(Archive) Advertising District / My first RCT2 park

  • Neon Coaster%s's Photo
    Nice architecture.....not sure if there is enough Brown. :rolleyes:
  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    The Park Map is 256x256....:|

    Ou sorry because this pornosite.. :0
    I don't know but its coming autmaticly..
    I'm sorry....

    well....in the next 7 days i'll haven't got my computer, because i bought a new graphics card, etc....
    I'll be in touch.
    Cya DragonKhan
  • VegasCoaster%s's Photo
    Wow, if everybody started out this good, then the quality of parks being released now would just be amazing. The brown is being a bit overused in places, but it still looks good, just try mixing the colors up a bit more. Also on the red invert, try making the station something else besides just one solid building. Vary the walls, rooves, and the roof line a bit, and it'll be great.
  • Golden Towers%s's Photo
    the 7days are over......UPDATE!!!!!!
  • Koaster_King%s's Photo
    I would be happy if I could see those pics everbody think is so great... I can't see them :'( :'( :'( the site is down :'( :'( :'(
  • gtwnballa425%s's Photo
    same here it says something in swiss and then FILE NOT FOUND!this sucks! oh well from what i hear it looks great! that just makes me even more mad! 8@ :@ :fuck you: :flame:

  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    The site was down...
    I will do a new site. today in the evening i have got one.

    I will show you new screens in 3-4 days.Maybe in 1 or 2 days.I don't know. But I'll be in touch when I built something new.
    And thank you for your comments!
    :) :scarface:

    Cya DragonKhan
  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    Ok, klick HERE to visit the HP to my Park.
    There you can find all the screens
    Cya DragonKhan :w00t:
  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    So I built something.
    I hope you like it. I'll work on today in the evening, becaus i have to go at school..
    Posted Image

    Cya DragonKhan :w00t:
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    It looks again really good! Just one thing, i wouldn't use lamps if there is a door or window of a building behind it, looks kinda weird and unrealistic.

    Anyway, keep up the good work :bandit:
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Thats unbelievable for a first park it looks great.Well done. :OMG:
  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    Hello everybody!
    After a long time, i built something.
    Ich hopfe you like it.

    Posted Image

    I wish you a merry Xmas!!
    Cya DragonKhan :w00t:

    PS: Sorry but the other screens doesn't work anymoore becaus the websapce was closed... :@
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    The rounded corner tile near the merrygoround needs changing, and get rid of the red, as it doens't go with the browns you have there.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    I actually wouldn't change it at all. It looks very nice.
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    Glad that you're stil working on this one, i was thinking that you've quit whit it :)

    Anyway, that carrousel looks pretty good, but i have to agree with panoramical, the red doesn't fits in there. I would keep that colour for the doors and use another colour for the little piece of wood in the buildings. Also i would place a little tiny building to hide that standard entrance and exit of the ride.
  • guljam%s's Photo
    OH! Cuting Ride designs.! ;)
  • DragonKhan%s's Photo
    Thank you for your comments.
    I changed the colour of the merry go round (right??).
    It looks better i think.
    Well I was build something new.
    I will change somethings(maybe more archithecture).
    Well comments are welcome and i hope you like it
    Posted Image
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    It looks incomplete...

    Needs more vegetation, I reckon. More plants and stuff. The colours don't really go for me. Teal/Red/Brown, in my opinion is a bad choice of colours. Also, the textures on the architecture are not organized well. You've got wood leading to brick, which, when you think about it, will not actually work in real life. You have balconies that are inaccessable as well here. But as it's your first work, I'd say it's a very good effort (For your first park). This looks promising.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Nice... Not 100% sure about the shade of brown that you've used but everything else looks very good for no custom scenery. I think you could do with some jagged rocks along that coast - that would make it look even better...

    I just realised... the maze is hacked right? That's amazing. Subtle hacks are by far the best imo.
  • Hyper Helix%s's Photo
    Not Bad, not bad at all, I love the maze thats really kool. Never seen a maze quite like that.


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