Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
A14504 Offline
thanks, I know now why i lost, cause I over did the pointless stuff and under did the ride themeing itself. I know what I'm doing now.A14504 - I liked this one alot the coaster was the best one here but the themeing let it down.
Toon Offline
I know what you're saying, but I didn't really think that this entry looked that much like Foozy's stuff at all to be honest. Foozy's work has a much more chaotic appeal to it than this. I think rctfan has been branded as a copycat, so now everything he does is over scrutinized as such. Part of the problem is that the custom pieces I made have a certain look and everything that is made using these as the major architectural pieces will have that look to it. I think this is more a case of the medium being similar than the actual work.Toon, I can see where you're coming from. But, taking other recent things into account (copying Phantasia's landplot from Meretrix), I think it's a pretty accurate assumption to say he was directly influenced and let that influence overpower his individuality in parkmaking. I saw that before with the screenshots of his Disney park, it was overly influenced by Meretrix. It's kinda' like that, it's not bad that you are influenced by people (to the point of creating an almost identical theme), but it crosses a line when you can't become individual from that person.
Jacko Shanty Offline
rctfan - I must say that you have really been stepping up. I downloaded your ride to see how it compared to Foozy and John. I was very impressed! Your architecture skills are really really improving. I can see how people would say you were influenced by Foozy and John. It's obvious that it definately was.. but that doesn't really matter. The architecture was superb, for you. I mean, John and Foozy don't own the spanish theme. Good job. It's a shame the coaster wasn't any better, you would have placed much higher, or maybe even taken this competition. Next time, build the architecture around the coaster, not the other way around. Good luck. -
California Coasters Offline
Though you maysee a Steel Twister Dive underwater...LeighX i dont think your entry looked "Kumba'ish" and please may we never see another mine train that dives under water
(No, I DID NOT copy leighX, I thoght it was a cool idea, and I never thought he would do the same thing... oh well, just a note if my Pro Tour entry get finished...
Tech Artist Offline
Thanx for the comment. I was influneced by those 2 but didn't copy them like throp said. I think it is my best work yet. My coaster on the other hand wasn't that good i admit.rctfan - I must say that you have really been stepping up. I downloaded your ride to see how it compared to Foozy and John. I was very impressed! Your architecture skills are really really improving. I can see how people would say you were influenced by Foozy and John. It's obvious that it definately was.. but that doesn't really matter. The architecture was superb, for you. I mean, John and Foozy don't own the spanish theme. Good job. It's a shame the coaster wasn't any better, you would have placed much higher, or maybe even taken this competition. Next time, build the architecture around the coaster, not the other way around. Good luck.
mantis Offline
I've only looked at the LL parks so far. Comments on the rct2 parks later.
Purple Power - I dunno. I liked the colours of the ride, but I didn't like the way you used grey wall textures in that context. The first half of the ride was fun, but it then dived underground in a vain attempt to get back to that station without too much hassle....and failed. That lift at the end hurt it a lot. I don't think this is your best by a long shot.
Umbongo Congo - lovely ideas like the arches and the mushrooms, but lacking in 'togetherness' IMO. It was like a few buildings lumped in between a few trees on a few needed more paths in between more buildings with more emphasis on interaction - if that waterfall had had a stream going down through the ride it would have been cool. And the double lift didn't need to be there IMO. I tend to think that double lifts shouldn't be used unless they are functioning. Fun to look at though.
Congrats nemesis chris and everyone else that entered. I'll get back to you rct2 guys as soon as I get the chance to look at the parks. -
CoasterkidMWM Offline
Here's what I think you guys could have done better in your coasters for future references and such. Hope it'll help you in the future when building coasters. I'm NOT trying to be an ass, but it'll come off that way. I don't mean it, I'm sorry. All entries were pretty good.
Lost Idol Temple Place
- The first curve directly out of the station was banked when the car was going under 7mph. That's a no-no
- The lift could have been set up to highest speed, your ride still functioned correctly and believe it or not that 2 MPH does make a large difference visually. It might have boosted your stats, I'm not entirely sure b/c I don't pay attention to them except fot if the intensity rating is over 10.
- The turn after the final brakes (turn before station) was banked when the ride was only going 15 mph. This isn't a major issue to me, but I think you could have been able to make the curve a larger radius and have it be unbanked. It you then take up the same amount of space.
- I thought this was an excellent ride and I hope you top it. I really enjoyed the theming! My favorite part of the ride was the reverse double dip (hill immediately after the first drop). Great job!
Journey Thru Mikrat Springs
- My only real complaint is that the rides momentum was completely killed at the end. I made the ride's lift two tiles taller, keeping your original 180 degree drop, but rasing that up as well, and your ride looked alot better speedwise at the end.
- The water interaction was a very good idea. I also heavily enjoyed your path bridges.
Really this was a wonderful entry. Excellent job!
Rctfan1556's Place
- You have some serious banking and pacing issues
- The brake right after the drop was a SERIOUS no-no
- Lift before brake run was a serous no-no
- Work on your coasters
- Architecture was pretty good, however I would mix it up, and throw in some of your own elements/ideas
- Keep at it!
- Very unique
- I didn't like the whole stop then launch thing midway thru the ride, however I would suggest next time just making the launch a little bit later on in the ride so you don't have to brake the train.
- Lot's O' merging, I like how the ride was on the train tracks. A nifty idea that is
- I think the ride would have been better with maybe one launch instead of I think the 3 that ou had.
- Overall, nice entry. It was very entertaining.
Silver Streak
- Someone likes custom scenary!
- Anywho, I liked how it was in a builiding for some of the ride, it was a unique quality.
- No real banking or pacing problems, could have been a wee bit faster at the end, otherwise a great ride.
- Very nice railroad yard thingy.
- I'd to see more stuff from you.
The Lost Valley Fernas Place
- Great near miss intersection thingy!
- I was going to say you have a pacing problem, but I see why it was slow at that part
- A very intriguing ride, It was well built with some wonderful hacks and stuff
- I'm terribly sorry I have nothing else to say about it.
They were all good rides, and I jope to see something more from all of you. -
Ablaze Offline
I am looking forward to the best wooden coasters, they are generally quite hard coasters to build in the design process so it should be good seeing the best. -
Silenced Offline
I cant wait to get my entry in for the woodie. I probably wont win but i need some experience for contests. Well look for me in there too. Lets hope i place in the top 5 atleast. I know I want to.
knuckles -
A14504 Offline
[QUOTE]- Lot's O' merging, I like how the ride was on the train tracks. A nifty idea that is [QUOTE]thanks
if ya want to see something neat test the train there hidden in the station, very interesting. I'm not sure why I did the stop lanch thing. proboly for the onride photo and just for the effect. the third lanch wasn't really suposed to be a lanch, just a picker uper so the end wouldn't be slow.
NC- nice, I really liked the lift
bender- I'd sugest more color, cause the bricks made my eyes sore, but good ride! -
Janus Offline
NemesisChris - It was OK, but not the best in my humble opinion.
The landscaping was okay, but looked a bit lazy and random in some places. The architecture was pretty bad, brown 2x2... I also don't like how you left the ride entrance out in the open, totally unthemed.
Nor did I like the treeing very much.
However, the mine train itself was nice, good interaction with both landscape and theming. Those bridges were neat.
Bender902 - Hmm. This one looked a bit bad in some places which brought down the general impression, but it was still pretty nice.
Major overuse of brick though. The landscape looked a bit chaotic with all those mixed land styles. The actual ride was cool though.
rwadams - Should've won. The treeing and landscaping was bad at some places, like just by the entrance, but the great architecture, nice mine train, impressing realism and the little details pretty much made up for it.
I can see why NC won though, a pretty "safe" entry and a good mine train, which really was the point. -
Leighx Offline
well done nc. looks really good. the landscape is great and the bulidings look sweet!!.
i wasnt to kean on benders, the whole temple thing didnt look rite?.
but rwadams was i spose realistic?. but i didnt really like the train thingy?.
and all the others i still have to look at.
well done to everyone. maybe i will do better in the next round i enter??.
great work nc
Kumba Offline
as i all reddy said like 4 times im in.
and my entry may not be the best in all of these PT's, but it mite just end up being the biggest -
Silenced Offline
Mr Hackalot is it full of hacks? lol Well im getting closer to dont and I prolly wont win but its practice for me
knuckles -
Tech Artist Offline
I predict hacks, hacks, and more i all reddy said like 4 times im in.
and my entry may not be the best in all of these PT's, but it mite just end up being the biggest
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