(Archive) Advertising District / Twilight Springs Amusement Park
10-September 03
Meretrix Offline
I have posted a few screens of my newest project. Twilight Springs is an old time family amusement park. Set in 1978, this park will not feature any new coaster, but will have 2 outstanding wooden coasters, a virginia reel, a corkscrew (Arrow original), a Mack bobsled, some great flatrides, a midway, and a whole lot of surprises
GoHERE for the screens.
Enjoy! -
BchillerR Offline
That is the best ice cream shop ever. Eh it's awsome, but I think the custom scenary [the scenary it's self, not you] look's bad in a few places in this park.
BchillerR -
sloB Offline
i dont really like the custom paths, especially the wooden and the other brownish one. The ice cream parlor is pretty cool though.
In general though, the thing i dont like the most about this is that you have used way to much custom scenery IMO so far. -
Meretrix Offline
Too true, and I will say that everyone who is not a fan of custom scenery, you'll probably hate this park. I have grown tired of the walls that were included with the game, and want to create something that is visually new. Just my aesthetic, that's all. At least there is nothing from WW in this park. I'll be exiting the SE as soon as Amazing Earl releases his new ride (a bonafide "Sooper Looper" from the carnival circuits), so that I can start to place the rides. There won't be as many updates, because this park shouldn't take nearly as long as DTA.
Cheers -
ac000000 Offline
This park looks really nice. I love the custom scenery, don't take it out! I like the way the brick path looks and the entrance is really nice, except I think the part that says Liberty Lake is a letdown compared to the clocktower part. This park looks very Disney. If it is supposed to be Disney, I woud change the name, if it isn't supposed to be Disney, than everything is fine. -
thorpedo Offline
ARGH! That looks like WW!!! You promised!!!!!!!
Anyways, looks good. Its scary that you already have that much done and you've only been working on it for....how long?
Great job, looks interesting so far...you have that nice old-style look goin on. Woo. -
Meretrix Offline
I am not sure how many times I have to say this, there is NOTHING from WW in this park (The stuff that looks like WW is stuff that I converted). I may lose that glass path, I may not, who knows....and no, this is not a Disney park in any way, shape or form. I want to actually finish this whole park without hitting the sprite limits, so there won't be quite as much detail. Not to worry, the park will definitely rock. -
BigFoot Offline
Is this WW?
And i hope this won't be taking place of the rctX park.....
But who really cares, this is excellent so far! -
Toon Offline
Love the guest services building and the Ice Cream shop looks rather nice as well. I'm not sure about the paths yet. I find the brick paths to be a bit distracting. What's this about a Super Looper...I guess I'm losing touch! -
Meretrix Offline
Amazing Earl is currently working on a Sooper Looper ride (using the swinging inverter ship as the model). It will be a 1 x 4 ride and judging from the initial screen, is something that I and many others have been looking for in our flat ride quests. -
Foozycoaster Offline
No peeps will be shown on the ride though, and the entrance and exit will be surprisingly obtrusive. -
Meretrix Offline
Which objects in particular do you find ugly? Because, with the exception of the new Victorian stuff from Fisherman, and TT's new Spanish roofs, the scenery tabs are almost identical to what I used for DTA (minus the WW stuff of course).
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