Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
mantis Offline
As promised, in backwards order of my favourite rct2 entries, if that makes sense:
leighx - I liked yours, but it was just a bit too treed and, although those water hacks were nice, altogether 'mediocre'. I think you can do better, judging by your screens. Maybe put more time in and you'd get better results.
rctfan - some really nice architecture, but completely overtreed. It really wrecked the coaster for me, cos the trees just SWAMPED it. I liked that tall building a lot, and the way the station was over the entrance area. V.nice. Your architecture's definitely your strong point, so i'd suggest working on theming your coasters better, with more interesting 'set pieces' and that sort of thing, rather than just trees trees trees!
bender - I liked the whole 'rock with temple on it' thing, but apart from the scattered 1/4 bits there wasn't much variation to the theme. Nice layout, nice concept...colour would have been nice.
Gah, gotta go eat. Edit in later.
nemesis chris - ooh, nice details like the crosses and overhangs with broken temples....but DAMN is this theme getting old! seriously, it's as if rct2 is conducive to repetitive theming, cos three of these parks looked the same! I just got bored by this point, to be honest.
A1 - nice. very nice. and damn fun too. I really liked this entry for all the little theming details on the ride. I think a lot of the other entries impressed people because of their overall effect and general scale, but this one had character. The whole train track idea was great, the twists fun, the slow bits/launches fun. And how the hell did you turn that mine track into path?! Great work.
rwadams - the architecture was the best, the coaster theming was well integrated, the colours were good, and it was enjoyable to watch. Again, I feel that rwadams has come immensely close to winning through but has been beaten by a kind of 'more impressive but less atmospheric' entry. Great work, roger.
Looking forward to the next one. I'm rooting for both Kumba and rwadams to get through, cos I really feel they deserve it. -
Silenced Offline
Lol. That was just mean but funny. Kumba you ever gonna get first?I predict a "big" second place entry!
knuckles -
Dantheman Offline
Am going to enter with something which is new am going to try and create an idea that I came up with a few weeks ago it could go horrible wrong put it will be an RCT soap opera. If all goes to plan it will have an action packed village type setting a full set of “actors†and a local newspaper. As crazy as it sounds it could work I get the idea while watching the Truman show. -
Tech Artist Offline
Well it was supposed to be in a forest, but i admit it was overtreed. Also i was rushed to get it done because by the time i decided to enter i had like 7 to 10 days to get my entry completed and i work slooooooow. Yes my architechture is my strong point. My coasters on the other hand are blah.rctfan - some really nice architecture, but completely overtreed. It really wrecked the coaster for me, cos the trees just SWAMPED it. I liked that tall building a lot, and the way the station was over the entrance area. V.nice. Your architecture's definitely your strong point, so i'd suggest working on theming your coasters better, with more interesting 'set pieces' and that sort of thing, rather than just trees trees trees!
mantis Offline
I don't think it was the coaster itself (except maybe those two hills and sharp turn over the path...eugh). It was more to do with the theming. If you used those architecture skills to make interesting buildings to theme the ride (overhangs, tunnels, traverses) the ride would really stand out. -
Themeparkmaster Offline
I'm not going to be entering any of the rounds now. Channelling my energy else where -
Jacko Shanty Offline
It's bit early, but who all is entering the steel twister category? It's probably going to be one of the more popular rounds... my entry contains my first REAL hacks. -
Steve Offline
i do, i do, i do! cant wait for that round!Well I am and I hope you people like bizarre coasters...
Tech Artist Offline
Oooh i can't wait for that round. That will be fun to see who wins.It's bit early, but who all is entering the steel twister category? It's probably going to be one of the more popular rounds... my entry contains my first REAL hacks.
super rich Offline
[QUOTE]So then i guess its me, knuckles and ...... is that it?
Sorry about the late reply but i will be entering too if that is alright as someone said earlier on about needing experience in competitions that like me. -
TerrorTech Offline
Finaly had a chance to view this week entries.....liked A14504s pirate craziness, I'm just a sucker for anything featuring cutlasses, cannonballs or rigging.....also liked RW adams, lots of atmosphere and really nice hidden detail.
This weeks woody comp should be the safe money on the beemer hackmiester himself?.....kudos to you Kumba for sheer determination. :::
On a totaly different topic has anyone read the online accident report regarding the tragic big thunder mountain accident last month (I think has it posted) gives a chilling step by step account of the accident as it occured on the ride that will send shivers down the spine of any coaster enthusiast. Lets hope all theme parks (not just DL) learn lessons from this tragedy.
TerrorTech Library (A few new pics added) -
CoasterkidMWM Offline
Other people besides you three will enter, they just aren't saying it to surprise us. -
Coaster Ed Offline
It's funny you mention that, because I just read it yesterday. There's a link to it at Coasterbuzz. It certainly is eye opening. The staff was planning on taking Train 2 out of service after it finished that circuit because it was making an odd noise but it never made it backOn a totaly different topic has anyone read the online accident report regarding the tragic big thunder mountain accident last month (I think has it posted) gives a chilling step by step account of the accident as it occured on the ride that will send shivers down the spine of any coaster enthusiast. Lets hope all theme parks (not just DL) learn lessons from this tragedy.
. Of course the odd noise was because it was missing a wheel and the axle was falling apart. It was also pretty interesting how the ride's safety mechanism reacted to the accident. I guess those things really do work. If only there had been some way to alert the system that pieces were falling off of the train before the crash. Maybe it could have been stopped.
On a related note, do all you Vekoma haters know that they built all of the Thunder Mountain rides for Disney? I didn't know that. I guess they can do a good job when their client pays for it. This accident was not the fault of Vekoma though in any way. It was primarily a maintenance problem. We take for granted that these rides are safe, and they are when they are properly maintained and operated. -
Tech Artist Offline
Well why didn't they do that in the first place? Didn't that report sayit went around the circut like 27 times?It's funny you mention that, because I just read it yesterday. There's a link to it at Coasterbuzz. It certainly is eye opening. The staff was planning on taking Train 2 out of service after it finished that circuit because it was making an odd noise but it never made it back
. Of course the odd noise was because it was missing a wheel and the axle was falling apart.
rctfreak2000 Offline
El Freako is enteringo the Darko Rido competitiono.
Yes, indeed.
But no worries. I'm gonna lose.
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