News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
natelox Offline
My intelligance, well, i can't really say that i'm smart or not, because that is relative to what your definition of smart is. As for my paragraph, I included my ideas on why it is i think that. I did this because many people were saying it was a dumb idea. You have the right to think what you want about me, and i really don't care what u think about me, but the fact just don't seriously don´t strike me as a smart person.
it took you a paragraph to explain that according to you there is no real #1.
And for the record, I don't see how posting a paragrah which is filled with reasons and one opinion makes a person unintelligent. If it does..then coasterEd has got to be the dumbest guy I have ever heard of. (I think he is quite intelligent, but this is only measured from his writing). -
Coaster Ed Offline
Yes and the sad fact is, I'm a hollow empty shell without my writing. I think all of you would be rather unimpressed if you met me in person. The only real certainty is that someone who calls another person dumb must be by definition 'dumber' than that person because the first person just stated an opinion while the second person stated that they know something about the mind of another person and that just isn't true. Then again we haven't even defined what dumb means so the whole discussion is logically invalid. My concept of 'dumb' may be your concept of 'smart' so maybe WME was in fact paying Natelox a compliment. Sorry WME, I like you buddy, but you brought that on yourself. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I'm writing a paper for a philosophy class so it's hard to restrain myself at the moment. Don't take any of that seriously. You know at one time I was considering majoring in Architecture? I'm actually rather envious. -
mantis Offline
My point exactly! Why not just have a page of peoples' names floating around like gaseous atoms so that NO POSSIBLE ORDER can be construed from the mass?!if you think of it that way, why even bother numbering any of them?
Come on Iris -
BigFoot Offline
I just no iris is going to piss everyone off, he'll probabally list 10-6 or something.My point exactly! Why not just have a page of peoples' names floating around like gaseous atoms so that NO POSSIBLE ORDER can be construed from the mass?!
Come on Iris -
iris Offline
Thanks Mystery Mod, I hadn't thought of that.
Good idea.
-Best RCT Attribute: Creative Coasters
-Parks Created:
1.Dungeons Dragons & Drops (Buster)
2.Fields of Forgotten Fears
3.Emerald Earth Europe
-Holds the record for highest coaster ratings ever with a 14.09 rating on "Looper 2000"
While his style isn't for everyone, I remember Buster being the main attraction at Danimation for the first year or two when I had first signed up. He was one of those immortal parkmakers that just seemed to keep pumping out parks, in his triple letter series, each park with a different priority. The first of them, "Amazonian Amusement Adventure" was completely coaster oriented, with several dueling coasters, and ten plus rating coasters including the hyper dive machine "Perilous Monster" and the mini-Looper 2000 "Tekkno Trauma". Then came Burried Beasts of Burma, which focused on landscaping really, but still featured some firsts, including the first ever track merge, as "The Crazy Loop" had a wooden coaster using the same loop going in two separate directions, something that always baffled me until the Beast came out, about THREE years later! Crazy Coaster Castle was next, the hack park. A small castle fortress with a park inside of it, that featured another first, with a half loop found on "Test Pilot". Then came Buster's first Spotlight, "Dungeons Dragons & Drops", which was mostly storylines & theming, and featured an awesome set of duelers by Greg Moore in "Blocksberg". Emerald Earth Europe was a much different approach, a rather traditional park with the coolest hacks I'd seen at that time, including one of Sean O's only five star coasters, "Supersonic". Finally, he released his finale park, Fields of Forgotten Fears, where he broke the height barrier. He also won the Danimation Balls to the Wall wooden coaster contest at the same time, with two coasters both taking first place, showing his dominance in the contest. Any fantasy parkmaker, who anyone who uses any sort of hacks in his park owes more then they know to Buster.
-Best RCT Attribute: Controlled Chaos
-Parks Created:
1.Cydonia City (Danimation Spotlight)
2.Mount Sinister (NE Spotlight)
3.Mountain Beach (Danimation Spotlight)
-Never released a full park without winning Spotlight
"What the hell?" are the only words I could remember saying when I got my first glimpse of Mala. He had just won the Danimation Spotlight for "Mountain Beach", and for a little while, nobody could understand why. Sure, the coasters were crazy as hell. But where was the theming? Where was the conventional parkmaking? Eventually, one by one, everyone started to sway to the other side of the fence, and appreciated Mountain Beach more and more, until it finally became established as one of the greatest parks of all time. With "Mountain Chase" as the park's headline, a set of dueling 80 mph wooden coasters that race down the side of a cliff at insane speeds, possibly the best woodies of all time. Some time went on, and nobody had heard from Mala at all. Dan then went on about how he was going to release the craziest spotlight ever, which eventually was unveiled as "Cydonia City", following the Foo prank. Definitely Mala's finest work, debuting at #2 on the List, the most "impressive" park I'd ever seen. So many unique things to look at, I seriously gazed at that park for hours and hours. The guidebook to Cydonia City enhanced the experience so much it's scary. Then came Mount Sinister, which came after a prank at NE, claiming we had to close temporarily due to bandwith, his NE debut, and Spotlight. Yet another incredible fantasy ride, featuring a new set of insane duelers, "Two Forces". While Mala may not be the "best" parkmaker, every single time he releases a park, it's an event, and you can't say that for anyone else....(well...maybe NevisIMO, Mala is the all-time king of fantasy, and coaster making as well.
-Best RCT Attribute: Theming
-Parks Created:
1.Universal's Outrage (NE Spotlight)
2.New New York City (LOS Collabo)
3.Sunshine Underground (Project 5HiNE)
-Was always good, is amazing now.
X has always been known as one of the best around the site, but it hasn't been until recently that he's exploded into the monster he is now. I consider him the single best parkmaker at the moment right now, even moreso then all the other favorites here, including mantis, Fatha, Ed, etc. While the general public is still unaware of his latest rush (due to his incredible work being primarily unreleased still), they might disagree. But those special few that have seen the LOS Collabo, Project 5HiNE, and his Hi-Rollers entry understand what I'm talking about. Using the most creative theming ideas I've seen, amazing hacks, perfect execution, and great coasters. It's like X just completely woke up and decided to take over the site. Originally I had him at #12 on this List, but after his new rush of incredible work, I swapped his and Ed's positions. X has created my three all time favorite themed areas: #1-New New York City in the LOS Collabo/#2-Sunshine Underground in Project 5HiNE/#3-Port of Discovery at Universal's Outrage. Speaking of Outrage, it was X's second spotlight appearance, and really seemed like the breakout park X needed to get on his new roll. He's always been a popular parkmaker, with past releases including the spotlight winning California DisneySea, the runner-up Disney Extreme Orlando, and the former #1 park Disney Extreme, but X is really on a whole 'nother level right now....just wait.
-Best RCT Attribute: Atmosphere
-Parks Created:
1.Disney's Discovery Island (NE Spotlight)
2.Disney's Forgotten Kingdom (NE Spotlight)
3.Disney's Beautiful World (NE Spotlight)
-Only parkmaker ever to have won 4 NE Spotlights (only to win three!)
You can't argue with statistics. Four spotlights. Insane. Not sure where to start, so I'll just begin at the beginning....Following the release of the world's greatest park, Universal's Island Xtreme, everyone was worried that we couldn't keep it up...lots of pressure riding on the second spotlight to really establish New Element as more then just a one hit wonder. So...Project Dark Child was submitted, with a new name.."Disney's Beautiful World", and claimed the throne. From then on, NE has been the most established RCT site in history, and this park as a lot to do with it. Featuring the greatest water show of all time, an unbelievable coaster collection including the revolutionary mine train "Uluru Mountain Railroad", the first of its kind "Haunted Hotel of Atlantis", and the amazingly well executed "Mission: Space". It was then quite a while before Nate really made any more noise in the NE community...He won runner-up for his park "Land of the Villain", which reverted back to his old style of dark parkmaking and insane coasters, featuring guest spots from Mala, Nevis, and Adix, to go along with some incredible rides of his own. After the first NE Awards, Land of the Villain was voted as Best Runner-Up and Nate's second spotlight. Around the same time though, Nate won spotlight with Disney's Discovery Island...still his best overall park to date in my opinion. Featuring a plethorea of rides, most of which housed inside as a tribute to true Disney imagineering, including rides like "Indiana Jones: Quest for Inca", "Quasar Taxi", and more. It also featured a resort map featuring hotels by both Pyro & KumbaMaster. Only one to win Spotlight three times. You'd think he'd be satisfied right? Think again. Just recently, he claimed his fourth crown, with "Disney's Forgotten Kingdom", which debuted several new ideas including the coaster architecture he has come to love lately, and his idea for the Emperous Hotel, a knock off of the Tower of Terror at MGM Studios. Pretty damn impressive eh? But don't think his resume stops there. Nate is also the only parkmaker to ever submit anything in all four NE contests. Not only that, but he won the first ever contest, the Legends Challenge, with his "Disney's Ruiz Island Railroad". The best resume...ever.
6.Last Arch Angel
-Best RCT Attribute: Creativity
-Parks Created:
1.Revelations: The Apocalypse Park (Danimation Spotlight)
-Created Corkscrewed's favorite classic park of all time, Six Flags Emerald Coast.
One of the all time legendary parkmakers is also one of the most versatile parkmakers as well. LAA's first three parks were all just seemingly warm-up parks. He started with RCTN New York, a standard first park. Then LAA got hidden parks at Danimation with "Twilight Pier 2001", a park featuring some very cool and unusual coasters, and "Millennium Jungle Y2K", a post-apocalyptic jungle park featuring an 8-dueling coaster. His first DNet spotlight came in the form of one of my favorite all time parks, "Revelations: The Apocalypse Park", which was the most incredible thing I'd seen at the time, and is still pretty damn incredible. I loved the whole Apocalypse theme, and with some of the craziest duelers I'd ever seen (Blizzard/Ice Storm/Freezing Rain and The Four Seals), I was hooked. He won Spotlight a second time with the South-park themed double mapper "Mountain Town", with one map based on the cartoon and the other on the movie. This is where LAA's creativity gets shown. Going from an apocalyptic park to South Park....not a regular transition. Then LAA announced he was completing the "End of Times Thrillogy", the series of three apocalyptic parks that already included Revelations, and would now add both Testament and Begending, my two favorite LAA parks. Testament was the most unusual park I'd ever seen, which is why I still love it to this day. Located somewhere deep in a Texas desert, featuring subliminal crosses, settlements around the parks for those who survived, and a seemingly mutated center portion of the park, with haunted forests, farmlands, etc. Begending was even more unusual, a park that lays across three plateaus. The highest one represented Heaven, the middle Earth, and Hell down below. LAA then went on to make Corkscrewed's favorite park, "Six Flags Emerald Coast", the first really traditional park I'd seen from him. Showing he can build fantasy or realism, he made an absolutely mindblowing fantasy Six Flags park, featuring some of the best coasters ever..."EXosphere", a giant Intamin Hyper, "Brushfire", the wooden coaster that invented extra supports, "Superman: Earth Battle", a Flying Dutchman that actually drops into a spaghetti bowl. He then made the best SFOG rec I've ever seen before completing his final LL park, "Riverndale Valley", a full scale traditional park with woodies only, and a very cool adventure ride as well. He has made his return to New Element only recently, with the screens of his new massive RCT2 256x256 project, "Presidio Falls" , and seems to once again be a huge force in the NE community. -
Dantheman Offline
Yes I am happy for Last Arch Angel really deserving SFEC is still my fav park of all time love everything about it. All people seem to be in the right places maybe I would swoop X for Natelox but thats me. -
BigFoot Offline
Thanks Mystery Mod, I hadn't thought of that.
Good idea.
First i send Ed and Blitz on philosphoical debate between fantasy and realism, and now this.
Gotta learn to shut up.
Anyways, nice 10-6 lineup. Personally suprised to see LAA up so high though, I was really expecting Nate in the top 5 for sure, top 3 was probabale.
But nice list. -
Micool Offline
I can't wait for x-sector's new stuff
So now we know who the top 5 are. All we have to guess is their placement. I'm going to say it's going to look something like this:
5. Schuessler
4. NeViS
3. SAC
2. Fatha
1. Joe Holland
I really don't know...I keep changing my mind... -
Blitz Offline
i think its more...I can't wait for x-sector's new stuff
So now we know who the top 5 are. All we have to guess is their placement. I'm going to say it's going to look something like this:
5. Schuessler
4. NeViS
3. SAC
2. Fatha
1. Joe Holland
I really don't know...I keep changing my mind...
5. Fatha
4. Schuessler
3. NeViS
2. Joe Holland
1. SAC
Sounds about right to me... -
BigFoot Offline
5. Fatha
4. SAC
3. Holland
2. NeViS
1. Schuessler
Though i'd switch 1 & 2 imo. Wait it is my opinion. oh well -
Themeparkmaster Offline
Nevis should really be No.1 in my opinion. At least when you think of how unbelievably influential he has been with hacking and helping NE become what it is today with UIX. Only time will tell...
I think LAA is ranked to high. -
natelox Offline
Well, number 7 in the greatest parkmakers of all time...i'm happyUpon thinking about it, it's hard to believe that I have accomplished this, being 7th greatest ever (well, here comes my 'blank number one thing). I have more stuff in the 'workshop' which hopefully you will all like, there is lots more to come
As for the rest of the list...I'm not sure about Nevis being in the top 5. Lack of work and poor archiecture (in UIX) would be enough for me to keep him out of that position. I do agree with the rest of the people that will be in the top 5 (well, the ones mentioned like Schuessler, Holland, Fatha, SAC) -
mantis Offline
I find it difficult to relate to some of the order...mainly because I wasn't around when people like LAA and Joe Holland were making waves. I can understand how they are regarded so highly though - having seen Sandia etc it's easy to see how they influenced much of the modern game.
I think it's great that people like X and Natelox are up there too - they've been around for so long and have inspired so many people that they must be two of the most famous members of the community.
LAA's parks are not some of my favourites, I have to admit. I like SFEC and Riverndale a lot, but the End of Times Thrillogy don't really appeal to me...especially Testament (even though I know it's one of iris's favourites...)
Now for the top 5I think it'll be between Nevis, Fatha', Schuessler, SAC and Hollan for the top spot. Don't you?!
spiderman Offline
I'd put Mala in top 5, and Nate in #5 or 6, I've been loving his recent work!
But yeah, for the most part I find this list to be accurate for my tastes as well. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I never liked Buster's parks, I thought they were really bad when they first came out but personal preference aside, he was definately a huge part of the community. Aside from his parks being ugly, another thing I don't like about Buster is that none of his hacks could be repeated by anyone else. Is there really anyone who made parks like Buster's? I don't think so and that limits his actual influence. So yeah I wouldn't have him in the top 10 but that's alright.
I've always liked LAA but I was never particularly fond of his parks. Of the Danimation parkmakers he's probably the one that influenced me the least because I never saw anything that I wanted to emulate. With LAA though his influence on others is certainly clear so I can understand him being here although I think I could name 50 parkmakers who I think are better than LAA. (I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel). He's a good guy though andwas an important part of the Danimation community.
I think Mala is the best parkmaker ever all around. The only reason I would pick a Joe Holland over Mala is because of influence but I really think Mala is the best parkmaker ever to play the game.
X-Sector and Natelox are certainly in the top 5 if we're talking about New Element alone. They are two of the most prolific parkmakers ever and their parks have gone a long way toward defining the "NE style" if there is such a thing. I think I may have ranked them slightly higher. -
Blitz Offline
I think Mala is the best parkmaker ever all around. The only reason I would pick a Joe Holland over Mala is because of influence but I really think Mala is the best parkmaker ever to play the game.
x-sector Offline
Wow number 8 I'm really happy.
great list can't wait to read the final five I'm not going to make a guess who it is as I don't have a clue. -
PyroPenguin Offline
I agree with Blitz's placements for the top 5. While Nevis defined NE Joe and SAC defined RCT. I would give SAC the spot over Joe though because he is still around today proving he is still one of the best with RCT2.
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