(Archive) Advertising District / GemQuest (well, and Phantasia)

  • Janus%s's Photo
    One thing I noticed from the aerial photo, you build the basic form of a lot of buildings first and add all the details later?
    I should try that.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    I don't really know why but seeing things like this makes me realise even if I could have a while back, now I definitely can't play catch up.

    It does look very real, and I really like the way the buildings are darker and more atmospheric than the ones in TA.

    I'll reiterate the mickey comments though - he is very square there!

    I feel the same way about RCT 1 looking at your work and X's work.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    You'll understand in about 30 minutes. :)

    I still don't know what this means.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    It means that when Marshy replied to the thread earlier, the archive hadn't been updated. Chill out.
  • Steve%s's Photo

    great screens as usual meretrix...this might be even better than TA...great atmosphere and i love how you still had some kinda train station there, very nice...and cool mickey mouse shaped water over in the corner...great work!

    and yes...mickey's head is quite square, but its not a huge problem...

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    It means that when Marshy replied to the thread earlier, the archive hadn't been updated. Chill out.

    Oh ok, thought there was more to come. :lol:

    cool mickey mouse shaped water over in the corner

    Oh so that is a Mickey Mouse shaped water near the left corner. Cool! Also nice one in the right corner. I assume that is where a resort will go and that mickey head water is the pool.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    It is with a heavy heart that the Disney Company regrets to inform everyone that the area known as "Neverland" will be canceled. With all of the recent scandal surrounding an American pop star with a home of the same name, Phantasia will be transforming this area of the park into an, as yet unnamed, adventure section. Look for a formal press release next week.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    That sucks!
    I want Neverland dammit. It's not like anyone cares about Wacko Jacko anyway...the music's what matters!

    Ah well.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    It is with a heavy heart that the Disney Company regrets to inform everyone that the area known as "Neverland" will be canceled. With all of the recent scandal surrounding an American pop star with a home of the same name, Phantasia will be transforming this area of the park into an, as yet unnamed, adventure section. Look for a formal press release next week.

    Change it back, who really cares about jackson's stupid neverland ranch. Oh well. :(
  • John%s's Photo
    I know I wouldn't want to have an area like that in a real park because of Jackson, the frickin' psycho... and the European media would probably make a big deal of the whole thing aswell, and for an Austrian park (you said Austria, right? ;)), it'd be even more crucial to try and cut off any type of negative connotation to a themed area, especially if it is something as disgusting as the Jackson case.
    Anyway, whenever I hear "Neverland", I think Michael Jackson before Disney.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    I know I wouldn't want to have an area like that in a real park because of Jackson, the frickin' psycho... and the European media would probably make a big deal of the whole thing aswell, and for an Austrian park (you said Austria, right? ;)), it'd be even more crucial to try and cut off any type of negative connotation to a themed area, especially if it is something as disgusting as the Jackson case.
    Anyway, whenever I hear "Neverland", I think Michael Jackson before Disney.

    Well true but seeing as neverland is Peter Pan, couldn't he rename it?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    It is with a heavy heart that the Disney Company regrets to inform everyone that the area known as "Neverland" will be canceled. With all of the recent scandal surrounding an American pop star with a home of the same name, Phantasia will be transforming this area of the park into an, as yet unnamed, adventure section. Look for a formal press release next week.

    LMAO! Sucks. Why don't you just make Neverland but not call it that and instead have it comprised of sublands like Mermaid Lagoon, etc.... that compose Neverland?

    Or whatever. MICHAEL JACKSON: THE RIDE!!!!
  • MickMaximus%s's Photo
    That guy went from being a great music artist to a complete and totally, well..ummm....WACKO.

    Good call on getting rid of the name Neverland. Just call it something else and keep your same ideas.

    BEAT IT...
  • CoasterkidMWM%s's Photo
    He always sucked IMO. Only poor black boy to grow up to be a rich whte woman.

    The park looks extremely nice. Also, nice use of the Jackson thing as an excuse to kill off an area you don't want to do.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    LMAO!  Sucks.  Why don't you just make Neverland but not call it that and instead have it comprised of sublands like Mermaid Lagoon, etc.... that compose Neverland?

    Or whatever.  MICHAEL JACKSON: THE RIDE!!!!

    Exctaly what i was thinking. As i said just rename it and maybe do somthing like Corkscrew suggusted, mayybe make it in to sub sections.


    Not for the little kids. ;)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
  • Geoff%s's Photo


    [font="tahoma"]wtf? ::::) This bugs me...[/font]
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo


  • Critic%s's Photo


    Posted Image How creepy,

    Just fucking scary that they named it 'Colorado Adventure' and I live in this state, too..
  • Dirk Pitt%s's Photo


    Well, Despise it name. It looks very interesing to ride. I would ride it. The themeing is really good.


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