News / Donations Please
07-October 03
iris Offline
Iris here...
I'm really actually uncomfortable asking for money from you guys, cause this is a free site, so its obviously voluntary.
Anyways, the way it goes is...I need to get some money together fast.
I am currently unemployed, and thinking about parents feel that I've put so much time into this site, that it could be considered a job, especially since it'd be impossible for me to maintain this site and work at the same time, added onto school and basketball season right now.
So, I need to get a decent amount of money together right now.
If you guys can think of anything that I could do to repay you guys on the site somehow for those that donate money, I'm all ears.
Hosting space, custom titles, anything I could do I'd be willing to.
The exact amount of money I need will remain confidential right now, but let's just say it's not exactly cheap.
I've tried to find other means of money, and this is sort of my last resort here.
I hope none of you feel obligated to do's just for those that can afford to help me out a little bit.
Thanks, and I will try my best to continue making this the best site, and put as much time as possible into it,
Iris -
BigFoot Offline
As I was saying on aim, before you signed off (i often wonder if you plan that), I dont' think anyone would stand in the way of you putting ads up, or even a popunder (i'd prefer the popunder).
Generally, speaking, pup-unders can get you some pretty good cash, expecially with how many hits this site gets.
You said that you wouldn't want it to draw away from the success of the site, well it wouldn't. When I look at NE, i see very little 'new membership' at least from dedicated new people. Most of the people here, are very faithful, and very close-knit.
In any case, it is your site, so I think a pop-under would be nice....maybe even cheat and make a pop-up for every download on the site....that's fast cash....
Oh well, i'd personally help, though i had to quit my pennea's job, so i'm kinda broke at the moment. -
Brent Offline
Um, I got ten bucks, and an interview with In-N-Out tomorrow (again), so I don't think I need the ten bucks. Do you? If so, how could I get it to you? Parents are scared of internet paying stuff, and even though it's ten bucks, it's still something. -
iris Offline
Thanks, any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
I have a PO Box that I'd like all money donated sent to if possible.
It's P.O. Box 880034
Boca Raton, FL, 33488 -
Turtleman Offline
What happened to the T-shirt thing?
Anyway I'll send some money maybe even though I am the worst member on Ne. But I'll do anything to keep the best site still the best site ever. -
Doc Offline
Matt Irisarri I'd assume.I'm willing to donate, but who should I make the check out to?
Sorry, but I'm broke so don't expect anything from me -
spider Offline
Each of us who visits this site (and loves it) AND have been coming here for over 2 years should be willing to send something. Just go without some video rentals or a couple of lunches. After all, Iris is only 17 and has been running, updating and paying for this site tirelessly. I'm sure those who can send more, will. I'm not offended by this - i'm surprised he didn't ask a long time ago. Maybe t shirts will come down the road..even that takes start up cash.
...from a frequent visitor, infrequent poster. -
sircursealot Offline
While I don't have room to donate (I doubt my parents would approve) I am willing to offer my services and help you run NE in any way possible. I really don't think you should be running every little thing, and the members are more than willing to help (which is why I'm applying for staff writer). You have dozens of dedicated members here, use 'em.
Nic Offline
bs tbfh, nUb l0ser.Each of us who visits this site (and loves it) AND have been coming here for over 2 years should be willing to send something.
I'll donate. -
iamunknown73 Offline
I agree with Mystery Mod's first post: sell some advertisement space; is the place for you! You make fairly good money, especially since this site gets a lot of visitors. Just looking at the front page I see two places -- unobstructive to the page design -- that could be sold: right above the first news item, and somewhere in the links column. I also agree that selling pop-up space is a bad idea. There is nothing more that I hate more on the internet than pop-ups (well, maybe unsolicited porn-spam). Pop-unders are okay if you're desperate, but I still find them a dire nuisance. What might be good if you could get the space sold would a Flash advertisement -- I assume most of you have seen one -- which starts out maximized - covering a certain amount of the page - and then by a timer or by the user's click, minimizes.
Finally, what you could do is sell t-shirts, hats, etc. I know this idea was toyed around with a while back but don't remember if it got anywhere. Well, my personal opinion is that the name New Element could make great clothes if you had a good graphics design! It sounds exactly like a clothes brand. Just make sure you get a quality company. I know there are companies out there that make clothes for you if you provide the graphics - just search on the web and read reviews.
Good luck, and I hope NE stays open. I've begun to visit the forums a lot for the park projects, mainly. Thanks for all you do!
-iamunknown73 -
CoasterkidMWM Offline
I don't think anyone would care if put up a bar or something at the top of the screen as an ad or something. I've always wondered how you got money without paying. -
Ablaze Offline
Setup a Paypal account so all us foreigners can donate aswell.
That's something which would be handy. -
John Offline
Iris, you put any pop-ups or those Flash ones like iamunknown talked about, and I'll kill you.See for a perfectly terrible example of what I despise.
Other ads I am not opposed to, or if said ads were to occur infrequently... but yeah... I guess do what you have to.
If I wasn't 14 and had cash from a job to spare, NE would definitely be a destination for my cash... too bad no one around here hires 14-year-olds. Damned NEbraska. -
mantis Offline
What is Paypal?
If that was running, then i'd help out
Cos otherwise all the money i'd be donating would get spent on postage
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