(Archive) Advertising District / GemQuest (well, and Phantasia)

  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo
    Well, atleast there are the radar blips....

    Sry to c u leave 2.
  • Steve%s's Photo

    bye mererix, u were a hella good parkmaker!

    u should atleast release it unfinished so i dont go crazy...kthx!
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    Greetings to all!!!

    It is with a sad and heavy heart that I must announce that after returning from a very successful board game launch, I came home to a computer that has been tampered with. Phantasia has been lost (for the second time, no less). This time, I will listen to the Universe.

    I am leaving RCT for good. I think that the writing is on the wall that I need to focus on more important things. And to tell you the truth, I wasn't having that much fun with it anymore, anyway.

    Like SA and the others, I may lurk around NE for a while, I may not.

    Iris, please remove me from the collabo project.

    And if need be, you can remove me from the parkmaker list. I guess I knew that one day I'd say goodbye to this game. I think that time is now.

    Peace to all. Have a great and very safe holiday season everyone. It's been fun.

    Cheers! :)

    :'( .

    Oh well, Your were one hell of a parkmaker and a master at disney parks + you were or were one of my favorite parkmakers. Sorry to see you go :'(.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    NEW RULE: If you want to be a Parkmaker, you have to actually STAY after you become one.

    Sorry to lose you, son (nevermind you're like 10 years older than me).
  • Brent%s's Photo
    I can only say this... lol. Pathetic. Yeah. A-buh-bye.
  • California Coasters%s's Photo
    :| I do not like this at all...

    YOU WERE MY 2ND FAVORITE PARKMAKER! Oh well... see ya...
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Um what do you mean by ................................?
    Is the park coming back or was it just somthing for fun to bring back a dead topic?
  • Brent%s's Photo
    The almighty powers that RCT imposes on its players, players who say that they've "retired", is too strong to not let one get away. In particular, Meretrix.

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    The almighty powers that RCT imposes on its players, players who say that they've "retired", is too strong to not let one get away. In particular, Meretrix.


    I think so. :SA:
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    you morons he added screens to his webshots page, go click the link in the first post. 8@
  • John%s's Photo


  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    you morons he added screens to his webshots page, go click the link in the first post. 8@

    O ok thanx for saying that Kumba. I didn't think to look cause i am tierd and wore out from riding my bike to Sfgam(took me like an hour to get there by bike and and hour to get back by bike.) to see if any thing was going on.

    The park still looks amazing. So i thought Phantasia was lost? Did you find a backup or was the retire thing a scam?( i could care less ethier way as long as this park is still going :) ).
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    I have no comment. the only thing I will say is that those screens (well, most of them) are from a park that is but a dream. A little nostalgia until.........
  • Highball%s's Photo

    I have no comment. the only thing I will say is that those screens (well, most of them) are from a park that is but a dream. A little nostalgia until.........

    That's just messed up.... 8@
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    All the newer screens are beautiful...
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    What's messed up about returning old screens for viewing? One of the people that has bookmarked me as a "favorite" (Whatever that means) at Webshots asked why I took them down. I see no harm in putting them back up. For the record, they are old screens. That park was lost, just as I said. Sad really as I spent a shitload of time on that F*$&ING castle. And all of those buildings look really pretty to me now that I've had time away from seeing it. Oh well, back to the board game stuff. By the way, the GemQuest folder at Webshots is being updated today with pics of the REVISED game box, as well as the box top for the first expansion pack. I think you'll find them quite cool (if you're into that kind of thing). I've also put up a shot of one of our new villains, and his pet. We shall call him fluffy ;)
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    Oh for fucks sake, Meretrix - I mean, I hope your board game does good and all, but does that mean you can tease us with old screens? I mean, if you are not working on it - I don't think we really need to see any screens of it. But, maybe that's just me.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    "Oh for F$%# sakes". I put the pics up at the request of someone who's not even an NE member. Yes, I thought it would be funny to "tease" you. Hahaha. The jokes over. Close this thread. But do head over to Webshots and look at the new GemQuest shots. They're fun!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Nah... I'll edit the thread title instead. :D :p


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