Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour
10-October 03
Six Frags Offline
^^^Well Kumba, some people liked my entry better, some yours...apparently the judges found mine good's just a matter of taste I think, and I'm sure you will win one sooner or later...
And I'm curious who will enter the next round!
SF -
Dixi Offline
Hey sorry man, I was just pissed off at the time I made the post.
Nice entry BTW, t'was close between you two, on one hand you had recreated X's stuff, there fore loosing points for origionality, but Six Frags's coaster was also poor cos' it was basicly lots of half loops. Those were the only down sides to both though IMO and they were both worthy winners. Im not going to say who I thought should win. -
mantis Offline
I fail to see how Kumba 'loses on originality'?!
The coaster, theming and details are all his own, and how much creativity and thought must be needed to make something from LL in rct2? The whole concept is original, the letters idea is one of the most brilliant things i've seen in a very long time, and the way he melted two of X's different areas together, while making them his own, really shows that he has tremendous creative skill. -
Ride6 Offline
Shutting me up, eh? I can't seriusly take any threats at this point. I'll admit Kumba has hacking abilitys that far surpas mine. On the other hand it's depatable who is accully better at building Adventure Rides.
Mine has more time in it since i took 2 weeks (i didn't want to bother with the "NE Themed Ride" and the other 2 i started on and then stopped my entrys before they were even 1/2 complete. So time may be on my side. I put 19-20 hours into building this and it has several creative and thought-out hacks.
On the other hand last round was very interesting. Although i found Six Frags to be better themed etc. Kumba gave me better "Vibes" and i liked it better over all. Six Frags seemed to much like a Korean factory district or something because it was so dark. The theming was better but the atmosphere was pretty bad, as was the coaster. Kumba coaster was MUCH better and although not as detailed in the theming departement, it was still very impressive and atmospheric.
ride6 -
Dixi Offline
Well, Mantis, the contest was "NE Member Themed", not "NE Member Recreation".
If I had entered this competition I would have themed rides according to certain members names or associations. IE Evil WME could have had an entry themed about him, simply being a Ferocious Tiger.
Im sorry but I fail to see what is so special about some large letters.the letters idea is one of the most brilliant things i've seen in a very long time
Oh well, each to his own. -
John Offline
I also think Kumba's was a level above Six Frags's... the dull, large, bulky architecture combined with the clashing trees and color combinations made it a no-go for me. Oh well, I'm sure if people had their way I wouldn't be in it, so yeah. -
Marshy Offline
Ive been waiting so long for someone to say that.I'M GLAD Kumba IS LOSING....HE GETS COCKIER EACH ROUND...AND IT IS FUNNY
And your drunk. -
mantis Offline
I don't think just using the name is really theming to that member at all. I think that if you want to be creative with RCT you have to really take it to more than one level - Kumba not only took parts of X's style (and yes, only parts), but also mixed together elements from x's work into one entity. And the letters are brilliant because not only is it saying 'x-sector' (rather than having, for example, some orange and black for a ferocious tiger) it's using x's stuff to do it. I can't think of anything more fitting for member-themed ride myself.
I guess the title of the round can be interpreted in different ways, but merely theming to a member's name, or using colours to fit it, doesn't seem enough for me. Kumba seemed to really have thought about it and made an entry that really is the essence of x-sector, rather than being vaguely linked through a name (which, you'll agree, isn't the most important thing in an rct park). Perhaps what i'm trying to say is, Kumba's entry would only be applicable to a round of this name. Six Frags's entry would do well in any round - it didn't seem tailored to this particular title.
Meh whatever, but just looking at Kumba's entry made me think 'this is what this round was about'. -
Titan Offline
^ I completely agree. I was thinking the same thing after Iris and Thorp said he copied... It's a compliment though, right?Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess, eh?
Marshy Offline
Me, I finished it before the rapids results were even announced, sloB and Kraken are entering too.i might consider doing the liquid coaster one...who else is doing that one?
Steve Offline
oh shit...maybe i should quit while im ahead...
Me, I finished it before the rapids results were even announced, sloB and Kraken are entering too.i might consider doing the liquid coaster one...who else is doing that one?
lol -
Steve Offline
u just made my night kraken...i dunno why, but u just inspired me somehow...thanx man, now im off to brainstorm...
*goes into a dark, quiet room 2 think*
CoasterkidMWM Offline
I did see ride6's entry. It was very good. I don't think it'll take the cake but it'll get damn close to it... -
Ride6 Offline
Depends on who else is entering Coasterkid. It really does.
Thanx for the commplement anyway.
And Kumba should've won. I think the reason that he didn't is that Iris knows he can make in with another round and Six Frags probably couldn't. Iris is looking to get a wide veriety of people and Six Frags is a bit of a suprise, there by it is varried.
ride6 -
Steve Offline
just started my liquid coaster, and so fa its coming along great! if i keep this up, i might have a chance! i hope... -
rwadams Offline
Thats why I never entered this round. I wasn't sure which way to go. I do have two other rounds just about finished, and ready to start a third(not saying which ones).I guess the title of the round can be interpreted in different ways, but merely theming to a member's name, or using colours to fit it, doesn't seem enough for me.
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