News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
Micool Offline
SAC told me a while ago that Joe was still playing...and that in his opinion it was 5 times better then his stuff...I would give SAC the spot over Joe though because he is still around today proving he is still one of the best with RCT2.
And we all know SAC isn't exactly humblejust kidding, of course
iris Offline
-Best RCT Attribute: Perfectionism
-Parks Created:
1.Moonlight Magic
2.Islands of Adventure Hollywood (NE Spotlight)
3.Canterbury Falls (Danimation Spotlight)
-Creator of the best coaster created in my opinion, "Dragon-Flight"
If there was one person that I could use to describe perfectionism in RCT, it would be Schuessler. Never feeling the need to have to change his style, or do what others what him to, he's been so damn good that people have just learned to accept it, and appreciate his parks for what they are, not what they aren't. Everyone's first glimpse of Schuessler was with his Dnet Spotlight winning "Lands of Adventure", a coaster-infested park that really made him out to be a fantasy parkmaker, obsessed with 10X rating coasters and duelers. Slowly but surely, his parks began to get slightly more and more realistic. He then went on to win the Dnet Spotlight once again with "Canterbury Falls", one of the most legendary parks of all time, a monstrous double mapper, with two very contrasting maps. The first being a very quaint, traditional park featuring beautiful gardens and realistic-ish coasters. The second map was much different, as the park's centerpiece was a giant recreation of Fort Sumter, and various darkened themes surrounded the fort on the outskirts. That park established him as one of the best. He then simply released his next park, Ancient Ruins, which was much more of a themed park, all with various cultures scattered ruins. It wasn't until park #4 that all hell broke loose really...Moonlight Magic, one of the top ten parks of all time was released. A standard multi-themed park to the untrained eye, but a gem to the true rct lovers. Featuring one of the all time great coaster line ups, "Timber Wolf", the most influential wooden coaster ever built, "Quake", one of Schuessler's many perfected Beemers, "Forest Dragon/Robin Hood", a set of dueling inverted coasters in the woods, and "Basilisk", the ultimate 'role player' coaster, a classy Arrow Looper. Three unbelievably perfect themed areas, and then one above average one (The Wilderness). Finally, NE got a taste of his goodness, with his first and only NE release, "Islands of Adventure Hollywood", winning Spotlight, and sparking a major realistic/fantasy debate. He still showed his perfect coaster design (Dragon-Flight and Spider-Man are great examples), his willingness to try what others wouldn't, and his absolutely stunning landscaping. If Schuessler has truly retired, like most people (including myself believe), then we should feel lucky to have experienced such an unbelievable parkmaker in his prime.
4.Fatha' Grinch aka Kryptic Master
-Best RCT Attribute: The Total Package
-Parks Created:
1.Tropico Horizons (NE Spotlight)
2.Tropico Cove (NE Spotlight)
3.Wild Wild West (Danimation Spotlight)
-Has filled a total of 17 maps in full park releases
In most parkmakers cases, you can find some kind of weakness. Some people claim that Nevis' architecture wasn't what it should be. Or that x-sector borrowed too many ideas. Natelox can get repetitive sometimes. WME loses replay value, RRP doesn't finish parks, and vTd is unproductive. One parkmaker who won't get any complaints..on any front is Fatha'. The ultimate standard for RCT architecture and theming, and has now proven to me he is one of the top three coaster makers I've ever seen, with legendary rides such as "Fast & Furious: The Ride", "Paladin", "Loco Toro", "Excavation", and "Tyrannosaur Encounter". He's also been around much longer then many people may realize, starting way back at Danimation under the alias "Kryptic Master", releasing a flurry of incredible quality parks. It wasn't until he released "WWF World" that he began to get noticed, and from there was history. Ancient Pastimes, his double map release went on to become one of my favorite all time parks, a beautiful double mapper featuring themes from various regions of the country. Sure, the idea isn't 100% original, but the execution was 100% perfection. That park sat a top my List for about a full year, until Disney Extreme by x-sector eventually bumped it off. Busch Gardens Colorado was next, which is still regarded as possibly the best coaster-park ever released. With rides like "Frontier Run", "Canyon Tornado", "Forgotten Factory Tours", and "Cavalier", it is definitely one of the most remembered parks, and probably KM's third best effort of all time. Jurassic Park was his next milestone release, taking a much different approach then people were expecting. Tons less coasters then people probably figured, more theming, and more emphasis on actual atmosphere then overtheming. He also invented the adventure ride with this park, "Tyrannosaur Encounter", the most influential ride in history one might say. Magical Endeavors was next, which featured one of my favorite all time Atlantis areas and favorite all time Beemers in "Hydra". He won his only Dnet spotlight with "Wild Wild West", yet another coaster packed park, completely themed to the wild west. Then he changed his moniker at the birth of New Element. He immediately won runner-up to UIX with "Majestic Realms", released a sequel park in "Ancient Pastimes II", and then won two NE Spotlights in the Tropico series, Cove and Horizons (the later of which sat a top The List for almost a year itself). Amazing coasters, the #1 rct architect, crazy theming, and one of the best park catalogs....he may not be Lex Luger, but he is the Total Package.
-Best RCT Attribute: Coasters
-Parks Created:
1.Universal's Island Xtreme (NE Spotlight)
2.Atlantis: The Lost Empire (NE Spotlight)
3.Tales of Camelott (H2H)
-Invented the NE Style of Parkmaking
If you were talking strictly about modern parkmaking, Nevis would be the #1 parkmaker, but since this an all-time list, there are two others from the classic days of parkmaking that barely edged Nev. Still, no parkmaker has influenced New Element more then Nevis. He's basically 50% responsible for NE being where it is today, because without his park "Universal's Island Xtreme" as the site's first spotlight, who knows if things would have gone over as smoothly as they did. That park gave NE a certain type of "this site is as good as they say they are", and without it we'd be lost. Not only did it start the site off, but it also invented dozens of ideas that are still being used today. Let's see....first and foremost, he was the first person to use custom supports, as he used them on every ride, perfectly, something that everybody quickly took notice of and added to their parks. He also invented track jumps on the ride "Free Style Snowboarding", possibly the best ride ever created, a downhill snowboarding ride that sends riders on three jumps during the pro-style course. Nev then had the entire community dying to know what "ALE" meant, and then won his second NE Spotlight with Atlantis: Lost Empire, the most opposite park you could expect from UIX. While UIX was a coaster-packed extreme park, Nev wanted to show the world he could theme too, and with only four coasters (including amazing ones like "Plato's Quest" and "War of Atlas"). He epitmised exactly what I felt Atlantis would look like, had it resurfaced. Rocks everywhere signifying the damage done from going down, yet beautiful glimmering architecture and sights like no other. He also made yet another world class coaster in "Poseidon's Rage", still one of my favorites ever. He never created another full park, but he left his mark in other ways. He created the "Resident Evil" coaster in the Legend's Challenge, and though he only came in fourth (Shoulda been at least third...), it's still probably the most recognized coaster from the contest. He also was an active member of our first season of H2H, and basically did the same exact thing for H2H that he did for NE. He ended up going in round 1, teamed up with mp3mystro, and created "Tales of Camelott", still one of the greatest mini parks of all time, and from then on...H2H was established. He also then was teamed up with Elrocko to make "Cherokee Valley", but Elrocko ended up doing about 80% of the park, and the two lost to X-Sector and Fatha' in the finals. Finally, Nevis also contributed to NE's first ever collabo, Hidden Realm, with an area that totally put the others to shame (not easy to do when working with Fatha', Corkscrewed, and RRP) in "Alaskan Coastline", which featured the first ever bobsled coaster, a tribute to his since deceased dog Kiko, yet another one of a kind coaster. The thing I love about Nevis is that he totally perfected every style of theming he tried. Snow theming (Alpine Mountain @ UIX and Alaskan Coastline), extreme-sports theming (UIX), Atlantis/Roman (Atlantis: The Lost Empire), Medievel (Tales of Camelott), Aztec (Cherokee Valley), and industrial (Resident Evil). I've never seen anyone perfect every theme they tried like that, and that..going with how influential he's been and how much he's invented around here, is a surefire bet for a top 3 spot.
2.Joe Holland
-Best RCT Attribute: Most Influential
-Parks Created:
1.Islands of Adventure Recreation
2.Sandia Peaks
3.Generations Park (Danimation Spotlight)
-In a sense, invented the standard of parkmaking.
If we were going on strictly influence, nobody would be able to touch Joe Holland in this department. His parks for the most part, set the standard for what good parkmaking was. He didn't really stack up on awards or contests, but his status in the community was unmatched. He was a founding member in the controversial "RCTKru" club, probably the most prestigious rct group of people that was ever assembled (other then the NE parkmakers of course). He set the standard for what theming should be, showed people how to make architecture in rct, and was one of the greatest coaster designers (of all coaster types as well) that the community had ever seen. From my perspective, his IOA recreation was his landmark moment, one of the most important park releases to ever hit the community. Some others may say that Six Flags New Mexico was the best they'd ever seen (looking at you Coaster Ed...). The coasters in that park were just so far above what everyone else was creating, not to mention the landscaping/scenery job, although it looks underthemed now, for the time, it was absolutely incredible. Or maybe his most significant release was the Dnet Spotlight winning duo park "Generations Park", which he completed with LiquidCrash, probably the most publicized release of Holland's allustrious career. Some people may even go as far as saying that Sandia Peaks, his most recent LL release could be his best, a park that was originally slated to become 2Star's website's first Spotlight, until the site went under, and then the park sorta got passed through the grapevine, never really having a full-on release. Still, everyone by now has seen the park, and it's quite obvious that Joe is in no danger of losing his touch. I've now heard rumors that he's parkmaking in RCT2, planning a return to the community (he does occasionally pop up every once in a while). Could Joe still be the most influential parkmaker of all time warranting a come back? Could he take RCT2 to new heights, just as he had done with LL? All these questions must be answered...and maybe Joe could eventually take over the #1 all time parkmaking spot.
1.sacoasterfreak aka Snowbound
-Best RCT Attribute: Theming
-Parks Created:
1.Legends West
2.Legends: Timeless Tales (Danimation Spotlight)
3.Crystal Horizons (Danimation Spotlight)
-Undescribable influence in the rct community.
Well, after going through 49 other amazing parkmakers, we've finally reached our top spot, and it belongs to none other then SACoasterFreak, also known around these parts as Snowbound. While he'll probably be the first to tell you that he doesn't deserve this spot, don't believe him. He won three Danimation Spotlights, one of only two people to ever do that (Greg Moore being the other). SA's first park came just like any ordinary parkmaker's, a standard first park under the name "Deitan Park", no real glimpses that SA would won day become the messiah of RCT. But...that quickly changed. He won his first Danimation Spotlight with Silver Lake, a timeline park that came with both 1943 and 2000 versions of the park, the old version tarnished from fires, rundown and defunct, and then the newer updated version of the park, returned to it's glory with beautiful coasters and a great traditional atmosphere. Clockwork Dreams is yet another legendary park. Most parkmakers can only dream to put out a legendary park, but SA seems to do it on every single release. Clockwork Dreams is the first of his legendary themed-area parks. The park featured areas based on a lost city, the original Japanese area featuring wooden rooves, Troy, and a french area, each with excellent coasters. The entrance is probably the most remembered portion of that park. SA then showed his love for realism, releasing the traditional park Lake Claire, probably his least publicized release, but one of my all-time favorites. His next three parks are three of the best ten parks ever released. Starting with Legends: Timeless Tales, possibly the best Dnet Spotlight ever (for its time of course), which debuted rides like "Leviathan" and "Bigfoot". It set the standard for what incredible theming was, and was so far beyond what anyone had even THOUGHT of. Crystal Horizons is next, his third Dnet Spotlight, which featured one of the best coaster collections ever, "Phoenix: Risen From The Ashes", "Titan", and "Luna vs. Pyre" in one park? Unfair. Plus, some of the most revolutionary theming ever seen. Finally, he released Legends West before leaving the game, my favorite SA park of all time, which sat a top The List for seemingly forever. The ultimate THEME park. Now, SA has returned, and is one of the foremost RCT2 parkmakers, releasing screens of his beautiful Rivers of Babylon park. While he'll tell you that Joe Holland influenced him, it was SA who influenced the whole community. No other parkmaker can claim to have released the kind of caliber parks that SA did, whether it was Clockwork Dreams, Legends/West, or Crystal Horizons, nobody could touch SA back in the day, and nobody can touch him now. -
BigFoot Offline
Interesting...i guess i wasn't around back in the 'days' to appreciated Holland and SAC. Hence, I'd have NeViS first and Schullaer second. And I'd have Nate and Fatha' switched, and Mala higher, Ed in the top ten.
But, since i value your opinion more than mine in this case, nice list. Reading over all this has helped me understand a bit better what these guys that came before me brought to the table.
Good job. -
thorpedo Offline
SAC= Total carnage...
Go SAC, go SAC...your parks rock totally.
Joe Holland...mmmm..not so much.
NeViS, Fatha' and Schuessler all should have been one spot
Great list overall. -
natelox Offline expected, you will hear something from me: Too many covered patios.[In most parkmakers cases, you can find some kind of weakness. Some people claim that Nevis' architecture wasn't what it should be. Or that x-sector borrowed too many ideas. Natelox can get repetitive sometimes. WME loses replay value, RRP doesn't finish parks, and vTd is unproductive. One parkmaker who won't get any complaints..on any front is Fatha'.
The rest of the list...well, iris, you know my thoughts. I don't agree with nevis being number 3...only two full sized parks, and one with bad archiecture...atleast at #5, not 3. I also do not agree that his apline theming was perfect...I guess you don't know what an alpine area looks like...u're from florida (alaskan coastline was ill though, but that's artic). The only other thing i really dissagree with is "nobody could touch SA back in the day, and nobody can touch him now.". Of course, this is a matter of opinion, but I think currently there are lots of parkmakers better than him.
The list is reasonable, but not perfect by my standards (it's your list though). It was a lot of fun to read, and I liked to see your thoughts on this topic. Hopefully you'll get the other list going (i don't know if i should mention it, but we talked about it). -
Evil WME Offline
nice list .. but since Nate posted that...
he well makes up for it tho =D. -
Corkscrewed Offline
That was a beautiful tribute to SAC. It's like Chris died or something... J/P.
The top five went pretty well, though Nevis is the only arguable one. I'd pretty much agree with that, though. Great job and great effort on this list, Matt! I knew you could do it!
On a side note, I thought that Nevis technically wasn't the first person to use custom steel supports, but I don't remember who was. Am I just crazy, or are my suspicions correct, and can anyone help me out by identifying a park that used them before UIX? -
guljam Offline
OH!! sacoasterfreak!!!
I'm proud of you -_-;?
umm.. I want to many tell to you but I don't well english;;kkkkkk -
iris Offline
Ditto.OH!! sacoasterfreak!!!
I'm proud of you -_-;?
umm.. I want to many tell to you but I don't well english;;kkkkkk -
Corkscrewed Offline
Ditto.OH!! sacoasterfreak!!!
I'm proud of you -_-;?
umm.. I want to many tell to you but I don't well english;;kkkkkk -
Roomie Offline
nice list although i would argue with fatha's place above people like coaster ed and mala. :S but all in all a good list.
Custom Supports were used long before UIX as far as i remember. Belgian used them in his SFH recreation and me and VHS used them in Grovelands bay on the Villan. -
Blitz Offline
exactly, he only "popularized" them.Hey
nice list although i would argue with fatha's place above people like coaster ed and mala. :S but all in all a good list.
Custom Supports were used long before UIX as far as i remember. Belgian used them in his SFH recreation and me and VHS used them in Grovelands bay on the Villan. -
mantis Offline
So, where's Iris on this list?
I can't really argue with the placings, cos I don't know any better. I was looking at Sandia Peaks again the other day...there are things like the 'brace' structures (which ed is so fond of) and the ladders that really impress me for that time, but then there are equally some bits I don't like that much. I can't really judge.
Congratulations SAC - whether you like it or not you're a legend in the RCT community, so lap up the praise
Well done iris too - a great read. -
Nic Offline
Nice job Iris. Really nice read thinking back to the top 50 parkmakers. I don't even want to imagine the time it took you to sift through the 100's of parkmakers you've seen. Brilliant idea and perfectly done, even though Greg Moore should be higher..... -
iris Offline
I meant that Nev was the first person to use only custom supports. There are zero regular custom supports in the park.
Nobody ever did that before. -
Kumba Offline
now we just need people to try that in RCT2, i have only seen titan and myself do a whole coaster that way, if someone does that i will not go and say your copying us, i wish everyone uesd custom supports.I meant that Nev was the first person to use only custom supports. There are zero regular custom supports in the park.
Nobody ever did that before. -
BigFoot Offline
And why would anyone think they were copying you?
now we just need people to try that in RCT2, i have only seen titan and myself do a whole coaster that way, if someone does that i will not go and say your copying us, i wish everyone uesd custom supports.I meant that Nev was the first person to use only custom supports. There are zero regular custom supports in the park.
Nobody ever did that before.
Your head = Blimp.
Ok then.
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