Pro Tour 1 / The NE Pro Tour

This topic hosts comments for 68 parks(View Parks)
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    Too good to be true. The perfect contest.

    I'll be going all out to try and qualify for the final 'round' so to speak. I have a few questions though...

    Who will be judging the weekly contests?


    Can we build our entry's on any map?
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Best Hotel? BEST HOTEL?!?!?

    I don't get the obsession.

    But I might enter the ride contests, at least.
  • John%s's Photo

    Alienated, on Oct 10 2003, 04:48 PM, said:

    EDIT : are all of the entered parks going to be put up for download?

    I want to know that aswell. lol

    EDIT: After talking w/ iris, he said that they will be up for download...

    I wouldn't want to get on Toon's bad side so if they are, I guess I gotta go without his stuff. :p
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    I will be entering most of them with a bit of luck. I'm starting on my hotel tomorrow.

    Metro B)
  • Kevin%s's Photo

    John, on Oct 10 2003, 05:39 PM, said:

    Kraken, on Oct 10 2003, 04:29 PM, said:

    I guess I shall start my hotel tonight.  *glares at john competetively(is that even a word)*


    But you see, sir, I have me good friend ToonTowner's scenery in my possession. *evil laugh once again* Mwhaaaa... good luck to all entering!

    Yes, maybe you do, but I think i can last a little longer without it. This is getting very exciting. Architecture is my specialty when I really focus on it. This is going to be awesome!

    Kraken :et:
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    This is getting very interesting already. Good luck to everyone else....
  • Brent%s's Photo

    iris, on Oct 10 2003, 02:14 PM, said:

    You may be right...but I wouldn't advise that to anybody.....since the grand prize of this contest (guarenteed this time, regardless of number of entries) is.....$100 (also coming from Raven). Worth your time now?

    /puts on new underwear

    I'll most likely be trying my hands at these... winning the Best Steel one would be nice, as it'd be a day-late birthday present. ^_^

    Create The Best Hotel (Due October 20, 2003)
    Create The Best Rapids Ride (October 27)
    Create The Best NE-Member Themed Ride (November 3)
    Create The Best Adventure Ride (November 10)
    Create The Best Wooden Coaster (December 1)
    Create The Best Steel Twister (December 8 )
    Create The Best Movie-Themed Ride (December 29)
  • Bender902%s's Photo
    Great idea for a contest. Guess everyone is gonna have to postpone all other parks they are working on now. Got a great idea for the rapids only if I can get it to look as good in RCT as it does in my head. haha.

  • natelox%s's Photo

    Kumba, on Oct 10 2003, 02:26 PM, said:

    odds are i will win the rapids one so i dubt i will need to do more then one entry.  :p

    man you are really cocky when it comes to this rapids don't know what's comming.

    Ty entering this contest, unheard of, and appreciated.
    I WILL win this one, no trying to be 'arty' like Earth was, this is gonna be a theme park. I need money :)
  • Titan%s's Photo
    I plan on ruining your day late b-day present impuls3!



    This should be good.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Wow, can you even imagine the tactics involved in this thing?! You have to choose a week where you think you'll have the least competition, and the competition is always changing because people have their own specialities etc!

    This is interesting :D

    And that $100 looks mighty enticing...

    *puts on thinking cap* I have...*counts on fingers*...12 WEEKS to prepare!

  • Dixi%s's Photo
    ^^ But that is the one I plan to win. Either that, or the rapids.
  • Toon%s's Photo

    mantis, on Oct 10 2003, 04:54 PM, said:

    Wow, can you even imagine the tactics involved in this thing?! You have to choose a week where you think you'll have the least competition, and the competition is always changing because people have their own specialities etc!

    This is interesting :D

    And that $100 looks mighty enticing...

    *puts on thinking cap*  I have...*counts on fingers*...12 WEEKS to prepare!


    At times like this its nice to have the free-pass to the next round isn't it! :D
  • mantis%s's Photo
    *rubs hands together with glee*
  • Fatha'%s's Photo


    man you are really cocky when it comes to this rapids don't know what's comming.

    Ty entering this contest, unheard of, and appreciated.
    I WILL win this one, no trying to be 'arty' like Earth was, this is gonna be a theme park. I need money 

    Youll have to get through me, i need it more :D

    nvm what i said next.
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    Someone remind Fatha' he's a parkmaker.
  • John%s's Photo
    Um... Fatha' ... did I miss something or aren't you ALREADY invited? ;)

    Edit: TPM beat me to it... damnit.
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    whaa i cant do those? I musta miss read. Oh well.

    Curious. What do the parkmakers do then, just, wait?
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Hehe, we just sit here looking pretty until the main event gets underway ;)
  • Twisted%s's Photo
    Would it be ok with you guys if I won this?

    You can try if you like, but there's little to no point.

    Uuummm...yeh, so I hope you don't mind.



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