Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
Bender902 Offline
Man, so close. Kinda disappointing especially considereing i put a lot of time into it. I knew m skills weren't as good as the others but I hoped a solid park with a good theme would get me a win. By the time i was finishing i wanted to change it up and revamp it a little with my newer better skills, but I didn't want to put that much effort in. Just remember that i stared this 4 weeks ago and i was using the skills i had then. Way the go nemesis chris. Going to download your park now. I'll post what i think later.
Now that I have look at the parks, here is my opinion:
Nemesis Chris's "Journey through Mikrat Springs"- I see where got me at. Overall quality. You kept it small so you coul make each part as good as possible. I made mine large so it had some bad parts that took away from the good. I guess Iris liked that better. I do feel the coaster was lacking though. It slows down to much at the end through the helix. But, I am no coaster expert. Anyways, great effort and congratulations.
Mine: Check above.
RWAdams: I agree with Thorpedo. Didn't like it at all. I opened up and it just looked ugly and messy. I didnt' know what I was looking for. Then i gave up.
LeighX- Look too much like Kumbas entries.
I didn't look at the rest or can't remember what I thought of them. Good job NC.
thorpedo Offline
All entries were good. I placed higher than 5 at least, but its not where I'd hoped.
NC- Nice entry. Good theming and an excellent mine train. The archy was repetitive..but oh well.
Bender209- It was ok. Your theming was very boring...but the lanscaping was good.
rwadams- I didn't like this one. At all. Sorry.
mine- you decide.
dantheman- Good archy kinda...bad theming I thought. Good ideas and a good mine train though.
rctfan- John and Foozy anyone? It was basically a copy of the detail, and bad theming. Nice ride though.
leighx- haven't looked.
pirate thingy--it was ok. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Bender's was my favorite, just edging out nemesis chris. It was the rocks in chris's park that I didn't really like. Those looked a little lazy to me. But there was some nice use of 1/4 tile scenery and interactive theming which made it fun. I can see why you won. Bender's impressed me a little more because the structure was very complicated but still nice to look at. The rock combination and trees all looked good to me too. I liked rwadams park. It wasn't as densly themed as some of the others, and those trees were ugly, but the interaction with the buildings was fun. I like the roof slopes and those ceiling fans. Neat. Spanish Village Tour also had some nice architecture, though a bit over the top in places. I kinda like over the top though, and there was nothing bad about this park. It wasn't as consistent as those other three though. But obviously a good deal of time, effort, and skill was involved.
The LL parks were both well done but pretty simple when compared to the other entries. Nice theming in both, but nothing to make them stand out. And the last two were kind of forgettable. Nice work getting an entry in, but both of you need to work on consistency. Rather than having buildings surrounded by trees and bushes, think of the whole park as a whole more. They just looked to spread out and didn't do much with architetecture. Congrats nemesis chris for the winning entry.
This contest has been really cool. I'm seeing some great work by members I haven't heard of before. This really is a good way to introduce yourself to the NE community. -
Toon Offline
It was really close between the top few entries for me as I thought they all were lacking something to really make them special. In the end I think I found NC's ride to be slightly more enjoyable with some neat little interactions with the buildings and landscape that reallyswayed my vote in the end. -
John Offline
Not really sure how I fit in there because it looked nothing like my work, before and after I stopped showing screenshots.rctfan- John and Foozy anyone? It was basically a copy of the detail, and bad theming. Nice ride though.
Although, I would agree it is blatently influenced by Foozy... which, IMO is quite bluntly pathetic. Like I've been saying, rctfan, you seem to be too influenced by other peoples' work. Using ideas and putting your own spin on it is different, but this just seemed like you looked at Foozy's park, saw what he did, and tried to directly imitate it. That doesn't show any individuality or imagination. -
Tech Artist Offline
Well that was at first, but then i tryed to go my own way. The important thing is that i tryed and i liked my park. Congrats N.Chris.Not really sure how I fit in there because it looked nothing like my work, before and after I stopped showing screenshots.
Although, I would agree it is blatently influenced by Foozy... which, IMO is quite bluntly pathetic. Like I've been saying, rctfan, you seem to be too influenced by other peoples' work. Using ideas and putting your own spin on it is different, but this just seemed like you looked at Foozy's park, saw what he did, and tried to directly imitate it. That doesn't show any individuality or imagination. -
A14504 Offline
well guess I shouldn't have left my park too a bunch of drunk pirates, oh well.
now I know.... to win a spot, the ride needs to be on a mountain, with lots of 2x2, and jagged rocks...
off to finish my dark ride... -
Steve Offline
congrats chris! its nice to see an RCTU:P member get in the pro tour! his was really nice...and i didnt see the other ones...except A1's, his was ok...
rwadams Offline
Congratulations Chris, just now downloading the parks so I haven't seen them yet. Just one note on the ugly comments on my park. That was the whole point, have you ever seen a pretty mining site.
Rog -
gymkid dude Offline
Chris...I agree with having you #1...layout, cool elements, I like the hacked path bridge, water stuff, nice theming, good landscaping.
Bender...good theming, nice building interaction, but I found the layout to be subpar. is this ugly? Well, the archy was, but I thought the railroad maintanence hooks and gears and stuff was superb. Oh well.
Thorp: lol looks too purple. And shitty layout.
Dan: Eh.
RCTFan: shoulda been higher. Best architecture, at least. I liked the tower of ... oh thats right you didnt name it, but that was an impressive building (altho watch becoming a toon/john ripper as thorp said). Crappy layout and just generic treeing of the coaster spanked your entry.
leighx: I totally agree with the kumbaness. Just lacked oomph overall. Very kumbalike ride, very kumbalike theming, very kumbalike architecture. Work on color. -
artist Offline
I cant belive that i came first!!
I have school now and i will look at all the other entries tonight im sure there all great.
~NC~ -
Leighx Offline
personaly i thought my entry didnt look like kumbas... and i didnt intend it to be like kumbas if thts wat most people think.
but anyway chris well done it was all prefect.
Toon Offline
I need to chime in on rctfan's park here. I think you guys are being really unfair for attacking him the way you are. I think it was influenced by Foozy's work, but I've seen a ton of parks influenced by both Foozy and my work. I really don't have a problem with that, tho unless you add something new, you won't be considered a great parkmaker. To me this didn't look like a rip-off at all, and it definitely wasn't a copy. This was no where near as intricate and detailed as Foozy's work and not as good. The architecture was actually pretty good here, but the coaster and landscaping were really sub-par so that's where you need to focus your efforts.
It seems like once a parkmaker gets the target on his chest, there is no way for them to shed it, no matter what they produce. I really saw nothing sad or pathetic about this entry. Is anyone who tries to create highly detailed RCT2 work from now on fated to be accused of copying Foozy or John? How stupid is that? -
artist Offline
Well i have looked at all the rct2 parks as my LL is still broken i thought...
LeighX's - Was a good ride but looked at little rushed and didnt look like Kumba's work imo.
Benders - Was great the colours fitted it perfect and has some very nice bits in it.
RWAdams - Looked exactly like a mine site very realistic i loved the mine train.
A14504 - I liked this one alot the coaster was the best one here but the themeing let it down.
RctFan - I liked the themeing but the coaster had me bored it needed something to spice it up really.
Cant wait to see who gets in next round.
~Nemesis Chris~ -
John Offline
Toon, I can see where you're coming from. But, taking other recent things into account (copying Phantasia's landplot from Meretrix), I think it's a pretty accurate assumption to say he was directly influenced and let that influence overpower his individuality in parkmaking. I saw that before with the screenshots of his Disney park, it was overly influenced by Meretrix. It's kinda' like that, it's not bad that you are influenced by people (to the point of creating an almost identical theme), but it crosses a line when you can't become individual from that person. -
Kumba Offline
I dont think anyone copyed me. in NC and LeighXs entrys i did see a few ideas i have used in Tiumba and Madakumbu. But i dont think they copyed me. Im fine with people useing my ideas as long as they dont take cridit for them, coz i use other peoples ideas too. But really i did not see much in either entrys that looked like my stuff.
congrats to chris on the win i loved the speed of the ride it made it alot of fun, and your themeing was very nice.
LeighX i dont think your entry looked "Kumba'ish" and please may we never see another mine train that dives under water
i did not look at the rest of the entrys yet but i will. and Bender i feal your pain, its like a kick in the nuts to see that you were only one spot away from a win. and as we all know my nuts are killing me right now.
also my Wooden Coaster is looking real good, and will kill the competition -
Steve Offline
oh like i havent heard that one before...also my Wooden Coaster is looking real good, and will kill the competition
but ill still look forward to your entry, and maybe...just maybe you might make it...
Leighx Offline
cheers KumbaI dont think anyone copyed me. in NC and LeighXs entrys i did see a few ideas i have used in Tiumba and Madakumbu. But i dont think they copyed me. Im fine with people useing my ideas as long as they dont take cridit for them, coz i use other peoples ideas too. But really i did not see much in either entrys that looked like my stuff.
congrats to chris on the win i loved the speed of the ride it made it alot of fun, and your themeing was very nice.
LeighX i dont think your entry looked "Kumba'ish" and please may we never see another mine train that dives under water
i did not look at the rest of the entrys yet but i will. and Bender i feal your pain, its like a kick in the nuts to see that you were only one spot away from a win. and as we all know my nuts are killing me right now.
also my Wooden Coaster is looking real good, and will kill the competitiondont worry i dont think i will even attempt to try and bulid another mine train.
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