News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
John Offline
Being overly cocky and arrogant doesn't do too much for a reputation either.SAcoasterfreak, i relize that it isn't my place to choose the list but i don't think Butterfinger "Sucks" at RCT2. He's one of the better. His main problem was that too much of Euroscape was Architectured insted of landscaped. That was all really.
This is a very interesting read, definitely the best of the "Top 50" things you had posted iris. -
Butterfinger Offline
I am tired of all this cocky crap. I dont like a lot of my work, k? I didnt like how Euroscape or UCSR turned out. No matter how hard I try I always seem to rush my work in the end, and it turns out not looking like I wanted it to. It was Iris' decision to rate these parks of mine high, and it was the general public's decision to like them (well, you know, the half of the general public that DID like them). As for me, I am a member of the half that hates my work, ironic enough. Based on Iris' rating of my work however, my placing didnt seem to make sense. I didnt agree with how my parks have gone down on the current top 50 (parks). I have said that before, I am saying it now, and I mean it. If I cant ask a simple question without somehow getting that old accusition of cockiness thrown at me again, then just forget it. Or something.
Anyway, everyone who thinks I am still cocky........ well, all I can say is, I dissagree with you.
Then again, maybe everyone just says it to see me sufferPlease though, no one resume this 'debate'. You can take it somewhere else to flame me if you wish.
Everyone has to be influenced by someone or something. Most everyone anyway. To say your work is non-influenciential (However you spell that...) is like saying Joe Holland was never an influence at all. Legends could arguably be considered the first modern park. Most of todays parks' styles branched off of the begining parks of that period, most notably Legends. Once again though, I wasnt around then, so I may not know what I am talking about.If I am placed any higher than Joe Holland, I will be mad.. because If any one entity influenced this group of parkmaking more than any other, it was the united group known as the RCTKru. This would be a combo of Joe, LC, and I, sometimes LAA too.. Joe and LC, and GregM influenced my work greatly, so how can anybody say that I am an influence?
I sort of agree with you about Toon, but I think it would be more appropriate to see him rise more with time. RCT2 is still a fairly new game afterall.
Lets see, I am predicting Nevis to be #1. I will be quite surprised if he isnt...... -
BigFoot Offline
I liked Outer Banks much more.
I think you are cocky. You're allowed to be cocky though when you have something to back it up.
Or if you're me.
In any case, i agree, NeViS should be numero uno. -
natelox Offline
i really don't think nevis deserves to be number one. He is good, influenced many people, very creative, BUT, his archiecture in one of his two parks was horrible (UIX) and his lack of major work doesn't help. IMO, the number one position should be left blank, for there really is no number one parkmaker, but that's just my opinion. -
posix Offline
Butterfinger, you're cocky, live with it.
Can I ask you a favour though please?
Could you loose these ridiculously long paragraphs you use to do in your posts?
It's just that they are so horrible.
You know, normally, I'm not the kind of guy telling people how to post (seeing as I write in a different font than everyone else does. Oh crime!) but this is really ... I mean really really bad. Please think it over.
About SAC, I agree.
We may wonder who inspired JoeHolland now. And that mysterious guy must've been inspired by someone else as well. Wow. I wonder if the search for the most inspirational or most influential parkmaker will ever end.
EDIT (Due to Natelox posting while I did. (Damn you Natelox)): I think it's not really all about finding the best RCT player. We were talking about influence, you know. -
Butterfinger Offline
Well, I personally dont think Nevis is a #1, but I mean, based on the listing scale how can Iris NOT make him #1? His popularity is unmatched.
I like your blank spot idea though Nate, everyone would prolly have to be bumped back a spot though to fit everyone in. -
BigFoot Offline
edit: it was mantis.
But in other news, I though the architecture in UIX was perfect. Expecially for the theme of hte park, infact, imo, it couldn't have worked any other way.
And so that's that. -
mantis Offline
Wha? I must have missed something...edit: it was mantis.
And the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks, cos then whoever is #2 is obviously the best, and is therefore #1.
Meh, this is according to iris, and he MUST have a favourite parkmaker. Everyone does. People who say they don't are lying -
Micool Offline
Except me.Wha? I must have missed something...
And the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks, cos then whoever is #2 is obviously the best, and is therefore #1.
Meh, this is according to iris, and he MUST have a favourite parkmaker. Everyone does. People who say they don't are lying
And if you guys don't know already who is going to be #1, think about mantis' statement and take a wild guess. I could be wrong, of course, and therefore, I'll shaddup before I make a fool of myself. -
posix Offline
No. You're just to lazy to find out about your favourite.
Except me.Wha? I must have missed something...
And the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks, cos then whoever is #2 is obviously the best, and is therefore #1.
Meh, this is according to iris, and he MUST have a favourite parkmaker. Everyone does. People who say they don't are lying
And yes, I agree with mantis that the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks. -
KaiBueno Offline
The effort behind #2-49 is wasted if you don't list #1. A simple debate quite frankly.
I really don't see this happening, but...
Somehow, I could possibly see the good old 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 happening...
Kai -
mantis Offline
I don't get itAnd if you guys don't know already who is going to be #1, think about mantis' statement and take a wild guess. I could be wrong, of course, and therefore, I'll shaddup before I make a fool of myself.
Have I unintentionally hinted at something? Cos if I have then there's only a 1/10 chance i've hinted at the right person lmao.
Coaster Ed Offline
Joe's IOA came out a long time before Legends and I consider all of my work an evolution of that park. So that's why I would make him number one. He was the start of my influences and the start of a lot of other people's influences too. I didn't get into the online RCT community until September of 1999 though (though I did buy thegame as soon as it came out in April of that year) so I don't know what pre-dated that park. All I know is that when I started looking for parks that one was head and shoulders above everyone else. I think you could make a case for SACF being number one though because even if his influence doesn't go all the way back to the beginning, it may have been a bigger factor overall. None of Joe's solo parks were ever spotlights (although that's because he released some before there was a spotlight and Sandia Peaks never got released at all). As much as I love NeVis' work, I think there's a limit to his influence as well because RCT had already progressed a great deal and branched out in different directions before his impact was felt. I think whoever iris puts at number one though will probably be justifiable as that spot.
I agree with Micool though at least in the theoretical sense. The number one position is more than just a step above number two, it is symbolic. It is the ultimate status symbol. A number of people are all hovering around number one but because of the nature of influence it makes more sense to let them share the top shelf rather than trying to single out one as above all others. Still, this is a top 50 list so people expect to have a number one. And iris has said from the beginning that this is his list and his opinion. It's understandable that others have different opinions. -
Toon Offline
In terms of influence and who helped shape future parkmaking the most. I would say right now it is a toss up between SAC and Joe Holland. Tho I know SAC would say JH all the way. I think it is a case of the pupil surpassing the master in a lot of ways. However, there probably isn't a park made today that isn't influenced somewhat by JH's work whether the parkmaker knows about it or not. Even RCT2, with it's new detailed style is still an extension of the parks these two built. When I built Gila, I looked at JH's pueblos and envisioned what Joe could've done if he wasn't limited by the game he was playing, then tried to build onto his vision. Not being a huge RCT historian, I may not be the best to say, but JH probably is the most influential parkmaker ever. -
BigFoot Offline
I was referring to a comment i had previously made about the 'no number one' thing. I thought Natelox had said that 'that couldn't be true', but it was you.Wha? I must have missed something...
And the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks, cos then whoever is #2 is obviously the best, and is therefore #1.
Meh, this is according to iris, and he MUST have a favourite parkmaker. Everyone does. People who say they don't are lying
And I still disagree, as Ed said, the number one position is symbolic. -
natelox Offline
Well, I understand this is Iris' list and he will obviously do what he wants with it. But, if I made a list, i would leave the number one space blank. This would be done for a few reasons. First, it is naive to think that all the greatest parkmakers ever have surfaced. There is always someone better, always, and it's just a fact of life. Second, everyone has different oppinions as to who is better, meaning there is no such thing as the best parkmaker of all time. If i were number 2 (on a list with no number one) I wouldn't consider myself the best because there is no one above me, I would take it as i am one of the best (not that I am, that was just for an example). I guess i'm saying is that all of you who see it as "no number one? Then number two is the greatest" just don't understand. -
Evil WME Offline
you seriously don´t strike me as a smart person.Well, I understand this is Iris' list and he will obviously do what he wants with it. But, if I made a list, i would leave the number one space blank. This would be done for a few reasons. First, it is naive to think that all the greatest parkmakers ever have surfaced. There is always someone better, always, and it's just a fact of life. Second, everyone has different oppinions as to who is better, meaning there is no such thing as the best parkmaker of all time. If i were number 2 (on a list with no number one) I wouldn't consider myself the best because there is no one above me, I would take it as i am one of the best (not that I am, that was just for an example). I guess i'm saying is that all of you who see it as "no number one? Then number two is the greatest" just don't understand.
it took you a paragraph to explain that according to you there is no real #1.
and i sorta disagree too, iris can definitely have a favorite -
Micool Offline
You're right Posix, it's you
[font="tahoma"]No. You're just to lazy to find out about your favourite.
Except me.Wha? I must have missed something...
And the 'leave #1 blank' idea sucks, cos then whoever is #2 is obviously the best, and is therefore #1.
Meh, this is according to iris, and he MUST have a favourite parkmaker. Everyone does. People who say they don't are lying
If I personally had to choose a number one for this list, I'd probably freak out and have an ulcer or something, cause I really have no idea. I don't know who had major influence all-time, but think about this:
Is it possible that Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time? Of course. Many people make that argument, because he was a perfect player. But he wasn't around when the game started, or even alive, and he certainly wasn't as innovative as people like Dr. J, Kareem, etc., but he could be considered the greatest basketball "artist" there ever was.
So, even though people like JH, SAC, and such were around before, I'm going to throw all my previous thoughts away and take a stab at Kryptic Master taking the title.
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