Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
Underground Offline
I'm pretty disappointed. My entry was finished, but when I loaded it to change the name of the ride, it wouldn't open. I don't have time to finish it with an older version, but when the results for this round have been printed, I'll release mine too. I'm kinda bumbed, cause I think it stood a good chance of placing well. -
gymkid dude Offline
Erm, I'm really hoping iris lets me turn mine in tommorow...i havent seen him online and I took a bit of extra time tonight to start a new little bit in my park that i'll have to finish tommorow.
Since it does say Jan 6th, I would expect Iris to give entrants until midnight on Tuesday (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5hrs) to get their Video Game rides sent in.We've got this evening to finish our entries for this weeks contest, right?
(It's just it says 6th of Jan on the first page which suggests end of tomorrow)
So, if you take it by the 6th, cool, if I'm dq'ed, um, I'll release it in the ad district.
Sorry. -
artist Offline
Right well im off to florida tomorrow so i wont be around for a week im going to all the "good" theme parks IOA , BGTB , all the disneys sea world etc.
I hope i dont miss too much i may be able to get a computer out there to check but i doubt it.
I have my friends leighX he goes my school we are mates. He will be texting me info.
I hope all goes well and i cant wait to get back and start my entry. Good luck everyone entering the final round.
See ya next week guys.
NC... -
CoasterkidMWM Offline
This thread is a great example of why it is essential to save TWO copies of your current project. Usually, when I save a game, I save it as the parks name. Hit enter after saving to rotate the view, and then saved the file again as a different file name. This method has save me twice from a corrupted game file.
Also gymkid, glad you managed to get yours in, have fun beating me. My entry sucks and was completed within the first two weeks that the contest started. At least it has an alternative theme. -
iris Offline
Round 12 has come to an end.
I judged the final round by myself, and I'm confident with my choice.
A very strong round to close out the preliminaries. Of course, Grand Theft Auto dominated the entries, with three of the entries being themed to the popular video game one way or another. Gymkid Dude, deanosrs, and MightyMouse011 all based their entries on the amazing Rockstar game. Gymkid Dude went with a psychotic, amazingly realistic adventure ride, and both Dean and MM011 used real coasters for theirs. penguinBOB pulled through with the most creative entry of the round, basing his off the arcade smash hit Pac-Man. Darkfire also had an extremely creative entry that doesn't look like much at first, but is one of the most enjoyable entries of the round. Finally, there are great entries based on Extreme G and Finding Nemo as well. Great job everyone, all very cool (and very appropriately themed) entries.
The winner of this contest is....
Gymkid Dude
Welcome Gymkid Dude to the Pro Tour!
1. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Crusade by Gymkid Dude
2. Pac-Man Fever by penguinBOB
3. Falcon by darkfire
4. Finding Nemo by Jacko Shanty
5. Grand Theft Auto by deanosrs
6. Project SkyScraper by MightyMouse011
7. Extreme G by Coasterkidmwm
Thanks to those who entered.
First off all...congrats to Gymkid on becoming one of three parkmakers becoming a Pro Tour-member tonight.
Me and several others have decided to let two bonus spots in...based on the creativity and skill of the entries they submitted.
So congratulations to Micool and darkfire for making it in the backdoor.
Hey, 15 would be a great number for non-parkmakers in the Tour. But 16 sounds better (this is the absolute final spot, and its not even gaurenteed).
There is a special bonus EXTRA ROUND...and here are the rules.....
-I am accepting entries of all long as it is a previous Pro Tour contest.
That means you can enter unfinished (as long as its unreleased of course) entries from any of the rounds we've had...regardless if you even entered that round already. It must be a new entry though, so you can't submit an entry that lost in its respective round again for this one. So anybody can submit either a hotel, rapids ride, NE-member themed ride, adventure ride, liquid coaster, mine train, wooden coaster, steel twister, dark ride, alien-themed ride, movie-themed ride, or video game-themed ride.
The due date for the absolute final round is...a week from tonight January 14
That is all. -
Micool Offline
Well that all works out then, and thanks for the recognition iris and several others. darkfire congrats as well, your amazing rapids stands out to me, you deserve to be in, especially as my LL compatriot. Perhaps that was why deano was not chosen, or perhaps it had something to do with his (supposedly) terrible coaster showings...glad I never made one!
Anyway, I'm gonna open gymkid's as I've already been told it kicks ass and he'd probably force me to anyway.
Comments later. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Congrats Gymkid..
I'm not really surprised I didn't win. I had to rush towards the end because I was unable to use my computer.. so I couldn't put ANY finishing touches on it. But I think I portrayed Finding Nemo pretty well. Some of my first big hacks went into it.. and I'm proud of it. No urban theme for once either! Congrats to everyone once again.. and I guess I might enter the bonus round.. I hate rushing with parks, and I have a lot of schoolwork so I guess we'll see. -
deanosrs Offline
Well, for 3 days... mine wasn't that bad was it?
Bit dissapointed I didn't grab a bonus spot for my hotel. Perhaps if I hadn;t rushed my other 3 entries I might have got in. Well, too bad. Here is where it ends for me. -
Scarface Offline
well done gymkid
Just WOW....exactly like the game. it was miami 2040 but rct2, great job...i need a word also..when u read this pm me
and Pbob...creativity at its best. it was a close call between u and gymkid but his was much larger etc....nice job -
Janus Offline
darkfire - Very cool, it really reminded me of a real jet plane with all the inversions and stuff. Maybe it was a bit big and lacking a bit in detail (some anti-air fire or enemy airplanes would have been cool), but the details that was really nice. I loved the control tower, simple yet complex!
Gymkid dude - Whoa, what an experience! While the whole thing wasn't very good-looking, it looked a lot like the game and the coaster/car was amazing! Great detail, and very action-packed!
Very Battlefield-inspired.
And the "packages" thing kept me entertained for a while. I've only found eight though
A lot of that new scenery could come in handy too, some of it gave me the feeling that Toon regularily reads my mind...
One very minor thing that bugged was that none of the entertainers representing various people had any names at all, even "pedestrian" would have been better than "entertainer 2".
Jacko - It's good, but it didn't really feel Nemo-ish. That means, the theming could have been more directed towards creating an experience and recreate scenes from the movie other than just looking pretty. I don't understand where that brown-coloured village came from, I didn't recognise it at all. Looked more like filler to me.
Maybe it's just in the game, which I by the way haven't played.
The coral reef was pretty good, but one thing that could have made it really neat was if you had made it lower, and then filled it up with water using zero clearance mode. Not sure if it would be possible though. Speaking of clearances, the park was a bit glitchy at some places.
I like the squishies.
PenguinBOB - Very creative, I love it! Details like the cherry-thingie made me like it even more. The ride itself could have had a slightly more details in my opinion, like the Pac noticing it was chased by that last ghost and trying to run away but fail because the ghost took a slightly shorter path (like what's happened to me so many times in that game), but I can see if you wanted to keep it relatively simple. The black, clean look with the rounded corners and blue lines actually looked pretty good. Great entry!
Deanosrs - Really nice architecture. It actually reminds me of my own V for Vendetta area in "New Solo", it's kinda the same style in some aspects. The coaster was really nice too, and I like the splitting cars hack followed by the rampage through the construction site. Very cool. But somehow, the entry lacked character and atmosphere. I know that's a very vague thing to say, but it's the only way I can describe it. I wish I could go more in-depth on the subject, but I can't. -
darkfire Offline
Well first off, I am very relieved as my entry appears to have worked as desired on the other versions of RCT. I was worried that Microprose might have fixed the error in the graphics engine so that when others viewed it, all of the track would be visible. Thus defeating the whole point of a ride designed to look like an F-16 flying. I'm sure my entry would be placed last if it hadn't have worked, as the coaster was without a doubt the ugliest thing I had ever seen in RCT. While I'm on the subject, I'd never have thought I'd actually be suppressed to see a park that had the coaster visible. But after seeing GymKid's and PBob's entries it looked like they were all going to be like that.
I'm extremely grateful for being made a pro-tour member. Though I did have an inkling that extra spots were going to given for creativity as although the results of every round were fair, I would have personally preferred to have seen more work from parkmakers such as Micool and Gymkid as there entries were so imaginative which will really stand out when the results of the final competition are announced. While making Falcon I could also see myself being included in this, that is, I realised that the entry would never be good enough to win the round but was enough to show that I have a lot of pretty original ideas when in comes to RCT. I only started to make the entry on Saturday night, and sent it into iris on Monday night after calling in quits at the end of an evening of Error Trappers. It really surprised me that I can have a good idea and build in it just over two days, and you have to bear in mind that a lot of this time was spend coding the trainer to make the track invisible. So I was hoping to get an extra spot for my creativity, otherwise I would probably tried to fix the problems with Falcon and finish it off, then have just released it in the ad district. But I'm glad I didn't now, and I'm still just as happy and grateful to Iris for giving me a spot.
Also congratulations to Gymkid Dude - great entry this week definitely a deserved win, though I still preferred your rapids entry but that's just me, and also congrats to Micool. LLLL!!!Though as I said before I was hoping this would happen and I would have been the first to complain if you hadn't got a spot.
Anyway I really should go and do some work now, hopefully I'll be able to see all of the other entries tonight and comment on them in full.
Thanks again to Iris and the 'several others' who decided I can have a bonus spot.
<darkfire> -
Toon Offline
You just had to know the invisible track thing was going to be this prevalent.
Beyond that, I thought Gymkid definitely deserved the win. However, you really need to spice up that architecture. It just didn't have any magic. For those of you who haven't noticed, there is a whole pile of custom scenery in his entry. I really can't be arsed to put it up for download atm so if you want it, you'll have to download this park.
pBob - abundant creativity, and really enjoyable, just missing the scale of Gymkid's
Darkfire - not bad for a week-ends work. Sometime's simplicity is beautiful. Glad to have you on tour.
Deanosors - definitely not your best work, but I liked your architecture better than Gymkid's. I think you could win the bonus round, but I know it's a lot of work, so thanks for entering so many up to now.
Jacko - There were some really creative ideas, but it just didn't quite pull together for me. I liked the jellyfish, but wondered to myself whether they could have been under water? Still you definitely show a lot of talent and creativity so I hope you're around for a long time.
That's all I really can comment on. Congrats Micool...hope you find your parkbuilding wave again soon.
CoasterkidMWM Offline
Well, I don't think I'll give it another shot. All my entries didn't even get close. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Thank you gymkid dude! That was a wonderful creation in every way. I loved the architecture and the whole ride was just one good idea after another. A shockingly good adventure ride in every way. We're proud to have you on the Pro Tour.
Deanosrs, I'm sorry you haven't made it in yet. Your entries have been consistently good, you've only just missed several times. I thought your architecture was very impressive. Gymkid did wonderful things with textures and patterns while you did wonderful things with shapes. I liked both a lot and it was interesting to see two totally different aproaches to the same theme (this would be cool for the Pro Tour too I think). The splitting coaster was fun to watch and the custom supports were well done too. You should be on the Pro Tour really.
Penguin Bob I liked yours too but not a whole lot. It's just one of those things where you open it up and you get the idea right away and it's a cool idea and well done but it still doesn't do a whole lot. It was fun though and I'm glad somebody did something simple and clever like that.
Jacko I liked yours a lot too. The theming was very nice. This would have blown people away several months ago. It seems a little less impressive today in comparison to other parks, but it's still top notch theming and I like all the effort that went into following the story of the movie.
darkfire I'm stunned. I can't tell you how long I've wished for exactly that. Now you've got to show us how you did it. You've just got to. Please.Oh yeah, and welcome to the Pro Tour as well. I loved your last entry and I'm happy to see some new LL folks in the mix.
Congrats also to Micool. You deserve it buddy. -
deanosrs Offline
I know exactly the reason why my entry was so bad. It didn't have any graphical scenery because that's so hard to fit into a liberty city theme, and the colours were incredibly boring. I'd actually started on a vice city one before I came across an idea for lotr (which turned out to be shit itself) and then heard gymkid was doing it so tried liberty city.
My entries, apart from my first, are nothing like my full potential. Nowhere near it. They're all done in less than a week, the alien one and the videogame one in 3 days. Unfortunately I just don't have time to enter the bonus round. I'm really sad I can't be in the pro tour... I tried I think as hard as anyone, but my entries lacked planning and my "break" from the game obviously didn't help me. Without that, I think I might have won one of the less contested rounds while I was away. I just hope that sooner or later my solo work will get some recognition.
But anyway... thanks to iris for all the judging and the other guys who have helped him. It's really appreciated, sorry I put you through so many shit entries. And raven/iris for organising the whole thing... great idea.
Good luck to all those who got into the pro tour. I'll have fun looking at all your creations and hopefully we can have at least 30 parks submitted (if that is what the final round turns out to be - we don't know yet.
Splash-0 Offline
The due date for the absolute final round is...a week from tonight January 14
*continious building on an old unfinished entrie*
Haven't looked at the pro tour entries yet but I'll do that as soon as possible. -
sloB Offline
Wow Gymkid!
Anyone who actually read the readme can see that I helped out gymkid out with this one, but I must say, you exceeded even my expectations. I thought it was awesome. I think it fulfilled what this round was asking for the best out of all the entries and it was also just so much fun to watch. Great Job man, and welcome to the Tour.
I liked the pac-man idea, Pbob, and that scenery will be very useful, actually. Its too bad you haven't gotten in yet, I woul like to see you in this. Good luck if your entering the final round.
Deano, your was pretty cool. You executed that coaster hack very well, I thought, althought the ride itself wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. The buildings were good looking and it certainly had that gloomy Liberty City feel. Good job.
I think thats all I looked at, but good job to the rest for enteirng. -
gir Offline
Wow, this was an amazing finale (almost) to the Pro Tour qualifying. I'm glad to see there was more than two entries.I'm also really happy that darkfire and Micool got in. I can tell iris wants a lot of competition for his parkmakers. We'll see how this turns out. If I had entered this round (as I was planning, but I won the dark ride round) I would have died. :/ Mine was fun to make, thats all that matters.
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