 Offline
Just sent my entrie for this round. It is a bit rushed maybe because of the deadline but I still like it.
Well than you would be surprised by the fact that haven't used any custom scenery.OK so after spending 2 decades d/ling the enormous files and then spending 3 opening the bloody things (stupid damn error trapper...I demand that people make no more scenery so I don't have to go through that each time)
Who else has entered this round or is still planning to enter?Edited by Splash-0, 13 January 2004 - 02:43 PM.
Tech Artist Offline
Wouldn't you like to know.....Who else has entered this round or is still planning to enter?
KiDWolf Offline
Long time coming but I actually put in an entry for a hotel I have in the park I have been working on since I got the game the day it came out. -
BigFoot Offline
I would enter, but alas, my fear of finishing last in another NE contest is overwhelming.
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