(Archive) Advertising District / Twilight Springs Amusement Park

  • RMM%s's Photo

    I love you.


    You can do better Meretrix. I know it. You know it.

    -RMM- *)
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    A. The faggot comment was unecessary, and unappreciated
    B. I think the context of this park won't be made clear to the doubting Thomas's until the rides are placed and more of the atmosphere is created. That said, I won't be showing any pics of this park until it's out of the SE and the rides can be put in. Unlike, DTA, the atmosphere is created more through the theming of the rides, rather than the archy itself.
  • Mike Robbins%s's Photo
    RMM was calling Mystery Mod a faggot, not to you.

    I think the screens are great so far. If this park is half of what TA was, I'll be impressed. ;)
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    Heh, I like it. Like others said though it isnt as good as you DTA, but its very hard to match a park of that quality. Keep goin at it, Im sure youll pull off something amazing. Its early days yet.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    I'm going to have to buy Wacky Worlds just for your parks.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    Wow. It all looks really good. I love the realism witha touch of creativity to keep us guessing. I love the custom scenery and that is definately the best ice cream parlor ever.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^^ It's not WW..................

    I like it a lot so far, but I think you should try and use less of the tarmac roof....

    Otherwise it looks like it's easily good enough to push you over into parkmaker territory.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Yes I know he wasn't calling me names. I just don't like that kind of talk. It seems silly to hear someone call someone else "a bundle of kindling" (see Webster Dictionary, page 271 for the definition of "faggot"). Also, for the last time (as there seems to be a great deal of confusion over this, I am NOT using WW stuff anymore!!!
    Thanks for the comments.
    Have a nice day.
  • BigFoot%s's Photo


    You can do better Meretrix. I know it. You know it.

    -RMM-  *)

    Says the boy who cried when kicked out of masters......

    Who makes your custom scenary Meretrix? In any case, it's great. I only dislike some of the pathing....

    But amazing so far.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    It's pretty cool. Although I really enjoyed looking at the walkthrough of TA, it's refreshing to see you doing some of your own work :)
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Bump, Bump, two screens up in the Twilight Springs Archive (a F$cking carousel that took 2 hours, and a shot of a very cool old school racer). Link above ;)
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    I only see one.... ???

    Turtleman 8)
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Sorry about that. Webshots takes about an hour to update their screens.....
    Get some sleep and when you awake, you'll have something new to look at (not necessarily something good, just something new).
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    NVM they are up now

    Both pictures look really nice. I really do not have any suggestions but add some trees in the paths in the second picture. Looks really bare and most real parks do have trees around in the paths. Keep up the good work.

    Turtleman 8)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Very nice stuff! IMO, the central plaza with the Double-Decker Carousel is too large.
    1. Peeps WILL get lost
    2. The space is being put to waste
    3. It looks a bit amateur-ish

    But the architecture is very nice. I love the Victorian flavor. The park itself looks pretty small, and the layout looks to be hit-or-miss (of course, you ARE aiming for realism... and 1970s... so that's ok). Keep up the good work! This doesn't look like Spotlight material... yet, but it'll definitely be a Runner-Up.
  • Mike Robbins%s's Photo

    1. Peeps WILL get lost

    Since when does 99% of members here even care about peeps in their parks?!? ???
  • Evil WME%s's Photo

    Since when does 99% of members here even care about peeps in their parks?!? ???

    i love peeps =P
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I agree with Evil WME in that you could do better. But this isn't a Disney Park so your aim is a bit different. I still think you could do better. In the third screen (carousel) i have to say a few things.
    1) That is the best double-decker carousel i've ever seen
    2) There is too much footpath.
    3) To fix it add some flowers around in there. It'll make a world of difference if done right.

  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    I will post screens this weekend as I will be out of the SE. Everything that you've seen thus far has been completely overhauled (except the carousel). It looks much better now that I've changed stuff. Sadly, I won't get to work on this park for about a month...I'm leaving the country on Tuesday and won't be back until October 28th. Oh well......
    Until the weekend, Cheers!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Cool. I have a feeling you've changed it to a style that I'm gonna like (I'm picturing how it may look like, I have a feeling it'll turn out like that, making me a psychic). :D


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