(Archive) Advertising District / GemQuest (well, and Phantasia)

  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    I made the hat in Photoshop. It will not be released until this park is released. Sorry.
    As for RCT 1? Well, I haven't touched it in a while, so I don't know. I really don't find the RCT1 platform aesthetically pleasing to me anymore. I'm a sucker for walls (not to mention not having to build ghost trains in order to get windows) and all of the cool scenery pieces available now. I'm thinking that I could do something really Disney in RCT1, but the bigger question is....would I want to? Well, after Phantasia I might try it. One question though, how do I get a fix patch for RCT and Windows XP. I just upgraded my system and RCT1 no longer plays on my computer.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Awww, oh well i can do with out.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Meretrix, I wouldn't release so many pics... or else the surprise will be gone.

    Oh wait, I'm testing the damn park. NVM! :D
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    [font="Tahoma"]SIZE=.9]how did you do that sorcerer's hat in photoshop...it's like pro...well it is pro. Which brush do you use, and what program do you use to put your custom objects in the game.. also did you have to draw that hat 4 times for the 4 diff. views?[/font][/SIZE]
  • CoasterkidMWM%s's Photo
    That's amazing! I love the medievel arches! Great job. This is the most realistic plae ever! Keep it up!

    I want to test.

    AIM: Polishcoaster13

    yes I know it's a terrible screenname...
  • Steve%s's Photo
    the screens look fantastic (as usual)...i like the dark atmosphere u got goin' here, and the disney store kicks ass, i love it! and cool broomstick fountain-thingy too...the ticket booths...um, look good, but i would consider lowering them a little, they seem too high...other wise, incredible work!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Guys, don't ask to test. You're not gonna get it.

    You're not me.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    You're funny Corky.... :lol:

    I will say this....there will be exactly 4 testers for this park (if they want it).

    1. Corky (just cause you're an inspiration to all of us)
    2. John (my partner in Disney Crime ;) )
    3. Iris (because I would like feedback on this park from the man who could deem it Spotlight material)
    4. Blitz (for the shear fact that he is half as weird as I am).
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    2. John (my partner in Disney Crime  ;) )

    Disney Crime. LMAO! :lol:

    Nice park so far Meretrix. Hopefully this will turn out as great as TA did. Maybe another spotlight for you ;).
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Look for a surpirse or two tomorrow in the Phantasia photo archive. After all, tomorrow is the 75th birthday of our beloved friend Mickey Mouse!
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Hey! Somebody else remembered! ^_^
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    Look  for a surpirse or two tomorrow in the Phantasia photo archive. After all, tomorrow is the 75th birthday of our beloved friend Mickey Mouse!

    Yay! :birthday: Mickey Mouse! :D ^__^
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Looking forward to those screens!
    Anywayz, the screens (that I've not commented on) are looking good, and makes me wanna go to Disneyland....
    Keep it up,

  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Happy 75th Birthday Mickey Mouse!
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    I dont even know what Im supposed to be looking at..

    Ticket booths rock!!
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    You'll understand in about 30 minutes. :)
  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    New screens look good, as usual.

    The Mickey head looks a little square. Maybe add a row on the sides thats centered to make the head more rounded.

    And I'm glad you didn't add huge yellow mickey statues like in Magic Kingdom - EGLPK there ugly
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I hate Disney soooooo much...

    Nice screens though.

    You are going to absolutely love my first H2H3 entry...

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    You'll understand in about 30 minutes. :)

    Understand what? More screens?

    I hate Disney soooooo much...


    Nice Park so far! I really like how this is going. One suggustion, make the Mickey head more round like RaoulXpres suggusted. Also how come in the aerial photo the buildings look all plain? Maybe it is just too far away to see all the detail.
    Look forward to more screens. :)

    Oh and how could i forget,silly me,

    :birthday: MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ^__^
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I don't really know why but seeing things like this makes me realise even if I could have a while back, now I definitely can't play catch up.

    It does look very real, and I really like the way the buildings are darker and more atmospheric than the ones in TA.

    I'll reiterate the mickey comments though - he is very square there!


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