(Archive) Advertising District / GemQuest (well, and Phantasia)

  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    Looks really great Meretrix...very realistic, I could definately picture myself walking around in it...the flat rooves give it a nice realistic touch...I like how you aren't afraid to make the buildings tall by using a perfect amount of detail...the color choice is great...can't give any criticisms really, just better keep it up lol...

    Have there been any reports on rides/coasters?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Damn. I could never think of half the shit you come up with. It just blows my mind. I didn't even realize at first that the awnings on some of your buildings were Toon's sculpture blocks. Keep it up, man. Another masterpiece for sure.

    I don't know if you have said yet but what is the park's central icon? Your original logo had Cinderella Castle (I think, may have been SB's). I hope it is something original. Maybe the dark version of Beauty and the Beast Castle to go with the park's dark feel?
    Posted Image
    ^ That's a miniature version at DLP.


    Sorry, but I already have that. Using no custom scenery, no less!

    Check my sig. Browse someplace for castle pics. :D
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    I know I said I wouldn't, but I couldn't resist. The castle turned out way too good IMO.

    Bump, Bump
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    That castle is immense
  • John%s's Photo
    Damn, here I was thinking I was all special. ;) Didn't reply fast enough.

    Anyway, the castle looks great, very fitting for the theme. I'd say maybe more balconies/towers on the back part that is flat. Either that or have some more change in height because otherwise the back looks boring compared to the front castle. Lovin' it Meretrix. :)
  • Critic%s's Photo
    The castle is pure perfection..

    It looks just like a midieval castle that you imagine you are the king (or queen in a girl's case) of when you are a kid.

  • A14504%s's Photo
    looks great. the only thing I don't like r those water falls at the bottom of the castle. other wise.... good
  • Steve%s's Photo
    at first, the castle didnt look all that special...but after like a minute or two, i relized how incredibly perfect it was...

    nice work man, its perfection at its finest.

    bring on the rides!
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Damn that is one fine looking castle! Add some stuff to that flat part though. Please continue with updates, there amazing. I predict a future soptlight. :birthday2: ^__^
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    ^^^^^^^ To put this "Castle thing in perspective"^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Look up, look up, look up!!!!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Great job on that castle! It's very dark and moody, but you know what's scary? I think mine is still taller. LOL
  • Highball%s's Photo
    Is Phantasia Castle it's name, or does it have another? I'm also curious if you based it on any castle in particular, Disney or otherwise.

    The only thing I don't like about the castle is the base's large appearance. From the flat area that John mentioned down, it seems like one large decorated block to me. No real unique shape or protrusions, except on the lower right side. If the other side has some more shape, then it is all good. ;)

  • RaoulXpres%s's Photo
    I like it a LOT

    looks like the UCES castle

    Though its very unique, using those rooves in combination with the turrets, I think it fits into the rest of your park screen VERY well.

    I think maybe on that one piece of large teal roof it does need some projections. I think it's too big of a color block, my eye is drawn there immediatly and has trouble seeing other stuff.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Meretrix - put your webshots as your website! Damn, i'm REALLY lazy!

    This park is astonishing.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    u added new castle pics and you didnt tell anybody? u meanie...well...now i love it even more!
  • Highball%s's Photo
    I think the tall tower needs a little work around the base. It looks kind of skinny for a tower.

    BTW, you can ignore my previous post now, Meretrix. ;)

  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Greetings to all!!!

    It is with a sad and heavy heart that I must announce that after returning from a very successful board game launch, I came home to a computer that has been tampered with. Phantasia has been lost (for the second time, no less). This time, I will listen to the Universe.

    I am leaving RCT for good. I think that the writing is on the wall that I need to focus on more important things. And to tell you the truth, I wasn't having that much fun with it anymore, anyway.

    Like SA and the others, I may lurk around NE for a while, I may not.

    Iris, please remove me from the collabo project.

    And if need be, you can remove me from the parkmaker list. I guess I knew that one day I'd say goodbye to this game. I think that time is now.

    Peace to all. Have a great and very safe holiday season everyone. It's been fun.

    Cheers! :)
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    The main section of the castle could do with being higher, but what does it matter now?

    Parkmakers are dropping like flies. 4 in a week is ridiculous. It makes me wonder if Ozone had never admited to leaving would everyone else have done the same?
  • gir%s's Photo
    I agree with TPM. No offense, but this is just getting stupid.
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    Holy fuck, this is crazy.

    Stay I tell you! You must stay!

    Or I will be forced to super-glue you to your PC.


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