(Archive) Advertising District / Twilight Springs Amusement Park

  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    ^^ It's not WW..................

    good! :D you just saved me $30
  • Andrew%s's Photo
    It looks very unfinished, but that carousel looks swieet
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    In about a half hour, Webshots will have updated my archives and you can see three new shots of Twilight Shores (the name keeps changing, depending on my mood).

    I'll try to get more complete screens up this weekend. I was just fooling around with Photoshop and thought I'd throw these up to see what kind of response I get.


  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    This isn't rubbing me as well. The stuff looks really blocky and awkward, and my main problem is with how everything seems just a little too big. DTA was definitely better than this, and IMO, this *may* be a runner up, but possibly not even.

    Of course, that does have to do with the type of park you're making, but still, I expect better. :p
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    OK Finally, the park is called Twilight Shores Amusement Park. It is an old style amusement park, and I am trying to be as faithful to that profile as possible. Many will hate it. I'm OK with that. I am feeling nostalgic and wanted to create something that remided me of childhood (mine specifically) as I seem to be dealing with so much death at the moment (4 family members at once). So...take the park for what it's worth. I show screens only to amuse myself. I am very happy with it.

    Cheers on that...
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Looks good. I agree with Corkscrewed that this is not at the same level as DTA, but not much is going to be. I do think you have captured the feel of the old style park you were looking for though. Having done a Double Carousel myself, I know how difficult it can be to pull that off well and your version is one of the better ones I've seen.

  • theforceofg2003%s's Photo
    i like it
  • Golden Towers%s's Photo
    i don't like the yellow building on the main plaza.the other things look interesting and very nostalgic
  • MickMaximus%s's Photo
    The carousel plaza is great, a little squarish looking but I think that is what you are trying to accomplish with an older style amusement park. Colors look good, archy looks good, scenery looks good.

    My only complaint is the wooden roller coaster and how it goes over the entrance path to the rest of the park. It just seems not feasible with that much wood being suspended. Not engineering friendly, but the rest looks great.
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Well it's no DTA, but still good. Although perhaps the buildings are too big. Don't get me wrong, big buildings can look really good if done right, but I feel they don't look so good with the style you're using. Also, I don't like the square lay-out of the entrance area but maybe thats just me. Solid work though. I look forward to DL this one.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    My condolences go out to you and your family.

    I think my main problem is that it's too old and not really my style. Most of us are so used to fantasized Disney parks that a truly realistic park isn't so amazing anymore, and coming off the heels of DTA, that difference is even more accented. Looking back at it, I think the park has some really nice atmosphere, but it's not a *good* park. It's just a very nice park. :)


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